Iodine and Heart Disease


This brief post by Dr. Sircus caught my attention because I have been addressing the importance of Iodin since I first began practicing 50 years ago. I’ve had the Iodine PatchTest on my website for nearly that long.  I first began recommending Edgar Cayce’s Atomidine and when the original formula was changed I went to Phil Thomas’s Detoxified Iodine which was Cayce’s original Atomidine.  I have used Lugol’s Solution invented in 1829 by the French physician Jean Guillaume Auguste Lugol as a cure for tuberculosis. It is a solution of elemental iodine (5%), potassium iodide (10%) and distilled water with great success and now I use MBI’s Biodine whose dose is just one drop daily along with the others as needed.

Iodine And Heart Health According to Dr. Stephen A. Hoption Cann, Department of Health Care and Epidemiology, University of British Columbia, iodine deficiency can have deleterious effects on the cardiovascular system, and correspondingly, a higher iodine intake may benefit cardiovascular function.Dr. Michael Donaldson says, “Iodine stabilizes the heart rhythm, lowers serum cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, and is known to make the blood thinner as well, judging by longer clotting times seen by clinicians. Iodine is not only good for the cardiovascular system, it is vital. Sufficient Iodine is needed for a stable rhythmic heartbeat. Iodine, directly or indirectly, can normalize serum cholesterol levels and normalize blood pressure. Iodine attaches to insulin receptors and improves glucose metabolism. Iodine and iodine-rich foods have long been used as a treatment for hypertension and cardiovascular disease; yet, modern randomized studies examining the effects of Iodine on cardiovascular disease have not been carried out


To your health,
Dr. Philip Princetta 

Supportive Intelligent Health Care!

Dr. P’s COVID Protocol Impressions

Dr. P’s COVID Impressions

Although we now have parts of and in some cases all of some form of vaccine, I am asking my patients and all others who may read this put to Not Let Their Guard  Down!  Due Diligence is imperative in times such as these and when dealing with a virus that has the propensity to create many variants

With so much information regarding protocols for COVID, I though I would at least put all my emails along with various articles which I felt had merit and worth into one post on my website. All articles/links a have indeed been Fact Checked.

Let me make it crystal clear that One Size Does Not Fit All !

So here goes my take

Dr. P’s Humidifier Technique                                                

  • Cool Mist Humidifier (Walmart $50-)                                  
  • 1 Gallon Distilled Water (Must be Distilled)                        
  • 1 Quart Hydrogen Peroxide                                                   
  • 18-20 Drops Oregano Oil                                                        
  • 1 Tablespoon of Silver 500   

NOTE:  I recommend always to have the following on hand just in case as this is my go to for many conditions but especially pneumonia

  • A Nebulizer
  • Mild Silver Protein
  • DMSO or Albuterol

 Curing Viruses with Hydrogen Peroxide Can a simple therapy stop the pandemic? Commentary by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD

Dr. David Brownstein Discusses Nebulized Peroxide

MASKS: I do believe in Masks. I recommend a light spray of Oregano Essential Oil or my very favorite Thieves on the actual Mask enabling me to inhale these excellent antimicrobial oils and further protect myself whenever I put the mask(s) on!

ApHinity Clean Air Products

Chlorine Dioxide has been used for years to kill airborne pathogens –this now includes the COVID 19. I use them at home, at my office and at the hotel in Atlanta.
This makes the Aphinity product  worth looking into.  You can call the office and ask questions but they will refer you to Steve who is an encyclopaedia how these work.

I do know that one packet is good for 5-600 sq. ft and may last up to two months–Check with Steve, he will provide good sound advise

Basic Immune Protocol

Beta 1,3 D Glucan 100/500

The most studied immune system modulator in the world.  Available in 100mg which I recommend for children; and 500mg for adults at a dosage of one capsule per day

You Tube Transfer Point Beta 1,3 D Glucan

Beta Glucan and Cancer Dr. Vaclav Vetvicka


6,000 times stronger than vitamin C (more electrons to donate)
• 800 times stronger than CoQ10 
• 550 times stronger than green tea catechins (strongest of all catechins)
• 75 times stronger than alpha lipoic acid 

19 Known Medical Benefits of Astaxanthin

Astaxanthin Helps Alleviate Corona Cytokine Storm

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)

This Mercola / Dr. Seheult article/video on NAC is worth having a look at. Way before COVID 19, I have recommended NAC for many patients. I myself take one per day for lung/pulmonary support even though it does not appear that I have any issues there. NAC is also a precursor to Glutathione and Glutathione is the body’s “top cream of the crop” # 1 Antioxidant having a direct effect on everything in our bodies


Vitamin D (K2 D3 5000) or (Vitamin D3 Complete 5000)

At the forefront of the COVID pandemic from its very onset,  is Vitamin D and how its receptor sites are imperative in strengthening our immune system.  All Vitamin  D products are not the same so be careful to purchase only the best.  Remember Vitamin D without Vitamin K is useless

NOTE: I am a firm believer in a blood test to determine Vitamin D levels. A test such as this will determine the dosage. If your doctor will not order for you, contact me and I will send you a requisition for LabCorp.

Vitamin D and Immune Function

Gut Health Disease _ Vitamin D

Detoxified Iodine

Edgar Cayce’s Detoxified Iodine is just what it says it is which is Iodine that has been Detoxified

For this product, I recommend 6 drops in mouth; swish around; gargle and swallow.  Once or twice a day seems to work—just to keep the throat and tonsillar area free of bacteria and virus that should not be there

  • Zinc Glycinate (optional)
  • Liquid or Liposomal Vitamin C
  • Quercetin (Reg. / Phytosome) 

Zinc Glycinate or Picolinate

The trace mineral Zinc has become important in the fight against COVID-19. The reason why I am cautious with Zinc is that  it is possible to get too much zinc, which can actually depress your immune system and negatively affect your health. 

I therefore recommend using Zinc one or two weeks per month.

Standard Process Labs has had a test to determine if you need Zinc for well over 60 years

Vitamin C:

Enough cannot be said about Vitamin C when it comes to Immune System overall health.  Linus Pauling is the only person holding not one but two Nobel Peace Prizes for his work on the benefits of Vitamin C

I use  two different varieties of Vitamin C and as with Vitamin B,, I like my patients to use smaller  dosages through the day

  • Liposomal (from France)
  • Powder Vitamin C  (from Israel)


Although a Flavonoid and an excellent one at that.  I do not use Quercetin in my COVID Protocol basically because  I feel it is not necessary and “enough is enough:


Nano Soma

NANO SOMA is made from all natural, food-based ingredients and has no known side effects. It is commonly called policosanol and is present in foods such as rice, sugar cane, wheat, and peanuts.

Nano Soma work specifically with the Vitamin D receptors in the body and also teaches the body how to make its own Vitamin C which humans were capable of doing at one time

Nano Soma in vitro Inhibits SARS- COV-2

The following two items are pharmaceutical based and have held my interest since day one.  Both are anti-parasitic; both are used for Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus and both MAY have an enormously positive effects on COVID with minor side effects if any.

NOTE: Quinine is a Zinc Ionophore, British Soldiers stationed in India & Africa were told to take Quinine to prevent Malaria. However, Quinine is extremely bitter so they had to add fruited water and sugar to take it. Hence the expression “Just s little bit of sugar makes the medicine go down” Ultimately the British government gave permission to add 1 teaspoon of gin to the quinine and the Gin & Tonic was born. Tonic by the way is composed of Quinine, Fruited Water and Sugar!

I again end with the paragraph at the beginning which states

Although we now have parts of and in some cases all of some form of “vaccine”, I am asking my patients and all others who may read this put to Not Let Their Guard Down! Due Diligence is imperative in times such as these and when dealing with a virus that has the propensity to create many Variants

Should you want information on any of these recommendation or even better, a discussion about any of them, please email or call me at 619-231-1778

Breast Cancer Info & Links

I have so much to say regarding Iodine and Breast I thought I would send yet another e-mail to emphasize the importance of preventing breast cancer at all cost. This e-mail has just one attachment and five excellent links

As most of you already know I do all I can help my females understand Breast Cancer which includes shoving Iodine down their throats as well as strongly recommending  the Breast Study Saliva Test for Hormones every 2-3 years.  Iodine decreases the ability of estrogen to adhere to estrogen receptors in the breast

Theoretically we all should get our nutrients from food.  Seaweeds have the highest Iodine content but unlike the Japanese, American do not eat seaweeds such as Nori, Wakame, Kombu or Dulse. I am attaching a list of foods high in Iodine to this e-mail

Because you cannot depend on diet alone to provide Iodine, I use two of the best products available.

1. Edgar Cayce Detoxified Iodine:  2-4 drops in water once or twice daily ( many of you already use this)

2. Iodoral 12.5 mg:  1 per day x 3 weeks then 1 tab 3x weekly–decreasing gradually

Additionally, I have been recommending the  Iodine Patch Test and the Betadine Douche (which in and by itself decongests congested breasts), since the beginning of time.

Here is link from Christiane Northrup whom I have known since her days at  Philadelphia Methodist Hospital (now Jefferson’s Methodist Hospital).

Also, here is a list of published articles from Dr. Guy Abraham—the master researcher for Iodine /Breast

Also here is a link to the Iodine Project which is nothing short of spectacular.

Being a proponent of Thermography examination of the breast, here is an article about

The Hidden Dangers’ of Mammograms Every Woman Should Know About”

Please do me a huge favor by passing on this information to everyone you know even though you may think they are not the type to be interested,– you never know…