Iodine and Heart Disease


This brief post by Dr. Sircus caught my attention because I have been addressing the importance of Iodin since I first began practicing 50 years ago. I’ve had the Iodine PatchTest on my website for nearly that long.  I first began recommending Edgar Cayce’s Atomidine and when the original formula was changed I went to Phil Thomas’s Detoxified Iodine which was Cayce’s original Atomidine.  I have used Lugol’s Solution invented in 1829 by the French physician Jean Guillaume Auguste Lugol as a cure for tuberculosis. It is a solution of elemental iodine (5%), potassium iodide (10%) and distilled water with great success and now I use MBI’s Biodine whose dose is just one drop daily along with the others as needed.

Iodine And Heart Health According to Dr. Stephen A. Hoption Cann, Department of Health Care and Epidemiology, University of British Columbia, iodine deficiency can have deleterious effects on the cardiovascular system, and correspondingly, a higher iodine intake may benefit cardiovascular function.Dr. Michael Donaldson says, “Iodine stabilizes the heart rhythm, lowers serum cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, and is known to make the blood thinner as well, judging by longer clotting times seen by clinicians. Iodine is not only good for the cardiovascular system, it is vital. Sufficient Iodine is needed for a stable rhythmic heartbeat. Iodine, directly or indirectly, can normalize serum cholesterol levels and normalize blood pressure. Iodine attaches to insulin receptors and improves glucose metabolism. Iodine and iodine-rich foods have long been used as a treatment for hypertension and cardiovascular disease; yet, modern randomized studies examining the effects of Iodine on cardiovascular disease have not been carried out


To your health,
Dr. Philip Princetta 

Supportive Intelligent Health Care!

The 2023 / 2024 Flu Nosode

The 2023 / 2024 Flu Nosode

Updated Flu Strains 2023-2024:
A/Victoria/4897/2022 (H1N1)*
A/Darwin/9/2021 (H3N2)
A/Wisconsin/67/2022 (H1N1)*
*New strains

Attached Below is the info for the 2023/2024 Flu Nosode

The strains for the Flu Nosode flu are determined by the WHO and change yearly.  Hence a new Nosode is made every year.As above, the attachment below also has a listing of this years strains as well as the dosing guidelines

As a Preventative:
 10-15 drops once weekly.

After Exposure: (you don’t have the flu but have been around someone who did)
 10-15 drops 1-3 x daily

Acute Dosing:— (you have the flu)
 10-15 drops every 15 minutes up to 3 hours.
Once Symptoms Improve: (mild to moderate dosage)
 10-15 drops every hour up to 8 hours.

NOTE: 2100 drops per bottle.  A good rule of thumb is on the same day of the
week, let’s say Sunday, do the preventative dosing–to hopefully ensure you won’t
get the flu to begin with.

NOTE: f you choose to get the flu vaccine, I would still use the Flu Nosode because it is non-toxic and “better safe than sorry”

Lastly, in the past the Nosode was available in mid-August.  It seems now the ingredients may be harder to come by making a release date sometime in early October.

It would be a good idea to pre-order now so when it is released I will know what I need.

Time To “Boot-Up Your Immune System

Time To Boot-Up Your Immune System

Even though we are in late August, and with the Flu and an upsurge in COVID on its way, now is the time to strengthen our immune systems.  Prepare ahead of time so you do not get sick rather than waiting until you are sick. There are many supplements I could recommend but to keep it simple here are my top picks: 

I use only the best of the best; for if the best does not work nothing else probably will! Most of my patients know these product but newer ones may not. If you have questions about any of these contact me and will will comfortably discuss.

  1. The Complete Thymic Formula  (see below)
  2. The Flu Nosode (available later than usual in early Oct)
  3. Beta 1,3 D Glucan 100mg ( best immune system modulator)
  4. K2 D3 5000 (Vit. D)
  5. Oregano Oil (Physicians Strength (strong antiviral)
  6. Vitamin C


1-800-556-5530 (Jill) OR

1-2 Captabs Once Daily (If sick can take as many as 6 per day although 1-2 daily should prevent major illnesses)    Most patients purchase the180 captab bottle!
Out of all the vitamin supplements I have recommended over the years, this particular one has been my flagship foundational supplement.   Created by Dr. Carson Burgstiner decades ago this product is unique because Dr, Burgstiner created a a patented Controlled Delivery System to maximize the absorption and assimilation
of nutrients, which are selectively delivered at the right time and place along the digestive tract. In effect, this technology gives the formula an “innate intelligence”, recognizing that fat soluble nutrients are optimally absorbed along a certain section of the digestive tract and water soluble nutrients along another thus guaranteeing each ingredient makes it through the cell membrane and into the cell.   The majority of my patients know this product well and have been using it for years   To order, call Jill at 1-800-556-5530. Leave a message and she will definitely call you back.
Additionally, I have negotiated with Logos to offer you a 5% discount on your order. In addition, you can receive an additional 10% by subscribing to receive the Complete Thymic Formula every 30, 60 or 90 days. Use the following link to access your discount or use the discount code PPP5 when you check out. 

NOTE: If you purchase products from this link, I may get a small affiliate fee which I use to help offset the cost of this email newsletter To your health,



​​I have been researching Cyplexinol for a while and now with additional research I am comfortable mentioning it to you.

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy  stimulates Growth Factors in high concentrations.  it triggers a recruits stem cell activation.

4-12 months is the recommended time to accrue bone rebuilding results

  • Some Bone Facts:
  • Bones loss is primarily caused by decrease in Estrogen
  • It takes years  / lifetime to develop
  • It has nothing to do with what you eat and all to do with what we ABSORB
  • Bone health has little to do with Bone Density

I still have faith in Magnifical ; Vit. D;  Magnesium (Re-Mag) and a touch of Calcium (Calphonite) ; Plant based Xylitol used in Europe;as well as Progesterone or DHEA to help regulate Estrogen.

Overall and in general I am not a fan of  Bisphosphonates  with exception to  HR positive HER 2 negative individuals using estrogen blockers as part of their treatment protocol.

And I must admit, none of my patients have ever had an outright bone fracture as  result of Osteoporosis.However, Platelet Rich Plasma, Stem Cell Growth and what triggers stem cell growth may be the next frontier in keeping bones healthy.. 

Please read a little bit on Cyplexinol and as always know that any product I recommend is the best on the planet. This applies to Cyplexinol and everything else originating from this office.

AND please pass this info onto others who are experiencing either Osteopenia and or Osteoporosis.For those who cannot make it in to  see me or  live in “my neighborhood”, I offer Zoom consultations


Stem Cell and Research Therapy—-Cyplexinol

Cyplexinol® is an all-natural stem cell signaling protein complex[,] which uniquely stimulates key pathways to help support your body’s ability to create new bone and cartilage tissue!

Cyplexinol®  is a natural BMP complex, which consists of a collagen fragment matrix with the BMPs and endogenous growth factors bound within and to the matrix.

Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), originally identified as osteoinductive components in extracts derived from bone, are now known to play important roles in a wide array of processes during formation and maintenance of various organs including bone, cartilage, muscle, kidney, and blood vessels.

Contact me for further information!

To your health,

The Spiritual Consequences of Alcohol Consumption

The Spiritual Consequences of Alcohol Consumption

Although it is mass-produced, mass promoted, legal, and ingested by a multitude of people all over the world, most people don’t ever consider or understand the spiritual consequences of drinking alcohol.

Let’s begin by taking a look at the etymology of the Word alcohol. Etymology means the root of the word… where it is derived from.

The word “Alcohol” comes from the Arabic “al-kuhl” which means “BODY EATING SPIRIT”, and gives root origins to the English term for “ghoul”. In Middle Eastern folklore, a “ghoul” is an evil demon thought to eat human bodies, either as stolen corpses or as children.

The words “alembic” and “alcohol”, both metaphors for aqua vitae or “life water” and “spirit”, often refer to a distilled liquid that came from magical explorations in Middle Eastern alchemy.

In the words of writer and health enthusiast, Jason Christoff :

“In alchemy, alcohol is used to extract the soul essence of an entity. Hence its’ use in extracting essences for essential oils, and the sterilization of medical instruments. By consuming alcohol into the body, it in effect extracts the very essence of the soul, allowing the body to be more susceptible to neighboring entities most of which are of low frequencies (why do you think we call certain alcoholic beverages “SPIRITS?”). That is why people who consume excessive amounts of alcohol often black out, not remembering what happened. This happens when the good soul (we were sent here with) leaves because the living conditions are too polluted and too traumatic to tolerate. The good soul jettisons the body, staying connected to a tether, and a dark entity takes the body for a joy ride around the block, often in a hedonistic and self-serving illogical rampage. Our bodies are cars for spirits. If one leaves, another can take the car for a ride. Essentially when someone goes dark after drinking alcohol or polluting themselves in many other ways, their body often becomes possessed by another entity.”

I became aware of this phenomenon years ago when I was given a spiritual vision. In this vision, I was transported as an observer above a popular bar and nightclub. Above the venue where a variety of ghoul-like entities. Inside the bar were people drinking alcohol, socializing, dancing, and so on. I watched as certain people became very drunk. I saw their souls, while connected through a thread, exited the body. I understood that the soul was leaving the body because of the great discomfort of being in a body highly intoxicated with alcohol. When the soul exited the body, other non-benevolent entities entered or latched on to their vacant shells. Once the entities took hold of the body, they used the body to play out all kinds of dark acts, such as violence, low-level sexual encounters, destructive behaviors, rape, and more.

Years later, while reading a book called Mans Eternal Quest, by Paramahansa Yogananda, this spiritual master clearly explained the exact same thing as I was shown in the vision.

I began to look back over my life and remember situations where I saw dark spirits hanging around people who had become very drunk. Let me elaborate a bit when I say I saw these entities … I have had the abilities of clairvoyance (the ability to perceive things beyond the natural range of the senses … which can include: ESP, extrasensory perception, sixth sense, psychic powers, second sight; telepathy, and more) , clairaudience ( the ability to perceive sounds or words from outside sources in the spirit world), and the experience of being a spiritual intuitive and empath since childhood. I have the ability to see energies and spiritual manifestations that most people don’t see. As I looked back over my life I could remember many incidents of encountering non-benevolent spirits in the presence of intoxicated individuals. I also have had experiences of looking into the eyes of a few people who were surely “possessed” by dark energies that were not their own.

I also remember a psychology course I once took. In part of this course, we studied advertising and the effects on humans. We looked at the advertising for alcohol. A master teacher of this subject illuminated the fact that most alcohol advertisements are embedded with hidden messages and images – not typically perceivable to the common sight, yet perceived through the subconscious. Knowing how powerful the subconscious is in our decision making, feelings, reactions, beliefs, etc., the slick sales teams of alcohol (as well as tobacco and other products) used this sinister technique to trick us into buying their products and joining the societal cult of mental apathy and cultural obedience. Many of these hidden messages and images were extremely sexual – working to influence some of the basest urges and primal nature of humans. Let this example bring you to a place of curiosity and questioning. Why have the marketing teams felt the need to trick us and coerce us through subliminal messages to buy products that are harmful to the human body and to our soul?

How many times have you or someone you know, after becoming quite intoxicated with alcohol, behaved in a manner uncommon to them? Perhaps you experienced the changing of voice, violence, sexual promiscuity, ingesting of harmful substances, destruction to property, conflictual behavior, and other negative expressions. Consider these experiences and ask yourself – is this the manifestation of light, love, and positivity? Do these occurrences represent a path of consciousness and health?

It is a known by many that ingesting alcohol depresses the nervous system, kills brain cells, is toxic to the liver, weakens the immune system, and has many other harmful effects. We are taught that long-term alcohol use can lead to unwanted weight gain, diseases of the liver, lowering of intelligence, and negative effects on hormones. Drinking alcohol while pregnant can lead to birth defects, mental retardation, and deformities in the developing fetus. Yet still, it is mass promoted and supported by our mainstream culture. Have you ever considered that alcohol is a slick tool of the supporters of the Matrix (global mind control and oppression program) to keep people on a path of disempowerment and sickness?

We have to ask why is alcohol legal throughout most of the world, yet in many countries, and specifically the United States, psychedelics are illegal. The conscious and safe use of psychedelics or “visionary medicines”are known to assist in mind expansion, to initiate spiritual experiences where people have communed with the divine, healed numerous physical and spiritual ailments, increase intelligence, help to re-pattern the brain in a positive way, assist people in aligning with their soul’s purpose, and have inspired many people to create great works of art and other innovative creations. It seems that these substances would definitely be banned and discouraged if there truly is an agenda seeking to oppress the human potential and keep us “in the dark” regarding who we are as spiritual beings, our innate potential, and the path to empowerment.

As we strive to heal, awaken, and transform our world – I pray that we wise up to the dirty trick played upon humanity in regards to alcohol. Non-benevolent forces have wanted to keep us oppressed, disempowered, and asleep.

How many of us have seen families broken and lives lost because of alcohol and alcoholism?

Do you think it makes us smarter or healthier or overall better people?

It’s time to change things.

Let’s stand behind replacing the rampant abuse of alcohol with more health enhancing practices and activities – and learn how to live awakened and empowered lives!

Before I close this writing, I want to share a little more about the history of the word alcohol. There have been some people who look into the etymology and discover this explanation –

“alcohol (n.) – 1540s (early 15c. as alcofol), “fine powder produced by sublimation,” from Medieval Latin alcohol “powdered ore of antimony,” from Arabic al-kuhul “kohl,” the fine metallic powder used to darken the eyelids, from kahala “to stain, paint.”

Paracelsus (1493-1541) used the word to refer to a fine powder but also a volatile liquid. By 1670s it was being used in English for “any sublimated substance, the pure spirit of anything,” including liquids. Sense of “intoxicating ingredient in strong liquor” is first recorded 1753, short for alcohol of wine, which was extended to “the intoxicating element in fermented liquors.” In organic chemistry, the word was extended 1850 to the class of compounds of the same type as this.”

Upon further research, we can find that in ancient Egypt, the eyes of both men and women were lined top and bottom with a thick black powder known as kohl, kajal, or mesdemet. The outlined eye resembled the almond-shaped eye of the falcon god Horus observed in the Eye of Horus glyph. It was believed that this shape invoked the god´s protection and warded off evil spirits.

Yet if one were to dig deeper, as a true scientist, researcher, or truth seeker does, you will also discover these interesting facts…

  1. Dr. Rachel Hajar, an accomplished modern-day editor, author and medical advisor, while researching an article on alcohol for her online medical journal, found additional meanings in ancient Arabic texts;
  2. Al kol: Genie or spirit that takes on varied shapes or a supernatural creature in Arabic mythology.
  3. Al kol: Any drug or substance that takes away the mind or covers it.”
  4. The word alcohol is also linked to the fixed star in astronomy known as Algol- also known as “the Demon’s head.”
  5. The current Arabic name for alcohol (ethanol) is الغول al-ġawl – properly meaning “spirit” or “demon”.

It is not a coincidence that alcohol has often been referred to as spirits. There is a deep history behind this intoxicating substance. There are layers of information throughout our culture, sometimes we have to look below the surface of things to find the fullness of truth. I encourage you to deeply consider the information shared here, look at the effects of alcohol in your life, in the lives of the people you know, and in society at large. Make conscious, informed, and health enhancing decisions. The more people who awaken to truth and seek health and liberation from mind control agendas, the more likely we are to make positive changes and co-create a world we feel good about living in.

Surprising Facts about our Dental Health

Surprising Facts about our Dental Health

This link Root Canal Teeth and How to Treat Them is from a Dr. Mercola fact checked article and it includes an excellent video from Dr. Val Kanter plus other links with excellent educational information about root canals.

I was first introduced to Biological Dentistry back in 1984 when I traveled to Baden Baden Germany to study homeopathic treatments using computer programs. I was amazed such a field existed to begin with and even more amazed the Germans and Russians knew about the connection teeth had to the biological health of the entire body since the late 1800’s yet I never knew of its existence here in the states.

My studies continued way past 1984 and I had and have been fortunate enough to associate with some of the world’s top Biological Dentists including the Father of Biological Dentistry which was the late Hal Huggins and with Dr. Javier Morales here in Tijuana who was considered by Dr. Huggins to be his #1 protege

In 1939 Weston Price DDS one of the most famous dentist in history (that many dentist today never heard of) published Nutrition and Physical Degeneration . The book concludes that aspects of a modern Western diet (particularly flour, sugar, and modern processed vegetable fats) cause nutritional deficiencies that are a cause of many dental issues and health problems. The dental issues he observed include the proper development of the facial structure (to avoid overcrowding of the teeth) in addition to dental caries. This work received mixed reviews, and continues to be cited today by proponents of many different theories, including controversial dental and nutritional theories. Historically, our diets support healthy bacteria—that changed with the introduction grains, refined sugars, and processed foods.

New Root Canal Procedures:

  • Cone Beam CT scan used to rule out root canal failures with100% success
  • Bite Wing X-Rays do not show root tips
  • Cone Beam CT verifies there are over three miles of canals per tooth–making root canals 80-90% ineffective because there are so many canals making it impossible to fill all of them
  • LightWalker Laser in two wavelengths now being used by educated Endodontists to do root canal procedures
  • New methods to disinfect the numerous canals in a tooth such as flushing canals with Ozonated Water

New Root Canal Facts:

  • Failed root canals associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Due to Strep Mutans, Rheumatoid Arthritis is synonymous with dental issues, dental infections, periodontal disease
  • Lyme Disease microbes hide in the canals of tooth root
  • Failed Root Canal cannot be saved–must be extracted

In this post, I am going to use bullet points as there is so much to consider when it comes to our teeth

  • In 1839 dentistry and medicine officially split went separate ways
  • Charles Mayo was first to talk about Oral health in 1916
  • Once there is pain in the mouth you are in trouble
  • Silver fillings are 52% mercury; 26% silver; 22% other
  • Amalgams are antimicrobial because of the silver and zinc-
  • The oral cavity is the first place the outside world is being sampled by our immune system
  • 800 species of organisms are in the mouth
  • We swallow 1 trillion bacteria per day
  • Mouth is gateway to inflammation
  • Focal Infection theory from mouth is 100 years old
  • 7 out of 10 Inflammatory Chronic diseases are cause by oral microbes
  • Time Magazine 2004—Inflammation caused by mouth
  • Bad bacteria only make up 1% of the total population of the mouth—but when out of balance can wreak havoc
  • A healthy heart is not bacteria free
  • Heart Disease caused by gum disease has been known for over 3-4 decades
  • Oral Microbes Heart Valve Infection —there are few defense mechanisms in heart
  • Plaque in coronary arteries is loaded with Strep Mutans
  • Infection in Jaw due to failed root canals cause 80% of Coronary Artery Disease
  • Strep Mutans #1 cause of cavities because it makes lactic acid which breaks down enamel by turning sugar into acid
  • Bad bacteria thrive in an acid environment
  • Stomach acid (HCL) neutralizes bad bugs—low stomach acid causes bad bugs to proliferate into the GI tract
  • Fusarium in mouth is found in colon-rectal cancer whereas it should have been killed by stomach acid
  • Many oral bacteria are in Gut & Stool all stemming from inflammation
  • Diabetes begins in the mouth
  • Oral Microbiome is responsible for our teeth and gums
  • Oral microbiome imbalance linked to diabetes, cancer & Alzheimer’s
  • Dysbiosis in mouth—Microbiome out of balance
  • Most oral cancers are discovered at Stage 3
  • Salivary diagnosis
  • Bacteria runs us—we do not run them
  • Good commensurable bacteria is there to help us—make neurotransmitter
  • Bacteria in back of mouth controls Nitric Oxide—Nitrates in food
  • Biofilm is protective plaque on tooth; slimy layer —first in line to protect tooth Gram +
  • Gram – (Anaerobic Plaque = cavities
  • Bacteria in plaque excrete toxins that travel throughout the body getting into heart and brain
  • Large Tongue = Enlarged Thyroid
  • APOE 4 + MTHFR are poor detoxifies
  • Bacteria Adapt
  • Periodontal ligament provides 70% of blood flow to jaw bone
  • With age, we get what they call “long in the tooth” meaning exposed gums
  • Xerostomia (Dry mouth) is the # 1 cause of cavities
  • Saliva which contains protein & enzymes making it the “Guardians At the Gate
  • Dry mouth is an acidic mouth
  • Saliva is neutral but leans slightly alkaline
  • 600 ml saliva a day (can of soda)
  • Antibodies meaning a lot of Mutans present requiring antibiotic
  • Peri-Implantitis prevented by Osteo-integrative implants Zirconia
  • Sealor soft tissue pockets around implant post are most damp and dark (Dr. Curatola)
  • Our lifestyles kill off good bacteria
  • Gum Disease has 3 culprits: Prevotella Intermedia; Treponema Denticola & Porphymonas Gingivalis
  • Strep Mutans caused by dysbiosis imbalance
  • Floss good to make gram + positive bacteria
  • Vitamin D deficiency partners w Vitamin D is K2  (Osteocalcin)
  • Gingivitis = bleeding gums
  • Deep pockets, low oxygen, inflammatory sites
  • Warm moist low O2
  • Type II Diabetes
  • Gingivitis—Periodontitis—Xerostomia
  • Saliva cleanses teeth feeds & brings food to the good bacteria
  • Mouth breathing dries up Saliva
  • Platelet Rich Fibrin tricks the body into healing itself
  • The European model of Biologic Dentistry includes materials  for root cause
  • Laser technology replacing drilling
  • Tooth decay caused by bad bacteria
  • Endodontics—inside of tooth
  • Anaerobic Gram Negative bacteria are a problem
  • Dental Pulp is like a sponge
  • Cold indicates pulp is still alive and vital—but not how healthy it is
  • Remove infected dentin—big on tiny exposure
  • Periodontal Ligament holds tooth in place
  • Apicoectomy removes bone infection
  • Bio ceramic materials
  • PRF Platelet Rich Fibrin or Plasma (Dr. Rick Meiron)
  • Gum & Bone have high blood flow
  • The biofilm bacteria above and below gum line
  • Strep Mutans Porophymorphic gingivitis
  • Intra Oral Transfers—optical impressions that are perfect
  • New implant technology
  • Blood test for heavy metal toxicity are only accurate in acute cases while hair analysis only shows the last two months
  • Provocative Challenge is EDTA/Urine
  • Bite Wing X-Rays do not show root tips
  • Rheumatoid  Arthritis synonymous w dental issues, dental infections, periodontal (bone) issues
  • Periodontitis is bone while Gingivitis is gums


Men Urinary Bladder Flow- Prostate Health

Men’s Urinary Bladder Flow and Prostate Health

As we get get older our flow from the bladder seems to lessen quite a bit. Most men will say when younger, their stream could put out a fire a mile away. Often when a patient uses the rest room in my office, I noticed two things:

  • it takes a few minutes to “start the flow”
  • Once started, the flow does not sound strong

This immediately causes me to mention bladder, urinary tract and prostate health to these men and at times force a conversation about the bladder, bladder stones, Candida/Yeast and Prostate Health & Cancer

Many guys have already been prescribed Flomax, also known by its generic name Tamsulosin, (an alpha-adrenergic blocker). It’s approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to help improve urine flow in men who have benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

I have been in practice for 43 years and probably for about 40 of those years, I recommend Small Flowered Willow Herb Tea to help with the urinary flow in males and even at times females. I ask the patient to brew the tea and drink 1-2 cups daily on an on/off basis for the rest of their lives. Usually but not always, I start this request around the age of 45 and very rarely do I encounter resistance. One would think a man would be hesitant to brew a tea but surprisingly, they do it without issue. Why? Because they can tell the difference once they start using it!

Over the past few years the tea is available in concentrated drop form and here I recommend one dropperful morning and evening. Some men do both.

I have a fairly good record using Willow Flower. Does it work with every single male? Probably not as we all have our own unique extenuating circumstances. BUT it certainly cannot hurt to use it


We will now broach the subject of Yeast/Candida that can be transmitted in various ways most commonly from sexual relations. Yeast likes to grow in dark damp places such as the area where the prostate gland and bladder are “hiding” I believe it to be a major player in causing but not the cause of Prostate Cancer. A male can smell candida the minute he makes his move to urinate “it stinks down there”. There are women whom have said they can smell their husbands genitals as soon as they walk in the door—this “fishy” odor in both sexes is attributed to Yeast/Candida


I treat this issue using Bicarbonate of Soda aka Baking Soda. Usually but not always 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon diluted in 8-10 ounces of water 1-3 x daily depending on the uniqueness of the situation.

The Tiny Prostate Gland:

The prostate’s most important function is the production of a fluid that, together with sperm cells from the testicles and fluids from other glands, makes up semen. The muscles of the prostate also ensure that the semen is forcefully pressed into the urethra and then expelled outwards during ejaculation.

As we get older, all this sperm cells, fluid, semen etc. does lose some of its importance but should still function somewhat.

What is Benign Prostactic Hyperplasia?

Benign Prostactic Hyperplasia (BPH) is the enlargement of the prostate gland and is common as men get older. An enlarged prostate gland can cause uncomfortable urinary symptoms, such as blocking the flow of urine out of the bladder. It can also cause urinary tract infections and or kidney problems or both. In some instances men will sit on the toilet for a very long time trying to urinate but to no avail.

In very bad cases TURP Surgery which is a Trans Urethral Resection of the Prostate will be recommended. There is a 50/50 chance of working; it may not work forever; but in most cases worth the try. TURP surgery is considered major surgery.

Prostate Cancer:

When doing autopsies on young men killed during the Vietnam War, doctors noticed that many of them had prostate cancer cells in their prostate at a very young age. However, prostate cancer is very slow moving and had they not died during the war, they would not know they had prostate cancer until much later on in life.

This tiny gland the size of a walnut can reap havoc for men as they enter their golden years of life. Science does not yet know the cause.

Best Medical Treatment Today:

The best medical treatment so far and depending on the often inaccurate PSA and Gleason score is the PSMA-PET-CT Scan that can detect prostate cancer metastases with high sensitivity and specificity. For actual treatment, the External Beam Radiation Therapy (EBRT) with high dose rate (HDR) Brachytherapy boost procedure seems to be the best science has to offer at this time. This is a different treatment than low-dose rate Brachytherapy (with radioactive seeds). The challenge is finding the right doctors who know how to apply these advanced therapies.

This leads us to the question and the purpose of this post which is “what can we do NOW to avoid this in the future?


Amygdalin is a compound found in the pits or seeds of apricots, apples, peaches, plums, red cherries, and other fruits. It’s also in bitter almonds. A partly man-made, purified form of amygdalin, known as Laetrile, was patented in the 1950s and became a popular alternative cancer treatment during the 1960s and ’70s. It’s now banned by the FDA and hasn’t been available in the U.S. since 1980.

I use 1-3 products formulated by Apricot Power to support prostate health without or with cancer. And this is another product whose usage varies dependent on the condition but as far a I am concerned there is enough data out there to warrant the use of them

This leads us to the question and the purpose of this post which is “what can we do NOW to avoid this in the future?

  • Willow Flower Tea especially beginning after age 45
  • Keep an eye on the Yeast/Candida Overgrowth by taking the Bicarbonate 2 months on 3 months off
  • Apricot seeds in the form of the seeds themselves or in Apricot Power Amygdalin B17 100/500mg; and Apricot Power TMG B15 (also known as non-toxic pangamic acid)
  • Plenty of Good Quality Alkaline Water or Slightly Alkaline Water
  • Avoid Coffee, Tea even decaffeinated
  • Be very careful with ALCOHOL
  • Limit Spicy Foods

Will these things work? Let’s hope so. If we do get or succumb to Prostate Cancer, at least we did our best to avoid it!!!

Please contact me for information on how to order these products and for the ton of other information I have on this subject.

Astaxanthin–Powerhouse Antioxidant

Astaxanthin–Powerhouse Antioxidant

Astaxanthin-The Powerhouse Antioxidant

19 Known Medical Benefits of Astaxanthin

Astaxanthin Shown to Slow Brain Aging

I have recommended Astaxanthin for many years before it gained its notoriety as it has now. Natural astaxanthin is the most powerful antioxidant known to science, and has the ability to optimize the health and radiance of the skin by providing protection and support to all layers.

Astaxanthin is the most powerful of over 600 different types of Carotenoids which are pigments in plants, algae, and photosynthetic bacteria. These pigments produce the bright yellow, red, and orange colors in plants, vegetables, and fruits; and are responsible for the “pinkish” color of both shrimp and salmon

I initially recommended it for brain health in my effort to ward off Alzheimer Dementia years before the symptoms may appear. Now it is recommended for a host of other health issues including reducing the cytokine storm that had once resulted from COVID,

There are over 114,000 articles about Astaxanthin on PubMed–the go to site comprising of more than 32 million citations for biomedical literature life science journals, and online books.

I do not use Mercola’s brand of Astaxanthin but have nothing against it. I use a brand from Allergy Research mostly because of the source of the ingredients(AstaZine), the delivery system and the cost of the product itself. Either way, Astaxanthin should be on your list of what I call the “dailies”—supplements you should consider taking every day

I am currently doing a study on Ascorbate Acids role in balancing the neurotransmitters in the brain which I will pass over to you once it is done and I am satisfied with the results. This will be a part of a new website titled Strategic Supplementation which God willing,  I  plan to launch in 2021.


The Truth about Watermelons…and Benefits

By: Catherine Ebeling 

Nothing says “Summer” better than a cool, refreshing, sweet, juicy, delicious slice of ripe watermelon—no matter what time of year it is. But I often hear cautions on eating watermelon—that it is high glycemic, full of sugar, mostly water, not very nutritious, etc.

NOTE: While watermelon does contain fruit sugar —fructose — like all other fruits, it is nearly 92 percent water. Just because it tastes sweet does not make it high in sugar. … This term, called glycemic load, is very low for watermelon — meaning that blood sugar is not changing much after eating it-but for diabetics, don’t overdo it!

Right? Or wrong?

While watermelons are mostly water—90% or so, they are also full of vitamins A, B6, C, lycopene, antioxidants and minerals. Remember hearing about the lycopene in tomatoes? Watermelon, another red-colored fruit, is FULL of this powerful phytonutrient! In fact, watermelon has some of the highest levels of lycopene of all fruits and veggies. Just one cup of watermelon has 1 and a half times the lycopene of a large fresh tomato. And who eats just one cup of watermelon? I know I don’t!

Because watermelon is one of the best sources of lycopene with more than 6,500 micrograms in less than half a cup, you are getting an army’s worth of inflammation-fighting antioxidant activity! Lycopene from the red flesh of watermelon is very stable, even after the watermelon has been cut and stored in the refrigerator. Lycopene is thought to be even more powerful than its other orange/red colored ally, beta carotene—found in red and orange fruits and veggies.

Cardiovascular Benefits

Lycopene is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, valued for its role in protecting the cardiovascular system, bone health, and preventing cancer. Along with lycopene, watermelons contain another powerful phytochemical, citrulline, an amino acid. Citrulline gets converted into another important chemical in the body, arginine, or L-arginine. Arginine is used to create nitric oxide, which has powerful benefits on the heart and blood vessels. NO can actually cause blood vessels to relax and open up, lowering blood pressure and helping the body carry more oxygen to parts of the body where it is needed–like muscles, your heart and your brain. A study from Florida State University found that watermelon could make a significant difference in lowering blood pressure–especially in overweight people, by relaxing the blood vessel walls.

Citrulline, when it converts into arginine, can also help prevent excess accumulation of fat in fat cells, because it blocks an enzyme that stores this fat. And because citrulline is a precursor to nitric oxide, it can also help improve erectile dysfunction in men, in a similar way that Viagra works—although you would have to quite a bit of watermelon to get the same effect as Viagra.

As you can see in this article, watermelons are on the list of foods that beat statins for heart health!

It’s All About the Lycopene

Carotenoids are powerful antioxidants, capable of destroying free radicals which attack our bodies and can contribute to chronic disease and aging. In one study of 13,000 adult Americans, low levels of carotenoids were a key predictor of early death. Especially low blood levels of lycopene! Lycopene protects our cardiovascular system, the male reproductive system, and in the skin, it protects and prevents UV damage from the sun.

Several studies have been conducted showing the strong link between levels of lycopene and heart disease. Analyses from the Physicians Health Study showed a 39% decrease in stroke risk in men with the highest blood levels of lycopene. Another study in Finland following 1,000 men for 12 years has had similar results as well.

Lycopene is also responsible for limiting the enzyme responsible for making cholesterol, so eating foods with more lycopene also helps to reduce cholesterol—specifically, LDL cholesterol.

Anti-Cancer Power

Lycopene is a life-saver in more ways than one! Besides its cardiovascular benefits, lycopene’s antioxidant power extends to anti-cancer effects as well. A 2014 meta-analysis of 10 studies shows dietary lycopene to be protective against ovarian cancers, as well as brain tumors and breast tumors.

And of course, we know about lycopene’s value in fighting prostate cancer. In several studies, higher intakes of foods containing lycopene and a higher serum or plasma concentration of lycopene was associated with a very significant decreased risk of prostate cancer—especially the more lethal kind of prostate cancer. When researchers studied only the men who had had at least one high risk PSA test, the subjects had a 50% decreased risk of lethal prostate cancer.

“Based on these results, we hypothesize that the consumption of a diet rich in lycopene-containing foods reduces the aggressive potential of prostate cancer by inhibiting the neoangiogenesis that occurs in tumor development,” Dr. Giovannucci’s team reported online ahead of print in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.”

Other studies have shown lycopene’s powerful cancer fighting ability effective against lung cancer, esophageal, stomach, pancreatic, colorectal, and cervical cancers as well.

Extremely Good for Rehydration

Watermelons get their name because they are over 90% water, and that water is full of electrolytes and potassium which helps you stay hydrated or to rehydrate. The perfect fruit to eat on hot summer days, or after a hard, sweaty workout! And that delicious juice can also help prevent muscle soreness—especially if you have watermelon before your intense workout.

It’s Not Just the Red Part

While most of us only eat the juicy red flesh of the watermelon, the whole thing is actually edible and chock full of nutrients! From the red center to the stem end, and also the blossom end–including the white part near the rind–are a plethora of impressive antioxidants, flavonoids, lycopene, and vitamin C. Even the green rind is full of nutrients. The rind is full of chlorophyll, and contains even more citrulline than the red flesh. Try throwing your watermelon rinds into the blender with fresh squeezed lime juice for a healthy slushy treat.

It is still best, however, to pick ripest, reddest watermelon you can find. Lycopene content continues to increase all the way up until the time the watermelon is at its reddest and ripest.

And don’t spit out those seeds, unless you are in a watermelon seed-spitting contest! The black watermelon seeds are not only edible, but actually extremely good for you. They are full of iron, zinc, fiber and protein. Seedless watermelons are ok to eat too—they are not genetically modified, only hybrid forms of watermelon bred especially for their no-seed content.

Watermelons also are rich in anti-inflammatory substances including cucurbitacin E, triterpenoid which help to block the pain and inflammation of certain enzymes, in a similar fashion as NSAID’s like ibuprofen and aspirin.

While being very low in calories (only about 46 calories in a cup), watermelon also contains an impressive variety of other important essential nutrients including:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B6
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium

The Age-Old Question—How Do You Pick the Perfect Watermelon?

It can be a huge gamble finding the perfect, red, sweet watermelon. But—if you know what to look for, there is a real method to finding the best one. Look on the underside of the watermelon for a pale, butter-colored yellow spot—not white or green. This is one of the best indicators of the ripeness of the watermelon. Also pick up a few and choose the one that is heaviest for its size. Many people ‘thump’ the watermelon to check its ripeness too—listen for the best hollow bass sound.

Be aware that watermelons do contain a reasonable quantity of fructose, so be mindful of your sugar intake, and eat watermelon in moderation.  With that said, because watermelons are so filling, and have both high water content AND high fiber content, the old myth that watermelons are high glycemic is not entirely true… This is because the “glycemic load” of a watermelon is actually fairly low since it’s nearly impossible to overeat large quantities of a food that is as filling as watermelon

The Secret of Healing is the Power of Belief

The Secret of Healing is  the Power of Belief

Proof is in Bible Quotes—Positive Affirmations of Faith

“All things are possible to him that believeth.”   (Mark 9:23)

“Be not faithless, but believing”   (John 20:27)

“And these signs shall accompany them that believe; in My name shall they cast out demons; they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.”   (Mark 16:17, 18)

I believe; help Thou, my unbelief”   Mark (9:24)

Positive Affirmation:

“Yes, Source and Maker, I believe You can and will heal any person upon whom I lay my hands”

Negative Affirmation:

Sick folks have faith and plenty of it—but in the wrong way.  Your attention is your faith.  Whatever gets your attention, you have faith in.  Whatever you expect and prepare for, you have faith in.

Some facts about Faith:

Words of faith can be creating, or dissolving, according to whatever one has faith in.

The power of faith has equal authority to destroy one’s health, if used destructively as do words of faith that create a and build up one’s health

A person who is sick and attending a healing circle to receive healing prayers will get not better if he keeps talking about his ill health and listens to descriptions of ill health problems enjoyed” by a neurotic neighbor. Through that person’s faith and attention to ill health, he keeps it manifesting.  His faith is indeed an irrepressible force, but for illness instead of wholeness.