Surprising Facts about our Dental Health

Surprising Facts about our Dental Health

This link Root Canal Teeth and How to Treat Them is from a Dr. Mercola fact checked article and it includes an excellent video from Dr. Val Kanter plus other links with excellent educational information about root canals.

I was first introduced to Biological Dentistry back in 1984 when I traveled to Baden Baden Germany to study homeopathic treatments using computer programs. I was amazed such a field existed to begin with and even more amazed the Germans and Russians knew about the connection teeth had to the biological health of the entire body since the late 1800’s yet I never knew of its existence here in the states.

My studies continued way past 1984 and I had and have been fortunate enough to associate with some of the world’s top Biological Dentists including the Father of Biological Dentistry which was the late Hal Huggins and with Dr. Javier Morales here in Tijuana who was considered by Dr. Huggins to be his #1 protege

In 1939 Weston Price DDS one of the most famous dentist in history (that many dentist today never heard of) published Nutrition and Physical Degeneration . The book concludes that aspects of a modern Western diet (particularly flour, sugar, and modern processed vegetable fats) cause nutritional deficiencies that are a cause of many dental issues and health problems. The dental issues he observed include the proper development of the facial structure (to avoid overcrowding of the teeth) in addition to dental caries. This work received mixed reviews, and continues to be cited today by proponents of many different theories, including controversial dental and nutritional theories. Historically, our diets support healthy bacteria—that changed with the introduction grains, refined sugars, and processed foods.

New Root Canal Procedures:

  • Cone Beam CT scan used to rule out root canal failures with100% success
  • Bite Wing X-Rays do not show root tips
  • Cone Beam CT verifies there are over three miles of canals per tooth–making root canals 80-90% ineffective because there are so many canals making it impossible to fill all of them
  • LightWalker Laser in two wavelengths now being used by educated Endodontists to do root canal procedures
  • New methods to disinfect the numerous canals in a tooth such as flushing canals with Ozonated Water

New Root Canal Facts:

  • Failed root canals associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Due to Strep Mutans, Rheumatoid Arthritis is synonymous with dental issues, dental infections, periodontal disease
  • Lyme Disease microbes hide in the canals of tooth root
  • Failed Root Canal cannot be saved–must be extracted

In this post, I am going to use bullet points as there is so much to consider when it comes to our teeth

  • In 1839 dentistry and medicine officially split went separate ways
  • Charles Mayo was first to talk about Oral health in 1916
  • Once there is pain in the mouth you are in trouble
  • Silver fillings are 52% mercury; 26% silver; 22% other
  • Amalgams are antimicrobial because of the silver and zinc-
  • The oral cavity is the first place the outside world is being sampled by our immune system
  • 800 species of organisms are in the mouth
  • We swallow 1 trillion bacteria per day
  • Mouth is gateway to inflammation
  • Focal Infection theory from mouth is 100 years old
  • 7 out of 10 Inflammatory Chronic diseases are cause by oral microbes
  • Time Magazine 2004—Inflammation caused by mouth
  • Bad bacteria only make up 1% of the total population of the mouth—but when out of balance can wreak havoc
  • A healthy heart is not bacteria free
  • Heart Disease caused by gum disease has been known for over 3-4 decades
  • Oral Microbes Heart Valve Infection —there are few defense mechanisms in heart
  • Plaque in coronary arteries is loaded with Strep Mutans
  • Infection in Jaw due to failed root canals cause 80% of Coronary Artery Disease
  • Strep Mutans #1 cause of cavities because it makes lactic acid which breaks down enamel by turning sugar into acid
  • Bad bacteria thrive in an acid environment
  • Stomach acid (HCL) neutralizes bad bugs—low stomach acid causes bad bugs to proliferate into the GI tract
  • Fusarium in mouth is found in colon-rectal cancer whereas it should have been killed by stomach acid
  • Many oral bacteria are in Gut & Stool all stemming from inflammation
  • Diabetes begins in the mouth
  • Oral Microbiome is responsible for our teeth and gums
  • Oral microbiome imbalance linked to diabetes, cancer & Alzheimer’s
  • Dysbiosis in mouth—Microbiome out of balance
  • Most oral cancers are discovered at Stage 3
  • Salivary diagnosis
  • Bacteria runs us—we do not run them
  • Good commensurable bacteria is there to help us—make neurotransmitter
  • Bacteria in back of mouth controls Nitric Oxide—Nitrates in food
  • Biofilm is protective plaque on tooth; slimy layer —first in line to protect tooth Gram +
  • Gram – (Anaerobic Plaque = cavities
  • Bacteria in plaque excrete toxins that travel throughout the body getting into heart and brain
  • Large Tongue = Enlarged Thyroid
  • APOE 4 + MTHFR are poor detoxifies
  • Bacteria Adapt
  • Periodontal ligament provides 70% of blood flow to jaw bone
  • With age, we get what they call “long in the tooth” meaning exposed gums
  • Xerostomia (Dry mouth) is the # 1 cause of cavities
  • Saliva which contains protein & enzymes making it the “Guardians At the Gate
  • Dry mouth is an acidic mouth
  • Saliva is neutral but leans slightly alkaline
  • 600 ml saliva a day (can of soda)
  • Antibodies meaning a lot of Mutans present requiring antibiotic
  • Peri-Implantitis prevented by Osteo-integrative implants Zirconia
  • Sealor soft tissue pockets around implant post are most damp and dark (Dr. Curatola)
  • Our lifestyles kill off good bacteria
  • Gum Disease has 3 culprits: Prevotella Intermedia; Treponema Denticola & Porphymonas Gingivalis
  • Strep Mutans caused by dysbiosis imbalance
  • Floss good to make gram + positive bacteria
  • Vitamin D deficiency partners w Vitamin D is K2  (Osteocalcin)
  • Gingivitis = bleeding gums
  • Deep pockets, low oxygen, inflammatory sites
  • Warm moist low O2
  • Type II Diabetes
  • Gingivitis—Periodontitis—Xerostomia
  • Saliva cleanses teeth feeds & brings food to the good bacteria
  • Mouth breathing dries up Saliva
  • Platelet Rich Fibrin tricks the body into healing itself
  • The European model of Biologic Dentistry includes materials  for root cause
  • Laser technology replacing drilling
  • Tooth decay caused by bad bacteria
  • Endodontics—inside of tooth
  • Anaerobic Gram Negative bacteria are a problem
  • Dental Pulp is like a sponge
  • Cold indicates pulp is still alive and vital—but not how healthy it is
  • Remove infected dentin—big on tiny exposure
  • Periodontal Ligament holds tooth in place
  • Apicoectomy removes bone infection
  • Bio ceramic materials
  • PRF Platelet Rich Fibrin or Plasma (Dr. Rick Meiron)
  • Gum & Bone have high blood flow
  • The biofilm bacteria above and below gum line
  • Strep Mutans Porophymorphic gingivitis
  • Intra Oral Transfers—optical impressions that are perfect
  • New implant technology
  • Blood test for heavy metal toxicity are only accurate in acute cases while hair analysis only shows the last two months
  • Provocative Challenge is EDTA/Urine
  • Bite Wing X-Rays do not show root tips
  • Rheumatoid  Arthritis synonymous w dental issues, dental infections, periodontal (bone) issues
  • Periodontitis is bone while Gingivitis is gums




Watercress in History, as a Healing Herb as Well as a Food

As early as 400 BC, Hippocrates understood the significant herbal benefits of watercress. In fact, he established the first hospital on the island of Kos in close proximity to a stream where fresh watercress grew in proliferation at the ready for his patients.

Nasturtium officianale (watercress) is thought to have originated in Europe, specifically Russia, before spreading to Northern Africa and to the New World. It arrived in the U.S. with European immigrants, who may have known enough to use it for its high vitamin C content, in lieu of lemons or limes, to avoid getting scurvy.

Evidence indicates the early Greeks and Romans valued watercress for its ability to improve brain function. Europeans in the Middle Ages made a salve from it to treat for sword wounds.

People in the U.S. began consuming watercress as a food source in recent years, while other areas of the world, such as Australia, have benefited from its healing benefits for centuries. According to a website belonging to Herb Cottage in Mudgeeraba, Australia:

” … Watercress soup in Asian cuisine is seen as beneficial for mouth health, protecting against gingivitis, ulcers, swollen gums and general health. Watercress is also viewed as being useful in the recovery period after illness, or colds and flu due to the high vitamin and mineral content.

Watercress has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-pyretic, is a potent diuretic, benefits arthritis sufferers, helps dermatitis and eczema, and has expectorant qualities to help respiratory illness.”1

Besides the Taste, What Makes Eating Watercress Worthwhile?

Scientific evidence indicates that watercress contains more than 15 essential vitamins and minerals. In fact, it imparts more iron than spinach, more calcium than milk, and more vitamin C than oranges.

A list of the medicinal properties of plants and their remedies, including watercress, reveals a number of traditional healing advantages to eating this delicate, green, natural vitamin:

Respiratory illnesses such as bronchitis Cuts and puncture wounds Boils and abscesses
Vitamin deficiencies Coughs Colds
Gallstones Metabolic diseases Liver disease
Fluid retention Anorexia Mouth ulcers
Diabetes Obesity

An epic study at a New Jersey university reviewed a wide assortment of fruits and vegetables to determine their nutritional value for classification purposes, but also their ability to reduce chronic disease such as cancer.

These foods were referred to as “PFV” — aka “powerhouse fruits and vegetables” — based on the content of each in regard to 17 nutrients deemed to be most important. Those nutrients were: potassium, fiber, protein, calcium, iron, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, zinc, and vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, E, and K.

Regarding that last one, watercress brings an astonishing 106 percent of the Vitamin K you need in a single day. What that means for you is that if you have any tendency toward developing cardiovascular disease, eating this veggie can go a long way toward preventing it.

Even if you already suffer from this illness, consuming healthy amounts of watercress can reverse some of the damage.

Watercress as a Cancer Fighter?

Incidentally, it’s always best to get the benefits of these vitamins by eating the foods that contain it, rather than opting for supplements that are a far cry from actual live, vibrant nutrients.

Vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli and Brussels sprouts are also crucifers, which are well known in the scientific community as cancer killers; scientists surmised the same abilities may be present in watercress, as well.

Those benefits were found to be linked with the fact that increased carotenoid concentration intensifies the body’s protection against DNA damage, as well as the concentration of antioxidants  in your blood.

Read on for more clinical studies revealing many of the nutritional aspects of watercress and what those vitamins and minerals do for the body.

Studies on Watercress Show It Prevents and Improves Heart Disease and Cancer

The aforementioned peppery flavor is explained in the go-to herb and spice “bible,” aptly called “Culinary Herbs and Spices of the World, as due to the mustard oil glycoside content, called gluconasturtiin.

For what it’s worth, the spicy zest of watercress results when the leaves are crushed (or chewed); the glycoside mingles with the enzyme myrosinase, and two hydrolysis products, hydrocinnamonitril and phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC), are formed.

More evidence proving that watercress (as well as broccoli) contain powerful ingredients in relation to fighting cancer, still another study showed how elements in isothiocyanate essentially deactivate the damaging effects of an enzyme called matrix metalloproteinase-9, which can diffuse the body’s natural ability to fight off the proliferation of cancerous tumors.

The same study exhibited these vegetables’ power to fight off a particularly deadly type of breast cancer.

Another article revealed that individuals who consume these compounds can expect the natural benefits of decreased risk of breast, lung, colorectal, head and neck, and prostate cancers.

Further, the stages of cancer proliferation, namely initiation, proliferation, and metastasis (invasion) were examined in another review to see what effects were produced by watercress extracts.

Researchers reported that they proved to be “significantly protective against the three stages of the carcinogenesis process investigated.” Watercress is actually noted for its ability to detoxify:

“A phase II clinical trial demonstrated and presented at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute (UPCI) showed that watercress extract taken multiple times a day can significantly inhibit cancer.

The trial specifically showed that the extract detoxifies environmental carcinogens and toxicants found in cigarette smoke, and that the effect is stronger in people who lack certain genes involved in processing carcinogens.

More Studies Prove How Powerful Watercress Is Against Illness and Disease

A Medical News Today article cited a few more incredible uses for this leafy green:

“In a study conducted at Georgetown University, rats were given a lethal dose of radiation. Some were left untreated, and others were treated with a daily injection of DIM daily for two weeks. All the untreated rats died, but over 50 percent of those receiving the DIM remained alive at the 30-day mark.

The same researchers did the experiment on mice and found similar results. They were able to determine that the DIM-treated mice had higher counts or red and white blood cells and blood platelets, which radiation therapy often diminishes.

Watercress contains the antioxidant alpha-lipoic acid, which has been shown to lower glucose levels, increase insulin sensitivity and prevent oxidative stress-induced changes in patients with diabetes. Studies on alpha-lipoic acid have also shown decreases in peripheral neuropathy or autonomic neuropathy in diabetics.

Of note, most studies have used intravenous alpha-lipoic acid, there is uncertainty whether oral supplementation would elicit the same benefits.”

Additional research reveals that eating watercress is also effective against thyroid dysfunction and osteoporosis, and can be extremely beneficial for pregnant mothers, people wanting to prevent cognitive decline, protect their eyesight and prevent stroke

Philosophy of Functional Medicine

Philosophy of Functional Medicine

Functional-Medicine-Iceberg-HMCPThe 4 P’s of Functional Medicine

  1. Predictive—decades in advance
  2. Proactive—-create health
  3. Preventative—don’t get sick to begin with
  4. Personalized—each person is unique

Functional medicine is all about understanding the causes of illness

Causative Medicine” vs “Reactionary Medicine”

Diet             Lifestyle               Stress

Toxicity       Inflammation     Methylation

Dental        Intestinal Microbiome     Genetics/Epigenetics

Health Care at its Very Best!

                                       Dr. Princetta is 100% Result Driven

Here’s How:

  • Takes the time to know and understand each patient on all levels
  • Treats, Educates, Engages, Empowers the patient to Get Well and Stay Well
  • Addresses the Spiritual, Mental, and Emotional components of Physical illness
  • Takes the time to research conditions and solutions that are outside the box
  • Has an absolute understanding of True Cellular Detoxification
  • Has an absolutely acute understanding of the Art of Chiropractic
  • Recommends state-of-the-art supplementation wisely and judiciously
  • Has an excellent background regarding Wholesome Foods

Dr. P’s Primary Goals:

  • Keep the Mind Sharp and the Brain Healthy (#1 on the list)
  • Reduce Inflammation/Remove Oxidative Stress
  • Restore the Intestinal Microbiome (the gut is the 2nd brain)  “I fee it in my gut”
  • Support the Liver (over 1450ml of blood pass through the liver every minute)
  • Support the Heart Muscle (still the # 1 cause of death male & female)
  • Increase ATP–Energy Production of Cells
  • Restore Methylation (Methylation turns good genes on and bad genes off)
  • Repair/Restore DNA Expression
  • Maintain Healthy Blood Glucose Levels
  • Support Bone Density

The 5 R’s of Cellular Healing:

  1. Remove the Source   (Treat the causes not the symptoms)
  2. Regenerate Cell Membranes  (Mitochondria)
  3. Restore Cellular Energy
  4. Reduce Inflammation
  5. Re-establish Methylation

Dietary Suggestions:  Discussed on an individualize basis— no two people are alike

Eliminate the causes of Inflammation:

  • Sugar and Grains—sugar is secretly embedded in most every food we eat
  • Vegetable/Omega 6 Oils such as Canola, Sunflower, Safflower, Palm, Cottonseed and Soybean.  Soybean oil is 50% linoleic acid which is a strong pro-inflammatory.  These oils exist in cookies, crackers, chips, muffins, cake mixes.  They are driving Omega 6 levels through the roof and the inflammation caused by them is why Heart Disease is the # 1 cause of death in the US


             I am available for consultation via e-mail, phone and travel.


NSAIDs – The FDA Has Weighed In

Modern conventional medicine is a mixed bag. Pharmaceutical drugs certainly have their place, and for sure, some of them are quite literally lifesaving. However, all too often, prescription drugs, as well as those that are available over the counter, are merely band-aids; they are intended to help manage symptoms, but they typically do nothing to address the underlying causes of those symptoms. Moreover, many pharmaceutical medications come with multi-page inserts full of warnings about undesirable and unpleasant side-effects. Undesirable and unpleasant are bad enough, but some effects of very commonly used drugs can be downright deadly.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently updated its warning about non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, which are used mainly as pain relievers. One of the long-recognized potential effects of NSAIDs is gastrointestinal bleeding—which may, in some cases, become life-threatening. The updated warning, however, focuses on separate, but possibly even more sinister potential outcomes from taking these products: heart attacks and strokes. According to the FDA, risk for heart attack or stroke can occur within weeks of using an NSAID, with the possibility for increased risk with longer use and higher doses. It is not yet known for certain whether different types of NSAIDs carry different levels of risk (for example, naproxen versus ibuprofen). As stated by the FDA, current scientific evidence “is not sufficient for us to determine that the risk of any particular NSAID is definitely higher or lower than that of any other particular NSAID.” Patients with other risk factors for heart disease and stroke may be at greater risk for these complications from NSAIDs, but NSAID use elevates risk even in individuals with no predisposing issues.

Another somewhat alarming finding by the FDA is that “Patients treated with NSAIDs following a first heart attack were more likely to die in the first year after the heart attack compared to patients who were not treated with NSAIDs after their first heart attack.” This is particularly disturbing because heart attack patients are often encouraged to take low-dose aspirin daily in an effort to prevent future coronary events. Additionally, the FDA notes an association between NSAID use and increased risk for heart failure. Clearly, this advice may be doing more harm than good. It is highly likely that, despite package inserts and warning labels, consumers are unaware that, as the Cleveland Clinic advises, NSAIDs should not be taken for more than three days in a row for fever, or ten days for pain without being monitored by a physician.

This presents a dilemma for doctors and patients: how to manage the sometimes debilitating and disabling pain of conditions such as osteoarthritis, tendonitis, or severe premenstrual cramps, while minimizing the potentially fatal side-effects of NSAIDs. The method embraced by the functional medicine community would be—if possible—to ascertain the underlying cause(s) of the pain and inflammation, and take precise steps targeted toward addressing the problem at its roots. To that effect, any number of strategies may prove effective, either on their own, or in conjunction with NSAID use, until the condition improves to the point where NSAID dose can be titrated down and, potentially, in time, be discontinued altogether.

Pain and inflammation can be induced by any number of factors. Ultimately, the mechanism by which these sensations arise in the body is upregulation or inducement of enzymes involved in the synthesis of pro-inflammatory prostaglandins, such as COX-1 and COX-2. (Many NSAIDs are non-selective, meaning, they inhibit both COX-1 and COX-2, while a selective NSAID, celecoxib, inhibits only COX-2. At the time of this writing, the only selective NSAID on the market is prescription-only Celebrex®, manufactured by Pfizer. Other selective NSAIDs were withdrawn from the market due to higher than expected reports of unfavorable side-effects, including death.)

Natural substances may help to alleviate inflammation, as might an overall anti-inflammatory diet. Anti-inflammatory herbs and spices include ginger, turmeric and rosemary, and a diet low in omega-6-rich vegetable and seed oils, and higher in plant and animal sourced omega-3s may also help correct the imbalance of pro- and anti-inflammatory prostaglandins. Helping patients identify undiagnosed food sensitivities could also prove to be an important strategy for reducing the need for high doses of pain relievers. For example, the Cleveland Clinic recommends avoiding nightshade vegetables and gluten, as these frequently exacerbate the pain associated with arthritis.

Like any pharmaceutical medication, NSAIDs may be of great help to some patients. However, the benefits should always be weighed against the risks, and steps should be taken to identify and correct the underlying imbalances that may be leading to inflammation in the first place.

Note: Temporary or once in awhile NSAID use is one thing.. Everyday use as we see on TV commercials (Alleve) is what will cause the long term problems.