Surprising Facts about our Dental Health

Surprising Facts about our Dental Health

This link Root Canal Teeth and How to Treat Them is from a Dr. Mercola fact checked article and it includes an excellent video from Dr. Val Kanter plus other links with excellent educational information about root canals.

I was first introduced to Biological Dentistry back in 1984 when I traveled to Baden Baden Germany to study homeopathic treatments using computer programs. I was amazed such a field existed to begin with and even more amazed the Germans and Russians knew about the connection teeth had to the biological health of the entire body since the late 1800’s yet I never knew of its existence here in the states.

My studies continued way past 1984 and I had and have been fortunate enough to associate with some of the world’s top Biological Dentists including the Father of Biological Dentistry which was the late Hal Huggins and with Dr. Javier Morales here in Tijuana who was considered by Dr. Huggins to be his #1 protege

In 1939 Weston Price DDS one of the most famous dentist in history (that many dentist today never heard of) published Nutrition and Physical Degeneration . The book concludes that aspects of a modern Western diet (particularly flour, sugar, and modern processed vegetable fats) cause nutritional deficiencies that are a cause of many dental issues and health problems. The dental issues he observed include the proper development of the facial structure (to avoid overcrowding of the teeth) in addition to dental caries. This work received mixed reviews, and continues to be cited today by proponents of many different theories, including controversial dental and nutritional theories. Historically, our diets support healthy bacteria—that changed with the introduction grains, refined sugars, and processed foods.

New Root Canal Procedures:

  • Cone Beam CT scan used to rule out root canal failures with100% success
  • Bite Wing X-Rays do not show root tips
  • Cone Beam CT verifies there are over three miles of canals per tooth–making root canals 80-90% ineffective because there are so many canals making it impossible to fill all of them
  • LightWalker Laser in two wavelengths now being used by educated Endodontists to do root canal procedures
  • New methods to disinfect the numerous canals in a tooth such as flushing canals with Ozonated Water

New Root Canal Facts:

  • Failed root canals associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Due to Strep Mutans, Rheumatoid Arthritis is synonymous with dental issues, dental infections, periodontal disease
  • Lyme Disease microbes hide in the canals of tooth root
  • Failed Root Canal cannot be saved–must be extracted

In this post, I am going to use bullet points as there is so much to consider when it comes to our teeth

  • In 1839 dentistry and medicine officially split went separate ways
  • Charles Mayo was first to talk about Oral health in 1916
  • Once there is pain in the mouth you are in trouble
  • Silver fillings are 52% mercury; 26% silver; 22% other
  • Amalgams are antimicrobial because of the silver and zinc-
  • The oral cavity is the first place the outside world is being sampled by our immune system
  • 800 species of organisms are in the mouth
  • We swallow 1 trillion bacteria per day
  • Mouth is gateway to inflammation
  • Focal Infection theory from mouth is 100 years old
  • 7 out of 10 Inflammatory Chronic diseases are cause by oral microbes
  • Time Magazine 2004—Inflammation caused by mouth
  • Bad bacteria only make up 1% of the total population of the mouth—but when out of balance can wreak havoc
  • A healthy heart is not bacteria free
  • Heart Disease caused by gum disease has been known for over 3-4 decades
  • Oral Microbes Heart Valve Infection —there are few defense mechanisms in heart
  • Plaque in coronary arteries is loaded with Strep Mutans
  • Infection in Jaw due to failed root canals cause 80% of Coronary Artery Disease
  • Strep Mutans #1 cause of cavities because it makes lactic acid which breaks down enamel by turning sugar into acid
  • Bad bacteria thrive in an acid environment
  • Stomach acid (HCL) neutralizes bad bugs—low stomach acid causes bad bugs to proliferate into the GI tract
  • Fusarium in mouth is found in colon-rectal cancer whereas it should have been killed by stomach acid
  • Many oral bacteria are in Gut & Stool all stemming from inflammation
  • Diabetes begins in the mouth
  • Oral Microbiome is responsible for our teeth and gums
  • Oral microbiome imbalance linked to diabetes, cancer & Alzheimer’s
  • Dysbiosis in mouth—Microbiome out of balance
  • Most oral cancers are discovered at Stage 3
  • Salivary diagnosis
  • Bacteria runs us—we do not run them
  • Good commensurable bacteria is there to help us—make neurotransmitter
  • Bacteria in back of mouth controls Nitric Oxide—Nitrates in food
  • Biofilm is protective plaque on tooth; slimy layer —first in line to protect tooth Gram +
  • Gram – (Anaerobic Plaque = cavities
  • Bacteria in plaque excrete toxins that travel throughout the body getting into heart and brain
  • Large Tongue = Enlarged Thyroid
  • APOE 4 + MTHFR are poor detoxifies
  • Bacteria Adapt
  • Periodontal ligament provides 70% of blood flow to jaw bone
  • With age, we get what they call “long in the tooth” meaning exposed gums
  • Xerostomia (Dry mouth) is the # 1 cause of cavities
  • Saliva which contains protein & enzymes making it the “Guardians At the Gate
  • Dry mouth is an acidic mouth
  • Saliva is neutral but leans slightly alkaline
  • 600 ml saliva a day (can of soda)
  • Antibodies meaning a lot of Mutans present requiring antibiotic
  • Peri-Implantitis prevented by Osteo-integrative implants Zirconia
  • Sealor soft tissue pockets around implant post are most damp and dark (Dr. Curatola)
  • Our lifestyles kill off good bacteria
  • Gum Disease has 3 culprits: Prevotella Intermedia; Treponema Denticola & Porphymonas Gingivalis
  • Strep Mutans caused by dysbiosis imbalance
  • Floss good to make gram + positive bacteria
  • Vitamin D deficiency partners w Vitamin D is K2  (Osteocalcin)
  • Gingivitis = bleeding gums
  • Deep pockets, low oxygen, inflammatory sites
  • Warm moist low O2
  • Type II Diabetes
  • Gingivitis—Periodontitis—Xerostomia
  • Saliva cleanses teeth feeds & brings food to the good bacteria
  • Mouth breathing dries up Saliva
  • Platelet Rich Fibrin tricks the body into healing itself
  • The European model of Biologic Dentistry includes materials  for root cause
  • Laser technology replacing drilling
  • Tooth decay caused by bad bacteria
  • Endodontics—inside of tooth
  • Anaerobic Gram Negative bacteria are a problem
  • Dental Pulp is like a sponge
  • Cold indicates pulp is still alive and vital—but not how healthy it is
  • Remove infected dentin—big on tiny exposure
  • Periodontal Ligament holds tooth in place
  • Apicoectomy removes bone infection
  • Bio ceramic materials
  • PRF Platelet Rich Fibrin or Plasma (Dr. Rick Meiron)
  • Gum & Bone have high blood flow
  • The biofilm bacteria above and below gum line
  • Strep Mutans Porophymorphic gingivitis
  • Intra Oral Transfers—optical impressions that are perfect
  • New implant technology
  • Blood test for heavy metal toxicity are only accurate in acute cases while hair analysis only shows the last two months
  • Provocative Challenge is EDTA/Urine
  • Bite Wing X-Rays do not show root tips
  • Rheumatoid  Arthritis synonymous w dental issues, dental infections, periodontal (bone) issues
  • Periodontitis is bone while Gingivitis is gums


Men Urinary Bladder Flow- Prostate Health

Men’s Urinary Bladder Flow and Prostate Health

As we get get older our flow from the bladder seems to lessen quite a bit. Most men will say when younger, their stream could put out a fire a mile away. Often when a patient uses the rest room in my office, I noticed two things:

  • it takes a few minutes to “start the flow”
  • Once started, the flow does not sound strong

This immediately causes me to mention bladder, urinary tract and prostate health to these men and at times force a conversation about the bladder, bladder stones, Candida/Yeast and Prostate Health & Cancer

Many guys have already been prescribed Flomax, also known by its generic name Tamsulosin, (an alpha-adrenergic blocker). It’s approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to help improve urine flow in men who have benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

I have been in practice for 43 years and probably for about 40 of those years, I recommend Small Flowered Willow Herb Tea to help with the urinary flow in males and even at times females. I ask the patient to brew the tea and drink 1-2 cups daily on an on/off basis for the rest of their lives. Usually but not always, I start this request around the age of 45 and very rarely do I encounter resistance. One would think a man would be hesitant to brew a tea but surprisingly, they do it without issue. Why? Because they can tell the difference once they start using it!

Over the past few years the tea is available in concentrated drop form and here I recommend one dropperful morning and evening. Some men do both.

I have a fairly good record using Willow Flower. Does it work with every single male? Probably not as we all have our own unique extenuating circumstances. BUT it certainly cannot hurt to use it


We will now broach the subject of Yeast/Candida that can be transmitted in various ways most commonly from sexual relations. Yeast likes to grow in dark damp places such as the area where the prostate gland and bladder are “hiding” I believe it to be a major player in causing but not the cause of Prostate Cancer. A male can smell candida the minute he makes his move to urinate “it stinks down there”. There are women whom have said they can smell their husbands genitals as soon as they walk in the door—this “fishy” odor in both sexes is attributed to Yeast/Candida


I treat this issue using Bicarbonate of Soda aka Baking Soda. Usually but not always 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon diluted in 8-10 ounces of water 1-3 x daily depending on the uniqueness of the situation.

The Tiny Prostate Gland:

The prostate’s most important function is the production of a fluid that, together with sperm cells from the testicles and fluids from other glands, makes up semen. The muscles of the prostate also ensure that the semen is forcefully pressed into the urethra and then expelled outwards during ejaculation.

As we get older, all this sperm cells, fluid, semen etc. does lose some of its importance but should still function somewhat.

What is Benign Prostactic Hyperplasia?

Benign Prostactic Hyperplasia (BPH) is the enlargement of the prostate gland and is common as men get older. An enlarged prostate gland can cause uncomfortable urinary symptoms, such as blocking the flow of urine out of the bladder. It can also cause urinary tract infections and or kidney problems or both. In some instances men will sit on the toilet for a very long time trying to urinate but to no avail.

In very bad cases TURP Surgery which is a Trans Urethral Resection of the Prostate will be recommended. There is a 50/50 chance of working; it may not work forever; but in most cases worth the try. TURP surgery is considered major surgery.

Prostate Cancer:

When doing autopsies on young men killed during the Vietnam War, doctors noticed that many of them had prostate cancer cells in their prostate at a very young age. However, prostate cancer is very slow moving and had they not died during the war, they would not know they had prostate cancer until much later on in life.

This tiny gland the size of a walnut can reap havoc for men as they enter their golden years of life. Science does not yet know the cause.

Best Medical Treatment Today:

The best medical treatment so far and depending on the often inaccurate PSA and Gleason score is the PSMA-PET-CT Scan that can detect prostate cancer metastases with high sensitivity and specificity. For actual treatment, the External Beam Radiation Therapy (EBRT) with high dose rate (HDR) Brachytherapy boost procedure seems to be the best science has to offer at this time. This is a different treatment than low-dose rate Brachytherapy (with radioactive seeds). The challenge is finding the right doctors who know how to apply these advanced therapies.

This leads us to the question and the purpose of this post which is “what can we do NOW to avoid this in the future?


Amygdalin is a compound found in the pits or seeds of apricots, apples, peaches, plums, red cherries, and other fruits. It’s also in bitter almonds. A partly man-made, purified form of amygdalin, known as Laetrile, was patented in the 1950s and became a popular alternative cancer treatment during the 1960s and ’70s. It’s now banned by the FDA and hasn’t been available in the U.S. since 1980.

I use 1-3 products formulated by Apricot Power to support prostate health without or with cancer. And this is another product whose usage varies dependent on the condition but as far a I am concerned there is enough data out there to warrant the use of them

This leads us to the question and the purpose of this post which is “what can we do NOW to avoid this in the future?

  • Willow Flower Tea especially beginning after age 45
  • Keep an eye on the Yeast/Candida Overgrowth by taking the Bicarbonate 2 months on 3 months off
  • Apricot seeds in the form of the seeds themselves or in Apricot Power Amygdalin B17 100/500mg; and Apricot Power TMG B15 (also known as non-toxic pangamic acid)
  • Plenty of Good Quality Alkaline Water or Slightly Alkaline Water
  • Avoid Coffee, Tea even decaffeinated
  • Be very careful with ALCOHOL
  • Limit Spicy Foods

Will these things work? Let’s hope so. If we do get or succumb to Prostate Cancer, at least we did our best to avoid it!!!

Please contact me for information on how to order these products and for the ton of other information I have on this subject.

Astaxanthin–Powerhouse Antioxidant

Astaxanthin–Powerhouse Antioxidant

Astaxanthin-The Powerhouse Antioxidant

19 Known Medical Benefits of Astaxanthin

Astaxanthin Shown to Slow Brain Aging

I have recommended Astaxanthin for many years before it gained its notoriety as it has now. Natural astaxanthin is the most powerful antioxidant known to science, and has the ability to optimize the health and radiance of the skin by providing protection and support to all layers.

Astaxanthin is the most powerful of over 600 different types of Carotenoids which are pigments in plants, algae, and photosynthetic bacteria. These pigments produce the bright yellow, red, and orange colors in plants, vegetables, and fruits; and are responsible for the “pinkish” color of both shrimp and salmon

I initially recommended it for brain health in my effort to ward off Alzheimer Dementia years before the symptoms may appear. Now it is recommended for a host of other health issues including reducing the cytokine storm that had once resulted from COVID,

There are over 114,000 articles about Astaxanthin on PubMed–the go to site comprising of more than 32 million citations for biomedical literature life science journals, and online books.

I do not use Mercola’s brand of Astaxanthin but have nothing against it. I use a brand from Allergy Research mostly because of the source of the ingredients(AstaZine), the delivery system and the cost of the product itself. Either way, Astaxanthin should be on your list of what I call the “dailies”—supplements you should consider taking every day

I am currently doing a study on Ascorbate Acids role in balancing the neurotransmitters in the brain which I will pass over to you once it is done and I am satisfied with the results. This will be a part of a new website titled Strategic Supplementation which God willing,  I  plan to launch in 2021.