Wellness-Menu of Services



For most of the 35 years I have been in practice, many want to refer to me as a “healer” a term I am not at all comfortable with.

An analogy as to what I do would be to be a sower//planter of seeds.  I meet a patient on their level and over a period of time and with plenty of patience move forward on a path to health and well-being.

When I first began practice I thought every field sowed would produce results.  Not True!!  Not all fields are fertile!!  Therefore I work with the preparation of the “field” so the seeds will grow




  • Takes the time to know and understand each patient on many levels. Most visits can be up to two hours in length
  • Treats. Educates, Engages and Empowers the patient to first get well and then STAY WELL!
  • Understands each individual has a unique biological signature and what may work for one person, may not necessarily work for the next.
  • Creates the time to research issues /conditions that appear to be “outside of the box”
  • Address the Spiritual,/Mental and/Emotional components of all Physical issues
  • Recommends  state of the art supplementation wisely and judiciously to support the patient in the “process”
  • Understands the bottom line to nutrition is eating WHOLESOME FOODS
  • Understands it takes time to prepare a field for the seeds!
  • Makes himself available to educate, engage and empower you on your journey


My work is for those who realize they are here to GROW and DEVELOP

15 Minute Consultations always free of charge!



Weight Loss:

  • Understanding not being able to lose weight IS NOT YOUR FAULT
  • Hormone toxicity the root cause of weight gain
  • Leptin hormonal resistance


Cellular Detoxification:

  • 60 and 90 day programs producing results without side effects
  • Mitochondrial DNA repair
  • Cellular Membrane repair
  • Decrease Oxidative Stress
  • Restore Methylation Donor Imbalance (Methylation Resistance)
  • Balance Hormones through detoxification


Heart Health:

  • Taking care of the heart BEFORE a problem arises
  • NMR & PLA-2 blood tests to determine Patterns A & B LDL
  • Once yearly 3 month heart health program
  • Is a heart attack a “Charley Horse”?


Anti-Aging Programs:

  • Removing Inflammation
  • Restoring DNA/RNA Expression
  • Why is it called “Change of Life”
  • Osteoporosis assessment using the Urine Pyrilinks Test to determine if losing bone faster than creating new bone.


Biological Dentistry Discussion:

  • The relationship between each tooth and the organ systems of the body
  • Can bad teeth be the cause for knee pain or poor digestion?
  • Relationship between Dental Disease and Overall Systemic Health


Nutritional and Dietary Design:

  • Eating according to lifestyle; genetic background; and affordability
  • State of the Art supplementation used wisely and judiciously

Neurological Spinal Alignment:

  • Nerve Pain Elimination
  • Sciatic Nerve Assessment;  is it structural or mutated Chicken Pox virus

Male Care:

  • Exogenous Hormones—males eating foods with too much ESTROGEN
  • Preventing Prostate Disease
  • The real cause of ED


Mental-Spiritual-Emotional Connections to Physical Illnesses

  • Chakra Connection to Emotions Assessment
  • Positive Volitions/Affirmations – how you think is reflected on how you feel
  • Color Therapy
  • Empowerment Techniques – learn how to take your power back


Sinus Drainage Techniques

Weight Loss-Not Your Fault

You Can’t Lose Weight – It May Not Be Your Fault

Weight Loss is not about:

  • Calories In vs. Calories Out (calorie restriction causes muscle loss)
  • Exercise
  • Low Fat Foods (one must eat GOOD fats in order to lose fat)


To understand weight loss in the 21st century, you have to understand HORMONES.

Cellular toxins are affecting our hormones.  Specifically the hormone LEPTIN which is essential to the breakdown fats

Leptin was discovered in 1994 and at first it was thought to be the answer to weight loss.  Scientist thought all they had to do was to synthesize leptin artificially and weight loss would be a thing of the past.

However, they soon discovered that it was not a lack of Leptin but an over abundance of leptin that was the problem and that people were suffering from leptin resistance.  In other words, their body’s did not know how to use it.  Leptin Resisitance is very similar to Type II Diabetes-Insulin Resistance.

Energy is produced by the combustion of  either sugar or fat.  90% of our society gets their energy from sugar and very few are able to get it from fat.  Healthy people have the ability to burn both sugar and fat.

Many people check their blood sugar in the morning the minute they awaken.  And as often is the case, the sugar levels are high.  How can this be since they have not eaten any food since the night before.  The answer is that they have been eating all night long as their body is eating muscle and converting it into energy to run itself.

There are two varieties of LDL Cholesterol.  Good Fats elevate the good LDL (Type A) which is used to make hormones while Bad fats elevate the bad LDL (Type B) which blocks the cellular membrane preventing the osmotic transfer of material both in and out of the cell.

The answers to weight loss are relatively simple:

1. True Cellular Detox because it is cellular toxicity that is causing the hormonal problem.

1. Remove all sugars which include agave, honey, maple syrup, and of course HFCS (high fructose corn syrup). Aspartame breaks down into Formaldehyde and as such stimulates insulin release!

2. Remove all grains because grains contain amylose–a sugar that drives Cytokines which are responsible for Inflammation

3. Eat Healthy Fats because fats reprogram your genetic code. It is not fats that are making you fat, it is YOUR INABILITY TO BURN THEM--Good fats help your body to burn fat!  Examples of good fats are as follows:

  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Avocado/Avocado Oil
  • Coconut/Coconut Oil
  • Raw Nuts/Seeds/Oils
  • Raw Butter
  • Raw Cheese and Yogurt
  • Grass-Fed Meats, Eggs, Whole Milk
  • Fatty Fish-Wild Salmon, Small Fish-Sardines-Anchovy

4. Drink Water–make it a goal to drink 96 ounces of good quality water every day as water can increase the metabolism by 5-8% in an by itself.  Additionally, the body can not differentiate between thirst and hunger and often misleads a person to think they need food when in fact they need water.

VE Irons 7 Day Intestinal Flush

VE Irons 7 Day Intestinal Flush

“”Here let me repeat one solemn truth which should be repeated over and over each day until everybody comprehends its meaning and acts upon it. Normal resistance to disease is directly dependent upon adequate food. Normal resistance to disease never comes out of pill boxes. Adequate food is the cradle of normal resistance, the playground of normal immunity, the workshop of good health, and the laboratory of long life.”

– Dr. Charles Mayo
Founder of Mayo Clinic


Victor Earl Irons founder of Springreen Products, Inc., was born on January 23, 1895 in West Virginia USA. He graduated from Yale University in 1919. At the age of 40 he was stricken with sever anklyosing spondylosis (an arthritic condition) and turned to natural approaches in desperation. He became a student of health, expended time, money and energy to develop something which was in total harmony with Natural Law. This search led him to believe that in order to regain vibrant health, detoxification as the first step.          Important Note: V.E. Irons developed the very first introduction of a colon cleansing program to the public in the 1930´s.

  • In 1946, VE Irons founded the Springreen Company making the products available to doctors and practitioners by the name of Veico Products (east of the Mississippi) and Springreen Products (west of the Mississippi).
  • Dr. Royal Lee (founder of Standard Process Vitamins) was instrumental in having        V E Irons and Harold Pratt of Kansas City introduce the use of wheat grass and other cereal grasses in 1953. Springreen became the trademark name for these organically grown cereal grasses and the first supplement of its kind.
  • V. E. Irons traveled the country lecturing and teaching the basic principles of health. Many thousands, including our doctors and their patients, have been helped tremendously by following his advice and principles.
  • V. E. Irons pioneered the idea of using psyllium seed and husks to create a mucilaginous bulk which would enhance the cleansing of the colon. In addition, Montmorillonite which is the active ingredient in Bentonite, is used as an adsorbent aid in detoxification and intestinal purification via the alimentary canal.
  • V. E Irons began a second family at the age of 72 and fathered his last child at the age of 80. Mr. Irons passed away in 1993 at the age of 98 as a result of injuries incurred in a motor vehicle accident. His ideals, teachings and standards are carried on by his family and the many devoted customers around the world who have experienced his cleansing and rejuvenation program.

NOTE: As some of my “longer term” patients know, I have used this program in my practice for well over 30 years.  It is the flagship of all intestinal flushes and to this day it would be hard to find a flush that works better or is more thought out than this one.


Eat nothing for the full 7 days, other than as specified, during the program. Drink a glass of water in addition to what is given in the instructions. Be sure to drink at least one gallon of water per day. Plenty of water is essential to the success of the Cleansing Program.

You will need:

  1. One empty pint jar with a tight cover.
  2. JUICE (optional for flavor) – 2 tablespoons up to 1/4 cup mixed with water. (Your choice of apple, grape, berry, etc.).
  3. One bottle Springreen No. 30 Springreen.*
  4. One bottle Springreen No. 77 Detoxificant.*
  5. One bottle Springreen No. 79 Intestinal Cleanser.*
  6. One bottle Springreen No. 83 Wheat Germ Oil.*
  7. One bottle Springreen No. 87 Natural Source Vitamin C.*
  8. Any one of the following: enema bag with regular colonic tip (available at your local drug store), home enema board kit (such as the Colema Board®), or colonics from a Professional Colon Hydrotherapist.

* These products may be purchased as Springreen No. 89 Seven Day Cleansing Program Kit.

Optional items:

  1. One bottle Springreen No. 79A Herbal Supplement. (A sample bottle of No. 79A containing 14 tablets is provided in the No. 89 Cleansing Kit.)
  2. One bottle Springreen No. 88 Whole Beet Plant Juice tablets.
  3. One infant rectal syringe.
  4. One cup high-grade olive oil.

NOTE: I personally recommend the Whole Beet Juice Plant with this program.


The evening before commencing the program, take 2 Springreen No. 79A Herbal Supplementtablets. To more thoroughly eliminate fecal accumulation, slowly inject – using the baby rectal syringe – one cup of olive oil into the rectum. Massage the bowel gently and try to retain this oil until morning. If necessary, use an enema or a colonic the next morning to make sure the lower colon has been emptied.

A. Each day for 7 days take the following Cleansing Drink:

  1. Pour about one inch (or two tablespoons) of your choice of fruit juice into the pint jar. (This is to prevent the mixture from jelling too quickly and to give your drink flavor, although it is not necessary.)
  2. Add at least 10 ounces of water.
  3. Add 1 tablespoonful of Springreen No. 77 Detoxificant.
  4. Lastly, add 1 heaping teaspoonful of Springreen No. 79 Intestinal Cleanser.
  5. Put the cover on tightly and shake vigorously for 5 to 10 seconds.
  6. Drink quickly. Follow with fresh water, if desired.

B. 1 ½ Hours after taking the above Cleansing Drink take the Whole Food Supplements:

  • 6 tablets of Springreen No. 30 Springreen
  • 3 capsules of Springreen No. 83 Wheat Germ Oil
  • 2 tablets of Springreen No. 87 Natural Source Vitamin C
  • 2 tablets of Springreen No. 88 Whole Beet Plant Juice (optional item)

**Take this combination the desired number of times each day. In the course of the day you will have consumed at least 12 Wheat Germ Oil capsules, 24 Springreen tablets, 8 Natural Source Vitamin C tablets, and 8 Whole Beet Plant Juice tablets.

C. 1 ½ Hours after taking the Whole Food Supplements, take a Cleansing Drink. Repeat throughout the day. Remember to take 2 tablets of No. 79A Herbal Supplement each night with last Cleansing Drink and drink plenty of water.

D. The results of this Cleansing Program will be dramatically enhanced when you use daily colon irrigation. Try to have 6-14 enemas or colonics during the 7 Day Cleansing Program.

A sample schedule might be as follows:

  • 7:00 am – Cleansing Drink
  • 8:30 am – Supplements
  • 10:00 am – Cleansing Drink
  • 11:30 am – Supplements
  • 1:00 pm – Cleansing Drink
  • 2:30 pm – Supplements
  • 4:00 pm – Cleansing Drink
  • 5:30 pm – Supplements

Over 150 lbs.

  • 7:00 pm – Cleansing Drink
  • 8:30 pm – Supplements

If your weight is under 150 lbs., you should take each 4 times per day – 1 ½ hours apart
If your weight is over 150 lbs., you should take each 5 times per day – 1 ½ hours apart


  1. Use No. 77 Detoxificant and No. 79 Intestinal Cleanser in a Cleansing Drink morning and evening as daily maintenance. Many use the Cleansing Drink every morning for years to help build and maintain bowel regularity. The purpose of No. 77 is to adsorb (not absorb) undesirable matter in the alimentary canal. The purpose of No. 79 is to furnish fiber that retains moisture. It is mucilaginous, slippery, soft and bulky. (It has far more fiber than bran.)
  2. For best results take 20 tablets of No. 30 Springreen, 12 capsules of No. 83 Wheat Germ Oil, 6 tablets of No. 84 Enzymatic Supplement, 4 tablets of No. 87 Natural Source Vitamin C, and 5 tablets of No. 88 Whole Beet Plant Juice daily for two or three months; then reduce to amounts on labels.
  3. Resume normal eating, but eliminate from your diet anything containing bleached whole wheat or bleached and refined white flour products. Also eliminate anything containing artificial color or flavor, corn syrup or refined sugars. Instead, use whole wheat, stone ground, or sprouted whole wheat flour and molasses or honey. Inquire until you find them.
  4. Eat a good size raw vegetable salad daily and one cooked leafy vegetable.
  5. Use fresh, raw fruits, in season, between meals and for desserts.
  6. Cook, bake, or steam all vegetables definitely on the raw side.
  7. Cook beef very, very rare. Broil fish on one side only. Cook eggs softly.
  8. Eat melons between meals.
  9. Drink water generously between meals only. Drinking water during meals dilutes the digestive enzymes in the mouth and stomach.
  10. See that one half of your food intake is fresh and raw, and gradually increase.
  11. Be sure to eat something raw at each meal. If this is not always practical, then augment the meal with No. 30 Springreen.
  12. Exercise. Even well-balanced blood is ineffective unless it is aerated (oxygenated), so walk, walk, walk.

**The total cost for the products will be somewhere around $160-.  If you choose to have colonics and I highly recommend you do because they are easier to do than doing at home, the cost for 3-4 colonics over a 7 day period of time may be somewhere around $200-.  So yes, it is an investment but if it were me, I would rather invest in my health and well-being as opposed to investing in the stock market.

I recommend this flush be done with the assistance of a health care provider who understands this particular program and the ins/outs of colon cleansing. 

The Master Cleanse

THE MASTER CLEANSE by Stanley Burroughs

This document is the “cheat sheet” for The Master Cleanse.  It is recommended you purchase what is known as “the little yellow book” called The Master Cleanse from any health food store or from Amazon.  The booklet has more scholarship in it regarding the cleanse itself.  The “little yellow book” is also availble for reading online.

I personally prefer my patients notify me when beginning the cleanse.  It is a good idea to have a “friend”  such as a physician or other trusted health care provider who can provide advise, counseling and mentoring as they go through the process.

2 Tablespoons lemon or lime juice (approx. ½ lemon)
2 Tablespoons genuine maple syrup (Not maple flavored sugar syrup)
1/10 Teaspoon cayenne pepper (red pepper) or to taste
8 oz water, room temperature
Combine the juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper in a 10 oz glass jar w/lid and fill with the water.
Shake it up and drink. (Cold water may be used if preferred.)
Use fresh (organic) lemons or limes only, never canned lemon or limejuice nor frozen lemonade or frozen juice.

The maple syrup is a balanced form of positive and negative sugar and must be used, not some “substitute.” There are three grades of maple syrup. Grade A is the first run— mild in taste, sweet and with fewer minerals than the other grades. It is more expensive and less desirable but it may be used. Grade B is the second run with more minerals plus more maple taste. It is more suitable for the diet and is less expensive. Grade C is the third run with even more minerals and still stronger taste of maple and slightly less pleasant for most people, although acceptable in the diet. It is lower in price. As Grade C is less expensive it can be used as an excellent sweetening agent in preparing foods. The strong maple flavor blends very well.

The maple syrup has a large variety of minerals and vitamins. Naturally the mineral and vitamin content will vary according to the area where the trees grow and the mineral content in the soil. These are the minerals found in average samples of syrup from Vermont: Sodium; Potassium; Calcium; Magnesium; Manganese; Iron; Copper; Chlorine and Silicon. Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, Nicotinic acid and Pantothenic Acid are also present in the syrup. Information on the need and effect of these properties will be found in the Biochemistry in the back of the book, “Healing for the Age of Enlightenment.”

Search out and demand a brand of grade B maple syrup made by a company that does not use formaldehyde pellets. Spring Tree of Brattleboro, Vermont does not use it.

Dozens of letters weekly, from around the world highly praise the many superior benefits of the
lemonade diet. Thus, we must conclude that since it does so much for so many it is truly The Master Cleanser.

An ideal formula involves freshly extracted juice from the sugar cane (readily available in India, but not generally in the US at the present time):

10 oz. Fresh sugar can juice (medium hot or cold)
2 Tablespoons fresh lime or lemon juice
1/10 teaspoon cayenne (red pepper) or to taste

Take from six to twelve glasses of the lemonade daily during the waking period. As you get hungry just have another glass of lemonade. NO OTHER FOOD SHOULD BE TAKEN DURING THE FULL PERIOD OF THE DIET. As this is a complete balance of minerals and vitamins, one does not suffer the pangs of hunger. Do not use vitamin pills.

All solid food is turned into a liquid state before the blood can carry it to the cells. The lemonade is already a food in liquid form.

*For those who are overweight, less maple syrup may be taken. For those underweight, more maple syrup may be taken. For those who are underweight and worried about losing more weight,
REMEMBER, the only things you can possible lose are mucus; waste, and disease. Healthy tissue will not be eliminated. Many people who need to gain weight actually do so near the end of the diet period.
Never vary the amount of lemon juice per glass. About six glasses of lemonade a day is enough for those wishing to reduce. Extra water may be taken as desired.

As this is a cleansing diet, the more you can assist Nature to eliminate poisons, the better. IF YOUR SYSTEM FEELS UPSET, IT IS BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT HAVING SUFFICIENT ELIMINATION.

Avoid this possibility by following the directions completely. Above all, be sure you have two, three, or more movements a day. This may seem unnecessary not eating solid food, but it is Nature’s way of eliminating the waste it has loosened from the various cells and organs in the body. They must leave the body some way. It would be just the same as sweeping the floor around and around and never removing the dirt from the house if the wastes were not passed out. The better the elimination, the more rapid will be the results.

A LAXATIVE HERB TEA is found to be the best helper for most persons. It is a good practice to take a good laxative herb tea right from the beginning— the last thing at night and first thing in the morning. There are several good laxative teas. They are best taken in a liquid form. Buy them in your health food store.

As it is necessary to bathe the outside of our bodies, so it is with the inside. Do not take enemas or colonics at any time during the cleansing diet or afterwards. They are unnecessary and can be
extremely harmful. There is a much superior method of cleansing the colonic tract without the harmful effects of customary colonics and enemas. This method will cleanse the entire digestive tract while the colonics and enemas will only reach the colon or a small part of it. Colonics can be expensive while our salt-water method is not.

DIRECTIONS: Prepare a full quart of lukewarm water and add two level (rounded for the Canadian quart) teaspoons of sea salt. Do not use ordinary iodized salt, as it will not work properly. Drink the entire quart of salt and water first thing in the morning. This must be taken on an empty stomach. The salt and water will not separate but will stay intact and quickly and thoroughly wash the entire tract in about one hour. Several eliminations will likely occur. The salt water has the same specific gravity as the blood, hence the kidneys cannot pick up the water and the blood cannot pick up the salt. This may be taken as often as needed for proper washing of the entire digestive system. If the salt water does not work the first time, try adding a little more or a little less salt until the proper balance is found; or possible take extra water with or without salt. This often increases the activity.

Remember, it can do no harm at any time. The colon needs a good washing, but do it the natural way—the salt water way.

It is quite advisable to take the herb laxative tea at night to loosen, then the salt water each morning to wash it out. If for some reason the salt water cannot be taken in the morning, then the herb laxative tea must be taken night and morning.

Castor Oil

Castor OilScreen Shot 2016-01-26 at 4.29.13 PM

The History and Philosophy of Castor Oil

Although we mainly know it as one of Edgar Cayce’s most famous remedies, castor oil has a long history of traditional medical use dating back to ancient Egypt. Centuries ago the castor bean plant was referred to as the “Palma Christi.” It was called this because the shape of the plant’s leaves was thought to resemble the palm of Christ. Knowing the healing power of this plant, the name may be one of the most accurate descriptions ever.

The castor bean plant is actually native to India, where it is called “Erand.” There it was used extensively for all types of gastrointestinal problems like constipation, dysentery and inflammatory bowel disease. It was also used to treat bladder and vaginal infections and asthma. The seed kernels or hulls (without the actual seed) could be boiled in milk and water and taken internally to relieve arthritis and lower back pain accompanied by sciatica.

In Russia the oil is known as “Kastorka.” The stem of the plant is used in the textile industry. The extracted oil has a very consistent viscosity and won’t freeze even in Russia’s severe climate. This makes it ideal lubricating oil in industrial equipment. Medicinally, the oil is added to products to restore hair (one part oil to 10 parts of grain alcohol), treat constipation, skin ulcers, some infectious gynecological conditions and eye irritations.

Nursing mothers in the Canary Islands used poultices made from the leaves of the castor bean. They applied the poultice to their breasts to increase milk secretion and relieve inflammation and milk stagnation in the mammary glands. Applying the poultice to the abdominal area promoted normal menstruation.

Much of the current use of castor oil packs, in the U.S. anyway, can be attributed to the late healing psychic, Edgar Cayce. Time after time he recommended their use. Based on his reports, I began using them in my practice over 30years ago. But even though the results can be remarkable, this technique is still practically unknown and shunned by most health care professionals today. This is probably due to two reasons. First, it’s just too simple. It’s hard for most people to imagine that something as simple as castor oil packs could have a profound effect on any health problem. Secondly, in our present health care system, positive results alone do not constitute the critical factor in determining whether a treatment will be accepted by the medical establishment. Everybody now seems to be more concerned about how something is supposed to work, than whether it actually works at all.

Recent research data presented by longtime follower of Edgar Cayce, Dr. William McGarey of Phoenix, Arizona, might help shed some light on how castor oil works.

Castor oil is a triglyceride of fatty acids. Almost 90 percent of its fatty acid content consists of ricinoleic acid. Ricinoleic acid is not found in any other substance except castor oil. Such a high concentration of this unusual, unsaturated fatty acid is thought to be responsible for castor oil’s remarkable healing abilities.

Ricinoleic acid has been shown to be effective in preventing the growth of numerous species of viruses, bacteria, yeasts and molds. (J Am Oil Chem. Soc 61; 37.323-325.) This would explain the high degree of success in the topical use of the oil for treating such ailments as ringworm, keratosis (non-cancerous, wart-like skin growths), skin inflammation, abrasions, fungal-infected finger- and toenails, acne and chronic pruritus (itching). Generally, for these conditions the area involved is simply wrapped in cloth soaked with castor oil each night, or if the area is small enough, a castor oil soaked Band-Aid can be used. (For persistent infections and those finger- and toenails that have discolored and hardened, a good 10 to 20 minute soak in Epsom salts, prior to applying the castor oil, usually speeds up the healing process.)

Castor oil’s antimicrobial activity, while very impressive, comprises only a small part of the story concerning this mysterious oil. While castor oil has been thoroughly investigated for its industrial uses, only a minimal amount of research effort has been directed toward its medicinal benefits.

Many individuals suffering from auto-immune disorders such as AIDS, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Scleroderma, Auto-Immune Thyroiditis etc. have been able to increase their T-cell counts; balance their B-cell counts; and clear up many of their problems by using the techniques described. Others’ have found it useful in eliminating chronic problems with epilepsy, hyperactivity, liver and gallbladder diseases and chronic fluid retention.

McGarey reported when used properly, castor oil packs improve the function of the thymus gland and other areas of the immune system. More specifically, he found in two separate studies that patients using abdominal castor oil packs had significant increases in the production of lymphocytes compared to increases among those using placebo packs.

Lymphocytes are the disease-fighting cells of your immune system. They are produced and housed mainly in your lymphatic tissue. This includes the thymus gland, the spleen, the lymph nodes and the lymphatic tissue that lines the small intestine (called Peyers patches, or more commonly, aggregated lymphatic follicles). Strangely, other than knowing it produces the body’s white blood cells, most doctors are not very knowledgeable about the lymphatic system.

Castor Oil and the Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is an amazingly complex structure. It works hand in hand with both the blood circulatory system and the digestive system.

In the circulatory system newly oxygenated blood from the lungs moves from the heart along smaller and smaller arteries until it reaches the smallest vessels called capillaries. It is in these microscopic tubules that the blood exchanges oxygen and nutrients for cellular waste products with surrounding body cells. The capillaries then gradually become larger and form veins through which the un-oxygenated, waste-carrying blood returns back to the lungs and then to the heart to be re-circulated time and

time again.

Much of the fluid accompanying the blood and large protein molecules leaks from these capillaries. Additional fluids and waste products are expelled from every cell in the body. These fluids accumulate in the small spaces between the cells. If all of this material weren’t somehow removed we would begin to swell like a toad and die within a matter of 24 hours. Fortunately, we have a completely separate circulation system, called the lymphatic system that is able to absorb and remove these fluids, proteins and waste materials. With the exception of the brain, where these proteins and fluids flow directly into the fluid that surrounds them, the extensive lymphatic network has hundreds of miles of tubules that cover the entire body. Through these tubules all of this material is returned to the blood so it can be utilized or eliminated from the body. (There is no pathway, other than the lymphatic system, that excess protein molecules can use to return to the circulatory system.)

Also, along these lymphatic tubules you’ll find bulb-shaped masses called lymph nodes, which act as filters and produce antibodies when foreign proteins are encountered. Surely you’ve experienced the tenderness and swelling of an inflamed lymph node at one time or another. It is usually a result of antibodies fighting an infection either in the node itself or somewhere in the draining area of that particular lymph chain.

In addition to returning leaking fluid from the circulation system and creating antibodies for the immune system, the lymphatic system also performs another very important function. Clumps of lymphatic tissue, called Peyers patches, are spread throughout the small intestine. Unlike other nutrients, fat molecules are generally too large to be absorbed directly from the intestine. Instead, they are absorbed by these patches and transported along the lymphatic system and then released into the blood stream where they can be carried throughout the body. Between 80 to 90 percent of all the fat absorbed from the gut requires the help of the lymphatic system.

When it comes to treating the majority of health problems, the status of your lymphatic system is rarely given any consideration whatsoever. Medical students are taught that a failure of the lymphatic system is obvious to detect because it is accompanied by “pitting” edema (the accumulation of fluid in the tissues, i.e. swelling, usually in the feet, ankles or hands). The test for “pitting” edema is rather simple. A finger is pressed into the skin at the area of the swelling and then quickly removed. The skin stays depressed, forming a small “pit”, which remains until the fluid outside the cells has time to return to the area (this can take anywhere from 5 to 30 seconds). Unfortunately, research studies have shown that “pitting” edema and other signs of fluid retention can’t be observed until fluid levels outside the cells reach 30 percent above normal. In other words, you can have a serious lymphatic drainage problem long before it can be detected.

Several problems occur when the lymph drainage slows and fluids begin to accumulate around the cells. First, the individual cells are forced further and further away from the capillaries. The amount of oxygen and nourishment they receive is decreased. Under exertion or stress some cells may die. Additionally, cells are forced to survive in their own waste and toxic by-products. This situation can eventually lead to the degeneration and destruction of organs. For example, poor lymphatic drainage of the heart can lead to tissue damage and even heart failure. Similar problems occur in the liver, the kidneys and other organs.

Fluid accumulation outside the cells also stretches the tissue in the area. The more it stretches and the longer it remains that way, the harder it becomes to correct the problem.

Regardless of the health problem, efforts should be taken to improve the function of the lymphatic system in every health problem.  At the imperil of the patient, most doctors generally assume the lymphatic system is working adequately when in fact it is not! Research has shown that as we age certain organs begin to degenerate. The thymus gland is a key component of the immune system. It is initially responsible for the proper development of the lymphatic system and is practically absent in older individuals.

Peyers patches, those clumps of lymphatic tissue found in the small intestine, begin to get smaller with age and are often destroyed by certain diseases like typhoid fever. (Cayce felt that the overall health and well-being of an individual was directly related to the health of these Peyers patches. He stated on several occasions, that a certain compound formed in these patches was necessary for maintaining the integrity of the nervous system. He may very well be correct. To this day, we still don’t totally understand the functions and importance of either the thymus gland or Peyers patches.)

Efforts should be taken to improve the function of the lymphatic system in every health problem. This applies to all immune system disorders such as AIDS, as well as heart disease, hemorrhoids and everything in between. No drug exists that has the ability to improve lymphatic flow; however, the job can easily be handled through the topical application of castor oil.

When castor oil is absorbed through the skin, several extraordinary events take place.

  • The lymphocyte count of the blood increases. This is a result of a positive influence on the thymus gland and/or lymphatic tissue.
  • The flow of lymph increases throughout the body. This speeds up the removal of toxins surrounding the cells and reduces the size of swollen lymph nodes. The end result is a general overall improvement in organ function with a lessening of fatigue and depression.
  • As toxicity is reduced, the pH of the saliva becomes less acidic, indicating improved health.
  • The Peyers patches in the small intestine become more efficient in their absorption of fatty acids, which are essential for the formation of hormones and other components necessary for growth and repair.

Lymphatic Congestion

Obviously, conditions known to be related to poor drainage of the lymphatic system will tend to benefit from this type of therapy. These would include complaints such as:

  • Chronic Fluid Retention
  • Swollen joints and pain
  • Arthritis
  • Upper respiratory infections involving the sinuses, tonsils and inner ear
  • Colon problems like Crohns disease or colitis
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Boils
  • Liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, enlargement or congestion
  • Menstrual-related congestion
  • Appendicitis
  • Hyperactivity
  • Constipation, bowel impaction or adhesions
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Bladder and vaginal infections
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (POS)

Common Methods of Using Castor Oil

In the past, the most common way to use castor oil was to take it orally to correct constipation and promote “purging” of the system. Due to the aggressive mode of action and the availability of other products, castor oil is no longer recommended for this purpose.

Today, the most famous use of Castor Oil is to make a pack and place it over the liver.  This is done usually at night and the pack remains over the liver for 20-30 minutes.

Rubbed or Massaged Directly Into the Skin:

Due to the many effects of its fatty acid component, ricinoleic acid, the use of castor oil can be used topically to treat a wide variety of health complaints. Oftentimes there is no need for castor oil packs; amazing results can be obtained by simply applying it directly to the skin. It can also be used as massage oil which seems to be especially effective when applied along the spinal column. If the oil is massaged into the body, the direction of the massage should always follow the same path as the underlying Lymphatic drainage system. The diagram below shows the proper direction to massage the oil and further facilitate lymphatic drainage.

The following is a short list of some of the more common ailments it can remedy:

Conditions Responding to Topical Application:

  • Skin Keratosis
  • Ringworm
  • Fungal and bacterial infections
  • Wounds
  • Abdominal stretch marks (prevention)
  • Bursitis
  • Sebaceous cysts
  • Warts
  • Senile lentigo (“liver” or “aging” spots)
  • Muscle strains
  • Ligament sprain
  • Itching

Castor Oil Packs:

While all of these uses of castor oil very interesting, the most exciting use deals with ways to increase topical absorption through the use of castor oil packs or poultices. Packs are an economical and efficient method of absorbing the ricinoleic acid and other healing components of castor oil directly into body tissues.

A castor oil pack is placed on the skin to increase circulation and to promote elimination and healing of the tissues and organs underneath the skin. It is used to stimulate the liver, relieve pain, increase lymphatic circulation, reduce inflammation, and improve digestion.

Conditions Responding to Castor Oil Packs:

Lymphatic Congestion

Lymph System

Obviously, conditions known to be related to poor drainage of the lymphatic system will tend to benefit from this type of therapy. These would include complaints such as:

  • Chronic Fluid Retention
  • Swollen joints and pain
  • Arthritis
  • Upper respiratory infections involving the sinuses, tonsils and inner ear
  • Colon problems like Crohns disease or colitis
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Boils
  • Liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, enlargement or congestion
  • Menstrual-related congestion
  • Appendicitis
  • Hyperactivity
  • Constipation, bowel impaction or adhesions
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Bladder and vaginal infections
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (POS)

Neurological Problems: Several Neurological problems have also been responsive to castor oil.  These include:

  • Shingles
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Migraine Headaches
  • Cerebral Palsy

AIDS:Conditions that stress or compromise the immune system will very often benefit from castor oil packs. Nowhere is this more obvious than with AIDS. I have talked with several AIDS patients who have added castor oil packs (usually for one hour a day) to their treatment regimen with very positive results. Within two weeks, it was not uncommon for them to see increases in their WBC counts (white blood cell counts), platelet counts, hematocrit readings and RBC counts (red blood cells).

Castor Oil Cocktail:

In addition to the castor oil packs many people with immune system compromise also drink a combination of olive oil and lemon juice to further stimulate lymphatic flow and liver activity. It can be made by blending the following:

1 clean whole lemon, (pulp, rind, seeds and all)
1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
1 1/2 cups of distilled water
4 rounded tablespoons of frozen orange juice concentrate

The blended material is then strained through a wire strainer to remove the pulp, which is discarded. The remaining liquid is divided in four equal portions of approximately 1/4 cup each and a portion is consumed with each of the three daily meals and before bedtime.

In addition to stimulating lymphatic flow, the drink increases the flow of bile from the liver and gallbladder, which, in turn, enhances one’s ability to digest essential fatty acids through the Peers patches in the small intestine. It is not uncommon for AIDS patients to experience weight gain and a reversal of a long list of complaints often associated with fatty acid deficiencies.

Any oil that enters your body either orally or through the skin needs to be of the highest quality. Castor oil is no different.

Dr. Princetta Comment:

This article is a compilation from an article written by Dr. David G. Williams — complementaryS — v6 n1, July 1995.  It also contains information originated from Edgar Cayce, Dr. William Mc Garey, Harvey & Julia Grady and myself.

Castor Oil Packs Immunomodulation

Castor Oil Packs Instructions

Gallstone Flush Instructions

Gallbladder Gallstone Flush Instructions

Liver/Gallbladder Flushes have been around for 100′s of years.  Each part of the world has various varieties of flushes which were normally done in the springtime to rid the body of “heavier” toxins created in the winter and prepare the body for lighter foods and “summer heat”  The folks in the American South used Poke Root, the Germanic Europeans used cabbage, the Southern Europeans used olive oil, salts and artichokes.

There are dozens of varieties of liver and gallbladder flushes.  In my 35 years of practice, I may have used most all of them.  I recommend this particular one because it is easier for the patient and relatively inexpensive.  As with all de-tox programs and flushes, I wholeheartedly recommend you work with a physician or other knowledgeable health care provider so they may advise, counsel and guide you through the process.

Even before looking at the instructions please go to my post on Gallbladder and read what it does so you can have a clear understanding of how important it is to clear it out!

DAYS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: 

You will need to buy 5 quarts (1 gallon + 1 Qt.) of Organic Apple Juice.

The apple juice naturally contains pectin and malic acid which will help soften and break down larger stones into smaller pieces and chips

You will also need a 4 ounce bottle of Super Phos-30 Drops. Thanks to the FDA you will have to contact me to purchase at 619-231-1778 or [email protected]

These drops are simply phosphorous which is used in the apple to ensure there is no unnecessary nausea from the apple juice activating the gallbladder.

Each day 10cc of Super Phos 30 is added into the full quart of apple juice

Drink the apple juice throughout the day as opposed to drinking all of it at one time\

This is not a fast!!  Eat normally for the entire 5 days you are preparing for the actual flush

** For diabetics or if you cannot tolerate so much apple juice, use one quart of distilled water per day,

DAY 5:

  • On Day 5, in the afternoon, mix one tablespoon of Epsom Salt in one cup of  warm water. Drink. Epsom salt can help relax the liver bile ducts.**You may repeat this the next morning.
  • Do not eat past 5:00 or at the latest 6:00pm that day
  • Eating a hearty lunch late in the day would also be advisable and if so, skip dinner altogether
  • Wait a minimum of 3 hours before ingesting the following mixture
  • 6 ounce of freshly opened olive oil
  • 10 ounces of Coca-Cola Classic- the Cola contains phosphoric acid and the phosphoric acid will help prevent any nausea created by drinking the olive oil
  • Juice of one or two fresh lemons depending on the size of the lemons
  • Put all 3 ingredients in a glass jar; shake it up; say a prayer and gulp it down
  • If you have an oily feeling on lips or teeth, use lemon rind on them to relieve the oily feeling

** The above recipe is called “the gallbladder challenge”.  You have prepared the gallbladder all week by drinking the apple juice and now you are challenging the gallbladder by drinking the above olive oil mixture which will provoke the gallbladder to dump the stones.

  • After drinking the flush mixture, immediately lie down on your RIGHT SIDE for a half hour (30 minutes). NOT less! It is best to draw your knees up to your chest (fetal position) so the oil will force the gall bladder and bile duct to contract and throw off the stones.   If you can’t do this, lay stretched out full length. Stay in either position for 30 minutes,
  • After 30 minutes, you can move around and resume normal activity and then go to sleep. It usually will take up to 8 hours for the flush to work.
  • A Castor Oil pack; heating pad; or hot water bottle placed directly over the liver for 30 minutes just as you go to sleep is not imperative but would be highly beneficial


  • There will be considerable soft stool the first time. This will decrease and a more formed stool will follow later on
  • . Stones are not usually found with the first stool. Most will come out with the second stool, maybe 5 to 8 hours later. Less stones will be noticed with each additional stool.
  • Reports range from a few to as many as a few to a few hundred stones being discharged. The stones will be somewhat soft and waxy green (like cooked peas). Stones have been reported to be anywhere from pea size to the size of a golf ball.
  • For those who are adventurous, you can put a cheap plastic colander in the toilet bowel, release into the colander and then wash it through (like panning for gold). Stones will be on the bottom.


  • Sometimes but not often, the patient will awake during the night and throw-up the olive oil mixture.  Do not be concerned.  It simply means the gallbladder was severely toxic and not able to handle the challenge in its entirety
  • It has also been reported that the patient begins releasing gallstones as soon as they begin the apple juice on Days 1-5.  Again, do not be concerned. Just follow the instructions as written.

How to Prevent Stones from forming in the Future:

A teaspoon of Olive Oil a day will keep the liver bile ducts clean and prevent new stones from forming.  It is easy and it works!  Use extra virgin olive oil mixed with juice from a lemon. Drink it as a “shooter” or with meals, salads etc.

The Lemon Slice Tea 1sr thing in the morning washes out excess bile toxins accumulated throughout the night.

For additional information as well as instructions specific to your situation, please call me at 619-231-1778 or e-mail [email protected]

Liver E-Book

 Liver E-Book

As many of my patients know, at every single visit, we drain the liver and work the ileo-cecal valve.  Then we discuss the Liver/Gallbladder Cleanse, Stanley Burroughs “The Master Cleanse” Professional Colonics, Castor Oil Packs and dietary recommendations.

The Liver is the primary organ of detoxification. It has to be working perfectly to do so.  However, once the liver is working correcting, the other organs such as the colon,kidneys and lymphatic system must also be working correctly so they will be able to handle the toxins eliminated by the liver.

People mistakenly think that by doing a Liver/Gallbladder Cleanse, or Stanley Burroughs “The Master Cleanse”, they will now be clean as a whistle.  However, cellular detoxification needs a more sophisticated outline.

I recommend a 60 day Cellular Detoxification Program that is divided into 3 logical phases.  This works on the cellular membranes (both inner/outer) as well as the cellular engines themselves which is ATP and Mitochondria.

It would be in the best interest of everyone out there to do such a program.

Once the cells normalize themselves, the organs are healed.  For those who are overweight, it is hormones that are causing the problem and the reasons the hormones are not balanced is because of cellular toxicity.  So detoxify the cells and the hormones will self-stabilize.

The Liver:

  • Produces 13,000 chemicals per day
  • Is responsible for making components for 55,000 enzyme systems.
  • It weighs 4.4 lbs. or 2.2 kilos.
  • Has the ability to re-generate itself
  • All toxins including those that are inhaled are processed by and through the liver
  • Runs through the Basal Metabolic Rate which is controlled by the Thyroid Gland so in theory, the thyroid gland controls the pace of the liver
  • The liver controls the flow of blood throughout the entire body
  • All Hemorrhoid issues are caused by an overloaded liver
  • All Menstrual problems are directly caused by the liver
  • Does the majority of its work the minute we go to bed  (11 pm – 1 am)
  • Read Dr. Jack Tips book “Your Liver-Your Lifeline”


  • A specially lined organ that is designed to hold bile
  • Bile is manufactured by the liver
  • Bile is considered to be the most corrosive substance in the human body
  • Bile is released each and every time we eat
  • Court physicians during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1542) healed every illness through the gallbladder. They said the gallbladder was “the opening to God”
  • Does the majority of its work between 1 am  and 3 pm
  • Is directly responsible for indigestion, heartburn, flatulence and bloatedness

Ileo Cecal Valve:

  • 2 inches to the right of the navel and 2 inches down
  • Doorway between small intestine and large intestine
  • Susceptible to stress
  • When malfunctioning, it allows toxins from the large intestine to pass backwards into the small intestine where they are absorbed directly into the bloodstream
  • This causes the Liver to refrain from releasing as much toxins as it normally would
  • And in turn causes the lymphatic system which is bringing toxins to the liver to become sluggish and congested


The Liver/Gallbladder Cleanse

  • Removes gallstones that are blocking the gallbladder and preventing it from releasing bile.
  • It should be done once per year and most preferably in the Springtime although anytime would be fine

Stanley Burroughs “The Master Cleanse”

  • Dissolves and eliminates toxins and congestion that have formed in any part of the body
  • Cleanses the kidneys and the digestive system
  • Purifies the glands and cells throughout the entire body
  • Eliminates all unusable waste and hardened materials in the joints and muscles
  • Relieves pressure and irritation in the nerves, arteries and blood vessels
  • Builds a healthy bloodstream
  • Helps to keep youth and elasticity regardless of age
  • The booklet “The Master Cleanser” is available at most all health food stores


  • The removal of debris and hardened bowel from the large intestine.
  • Especially the rectum, sigmoid and descending colon
  • By doing so, it gives the liver a much needed break because one of the jobs the liver must do is to keep toxins in check.
  • By removing a “chunk” of toxins from the colon, the liver can turn its attention to other things it needs and must do

Edgar Cayce’s Castor Oil Packs:

  • Done 2-3 times weekly
  • Applied directly over the liver
  • Heals the liver from outside in
  • Go to “Google” and search Edgar Cayce’s Castor Oil Packs” to read an enormous volume of information on this protocol


The final by product of wheat digestion is alcohol

This alcohol is causing Cirrhosis of the Liver even in those people who never once drank an alcoholic beverage

Wheat is responsible for numerous digestive disorders

Wheat is responsible for sinus issues because of its effect on the small intestine

Today’s society is killing themselves with over consumption of wheat products especially pizza.  Even rye bread is 80% wheat!

Genetically, Oatmeal has a similar genome to wheat and is often planted as a rotational group in wheat fields


One serving per night is all the liver can handle.  One ounce is a stimulant!  More than one ounce is a depressant!

Thank you for taking the time to read this informative e-book on the Liver.  Hippocrates said that a physician’s primary purpose is to educate the patients

Iodine Patch Test

Iodine Patch Test

The thyroid gland (located at the front base of the neck) furnishes energy to every cell in the body. Its’ proper function is dependent on two trace minerals iodine and manganese. Of the two, iodine is the most essential for proper thyroid function and health.

Applying 2% brown tincture of iodine to your skin is the most efficient and economical method of determining metabolic iodine deficiency. It is a “test” as well as a “treatment”.

If the brown stain fades in 24 hours or less, it indicates there is not sufficient iodine to normalize thyroid secretion to the cell. Even if you are taking pharmaceutical thyroid medication, lack of iodine will prevent your body from properly utilizing it. By following the instructions below, when the faded brown stain is apparent after 24 hours, your thyroid will more likely be able to function normally.  If you are taking thyroid medication, you may be able to reduce the dosage immediately; over a period of several months; or stop taking it altogether method of application use the applicator rod to apply the 2% tincture of iodine to the underside of the wrist, the upper thigh or the lower abdomen.

“Paint” a 3”by 3” square patch. apply as often as you notice the iodine is absorbed and the skin is clear, rotating areas of application each time.  For instance, if absorption occurs in 2 hours, reapply then if it occurs in 4, 6 or 8 hours—reapply whenever you notice the skin is clear. When you eventually notice a faded brown spot after 12 hours check in another 12 hours.  If your skin is clear after 24 hours continue application once a day until stain is apparent after 24 hours recheck iodine absorption every month.  The objective of the frequent applications is to accomplish the 24 hour “slight stain” as quickly as possible, rather than to continue applying over a several month period of time.  Note: i have had many patients who absorb the iodine anywhere from 5-15 minutes after they apply it.  This indicates severe iodine deficiency and as a result a malfunctioning thyroid gland.



I’m amazed at the number of people who write to me, saying that they have gallstones and are going to have their gallbladder removed.

Just like that.

The attitude about the gallbladder has historically been that it’s not that vital, so go ahead and take it out.

This is shocking…criminal, even.  It’s wrong. Completely wrong.

Contrary to what people have been hoodwinked into believing, the gallbladder is not an unimportant organ that causes digestive problems for no good reason.

The gallbladder is VERY important. EVERY organ is.

Here’s a brief overview of your gallbladder, why you want to do all you can to help keep yours, and how to keep it in shape:


  • The ancient healers believed the gallbladder was the “Opening to God”
  • In the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1542) the doctors healed all illnesses by treating the gallbladder
  • I always found it odd that if the above is true, one of the first things to “blow out” on people is their “Opening to God”

Bile storage:

  • Bile is secreted by your liver and stored in the gallbladder until it’s needed for digestion of fats. When you eat fat, this signals the gallbladder to contract and release bile into your small intestine to break it down.
  • In addition to being a storage area for bile, the gallbladder also makes the bile from the liver more concentrated by removing water through its wall like a sponge.
  • So if your gallbladder is removed, although bile can be “rerouted” to flow into the intestine directly from the liver, fat digestion is less efficient because the bile isn’t as concentrated and powerful.
  • Unimportant organ? I think not.


The Mystery of Gallstones Revealed:

  • The most common reason for a cholecystectomy (removal of the gallbladder) is gallstones.
  • Gallstones are the result of cholesterol build up, which can be caused or worsened by eating too much animal protein and not getting enough alkaline foods.
  • (This is yet another way our bodies warn us to eat differently. We need to listen closely and heed the warning, not cut out our vital organs.)
  • So, removal of your gallbladder is just the beginning of serious digestive problems.
  • Many people who complain their stomach hurts them are really suffering from gallbladder problems.  The diagram above shows the proximity of the gallbladder to other major organs such as the stomach

Life without a gallbladder:

Once your gallbladder is gone, it’s harder to digest fats. This means excessive burping and gas when fats are eaten.

And if your eating habits haven’t changed from what caused the gallstones to begin with, you’re opening yourself up for a wide variety of health challenges including:

1. High blood cholesterol
2. Arthritis
3. Osteoporosis
4. Heart disease
5. High blood pressure (hypertension)
6. Cancer
7. Diabetes
8. Diverticulitis
9. Colitis

…and many more.

Cholecystectomy (Gallbladder Surgery)

  • Unfortunately, gallbladder removal is seen as the “easy answer.”
  • However, removal of any organ is not the answer even though at times organ removal is necessary due to poor health
  • Furthermore, the “new” method of cholecystectomy (Gallbladder removal) is done laporoscopically which means ii is squeezed out through the naval. This is called Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
  • As stated above, the gallbladder is sort of “sponge like”–so when it is squeezed out through the navel, many of the toxins it is holding are dumped into the intestine causing up to one year of dysentery for many patients who have had this type of surgery.
  • The original method of gallbladder removal although considered major surgery was in a way much better because by opening you up, the surgeon was able to see the entire area with the naked eye and as such was able to thoroughly  ‘clean it up” so to speak

But NOT the only answer!!

Gallstone Flush Instructions

I along with thousands of other health care practitioners have been recommending a Gallbladder or Liver and Gallbladder Flush to many of their patients.  As a matter of fact, if healthy, a gallbladder flush should be considered once yearly particularly during the Spring.

These “flushes” should  be monitored by a health care provider and they do require due diligence on the part of the patient.

I have had patients bring in “baggies” of gallstones to show me the success of the flush

In my 35 years of recommending this flush to patients I have not encountered a single case where a problem occurred

Eat your way to a healthier gallbladder

  • Once removed, the patient is put on a lifetime diet of restrictions especially of fats and oils.  Remember, healthy fats are absolutely necessary for a healthy body!  Since diet changes are required after removal, why not change your diet now to prevent gallbladder problems in the future?
  • A more alkaline pH helps ALL your organs work better, including your gallbladder.
  • Eating appropriate meal combinations and getting more alkaline foods into your diet will help keep your blood cholesterol lower, and that too will help make for a healthier gallbladder.
  • Remember, there are no mistakes of nature. Our bodies were designed very carefully and no part of them is unimportant, including your gallbladder.
  • Take care of your body by eating the right way, and you’ll be more likely to keep ALL of your precious organs.

For additional information regarding the Gallbladder please feel free to contact me.at [email protected] or by calling  619-231-1778619-231-1778

Consultations are available via e-mail, telephone, Skype etc.

Fasting E-Book #1

Is Fasting One Day a Week Good for Your Health?

By Dr. Ben Kim on June 13, 2008

Is fasting one day a week good for your health? To answer this question, let’s take a look at what happens in your body when you begin to eat and drink nothing but water.

After your cells use up the sugar that is in your bloodstream from your last meal or beverage, your body has to find another source of energy for your cells. And the first places that it turns to are your liver and your muscles. Both your liver and your muscles store sugar in the form of glycogen, and when needed, glycogen can be broken down to glucose, which all of your cells can use to produce energy for their ongoing activities.

During a water-only fast, your glycogen stores are depleted within about 24 hours, give or take a few hours. After your glycogen stores are used up, most of your cells begin burning fatty acids for energy – these fatty acids come from your fat reserves, including fatty tissue that surrounds your organs.

Two groups of cells – your red blood cells and your brain cells – cannot use fatty acids to fuel their energy needs. Your red blood cells and brain require glucose, and once glycogen/glucose from your muscles and liver are used up, your brain and your red blood cells get their glucose from two sources:

  1. From glycerol, which is a component of your fat tissues.
  2. From your muscles – some of your muscle tissues get broken down, and the amino acids from your muscle tissues are used to produce glucose for your brain and red blood cells.

Clearly, it’s not in your best interest to rapidly eat up your muscles to meet the energy requirements of your brain and red blood cells during a water-only fast. Your body knows this, and somewhere between the 2nd and 3rd day of water-only fasting, your liver begins churning out ketones, which during a water-only fast, come primarily from the breakdown of fatty acids from your fat reserves.

Once your liver generates large numbers of ketones, your brain is able to use ketones as fuel for itself.  At this point, only your red blood cells require glucose that must still be derived from breakdown of your muscles, but with your brain no longer dependent on breakdown of your muscles for energy, the rate at which your muscles are catabolized will be such that your muscles are spared as much as possible – this state is called “protein sparing” – it’s a survival mechanism that is built into human physiology to deal with times of famine.

Getting back to the big picture, it should be clear that from about the 2nd or 3rd day of a water-only fast, your body meets it energy requirements by burning through your fat reserves.

Since the bulk of the toxins in your body are stored in your fat reserves, the longer you fast on water only, the more fat you’ll burn and the more toxins you’ll eliminate from your system.

This is why we see elimination of lipomas, atheromas (accumulated waste in your blood vessels), and other conditions related to toxin accumulation during a prolonged water fast.

Put another way, your body does not experience significant detoxification during the first 12-24 hours of a water-only fast.

Your body begins to eliminate large quantities of toxins only after it begins to burn your fat reserves at a rapid rate. And this doesn’t happen until you’ve used up the glycogen stores in your liver and muscles.

So when you fast one day a week, you deplete the stores of sugar in your liver and muscles, and you begin to break down your muscles – these are the main things you accomplish during the first day of water fasting. Significant detoxification only begins to occur if you continue past day one of fasting.

This is not to say that there are no benefits to fasting one day a week, or that you don’t eliminate any toxins during a one-day fast.

You are eliminating toxins with every breath that you take. And your body will always increase its rate of ongoing detoxification whenever you get more rest and/or eat less food, because less digestive burden and more physical rest always mean more available resources for detoxification.

Rather than fast one day a week on water only, I think it makes more sense to do a juice fast one day a week, or even once a month. With a juice fast, you can supply your body with enough nutrients that you don’t have to deplete the sugar stores in your liver and muscles, or break down a lot of your muscle tissue. At the same time, because the nutrients in freshly pressed juices are so easily digested, a one-day juice fast can ease digestive burden and enhance ongoing detoxification to some degree.

But let’s be clear: the main benefit of a one-day juice fast is not significant detoxificiation; it’s a concentrated period of rest for your digestive organs, and an opportunity for the organs that are responsible for ongoing detoxification (liver, kidneys, skin, and lungs) to do a little extra health-promoting work.

To sum things up, I would say that it’s not good for long term health to fast one day a week on water only. If you want to give your body a period of rest and intense cleansing once in a while, it makes more sense to spend a day eating all raw fruits and vegetables, or drinking nothing but freshly pressed juices. If experiencing this type of cleansing period is of interest to you, I recommend that you view the following series of articles:


Full Body Cleanse: The Basics

If you do a Google search for full body cleanse, your web browser will bring up more than 2 million Web sites that offer information on how to experience a full body cleanse. If cleansing and detoxifying for health purposes wasn’t a mainstream topic before, it certainly is now with the recent launch of Oprah’s 21-Day Cleanse.

Here are some of the most common questions that I receive on a weekly basis from people seeking guidance on how to cleanse and detoxify their bodies:

What’s the best way to detoxify my body?

How do I prepare for a cleanse?

How do I return to my everyday routine after a cleanse?

Is it okay to detox while I take my meds?

How do I cleanse my liver?

If you’re not quite sure what to make of the whole cleansing and detoxing craze, I hope that this three-part series on cleansing gives you a solid understanding of this important health topic.

What Exactly is Detoxification?

Detoxification refers to the process of eliminating toxins from your body.

There are two major types of toxins that your body accumulates over time:

Environmental Toxins: Sometimes called exogenous (made outside your body) toxins, environmental toxins include all the chemicals and pollutants that you’re exposed to through air, water, and food.

Common environmental toxins include pesticides, herbicides, prescription and over-the-counter medications, carbon monoxide, triclosan, bisphenol A, phthalates, and volatile organic compounds.

Metabolic Toxins: Sometimes called endogenous (made inside your body) toxins, metabolic toxins are produced by each of your cells as they go about their everyday metabolic processes. Metabolic toxins can also be produced by microorganisms that act on incompletely digested food in your digestive tract.

It’s normal for your cells to contain some toxins at all times. After all, your cells need to manufacture energy on an ongoing basis, and the manufacturing process results in waste (toxin) production.

Toxins only present a challenge to your health when they accumulate to a point where they interfere with cellular function – we call this state toxicosis.

The first effect of toxicosis is disruption of cellular function. If a group of cells experience significant toxicosis, specific health challenges develop, examples being thyroiditis, hepatitis, prostatitis, unexplained chronic fatigue, and problems with vision. If toxicosis persists, it’s possible for the DNA in your cells to become damaged, which may lead to abnormal cellular growth of the affected cells.

While the majority of chronic health challenges are caused by more than one factor, I hope that it’s clear that allowing your body to accumulate toxins over the long haul can result in you developing any one of the chronic diseases that are plaguing people in industrialized countries. To be clear, toxicosis cancontribute to coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes mellitus, respiratory illness, kidney disease, liver dysfunction, autoimmune illness, hormonal imbalances, skin conditions, and most types of cancer.

Your Body is Constantly Detoxifying and Cleansing

The good news is that your body is designed to constantly gather up and remove toxins from your cells. Most of the toxins that are stirred up from your cells are broken down in your liver, and then eliminated from your body via your kidneys, colon, skin, lungs, and mucus linings in your nose and ears.

Put another way, every time that you urinate, defecate, exhale, cough, sneeze, and experience an inside-out reaction with your skin, your body eliminates toxins from your system.

If your exposure to toxins rises, your body increases its output through the eliminative channels mentioned above. If your eliminative mechanisms cannot keep up with the number of toxins that are coming in and being generated in your cells, in an effort to preserve your health, your body attempts to store some of the toxins in your fat tissues. Even if you are lean for your body type, your body can store toxins in fat tissues that can be found interspersed between your muscle fibers and surrounding your organs.

The bottom line is this: Your body is committed to eliminating harmful toxins from your system at all times. Toxins can become problematic to your health if you accumulate enough of them to experience cellular dysfunction.

Full Body Cleanse

I hope that it’s clear that your body is experiencing a full body cleanse at all times. Put another way, your body is constantly at work to keep every cell in your body as healthy as possible.

Any effective full body cleanses or any other type of cleansing program that you go through should be designed to accelerate the detoxifying process that your body is already engaged in.

There’s not a lot that you have to do to encourage your body to rid itself of toxins.

You can accelerate cleansing and detox by reducing the number of exogenous and endogenous toxins that you are exposed to, and by giving your body the rest that it needs to devote its resources to its cleansing and detoxifying mechanisms.

Put another way, to experience a truly effective period of intense cleansing, you don’t need to give your body much by way of nutrients. Actually, all you need to give your body are physical and emotional rest, fresh air, water, and enough fuel to sustain your most basic metabolic processes. And as people who understand water fasting know, the fuel that you need for intense cleansing can actually come from reserves found in your liver, muscles, and fat.

But this isn’t an article about water fasting. This is an article about how to experience accelerated full body cleansing while going about most of your everyday routine.

Before we get into a specific protocol for intense cleansing, let’s address one final point: your body cleanses and detoxifies itself evenly. What I mean by this is that there’s no way for your body to cleanse your kidneys first, and then your liver, and then your eyes, and so on and so forth. Your body detoxifies all of its cells at about the same pace.

This doesn’t mean that every part of your body will feel healthier at the same pace, as each of your body parts has its own history and genetic predisposition. Let’s say, for example, that you have a long history of acne. If you begin a period of intense cleansing, it may be days or weeks or months after your internal organs have become significantly cleaner and healthier when you observe improvement in the health of your skin. And if other factors are contributing to your acne (such as an imbalance in your endocrine system), you may need years of healthful living to experience lasting improvement in skin health and tone.

Please don’t forget this fact: many chronic health challenges take years to develop, so it’s unrealistic to expect such challenges to fully heal within months, even if you fully support your cleansing mechanisms.

This last point is one that you probably won’t find on most of the more than 2 million Web sites that discuss how to experience a full body cleanse.

Although it may be disheartening to know, the truth is that lasting improvement in your health may take many months or years to manifest itself. You may feel better within days, but I hope that what you’re really shooting for is to build a foundation of health that will serve you for decades.

Also, please remember that the positive effects of an intense period of cleansing will last only as long as your dietary and lifestyle choices support your health after your cleanse. Your body is working its tail off to detoxify itself as you are reading these words, and it will continue to do so during an intense cleanse, and after an intense cleanse. Full body cleansing never stops – it is always happening at the pace that your daily choices allow. If you want to experience your best health, your job is to support your body’s self-cleansing mechanisms every day.

How to Experience an Intense, Full Body Cleanse

As mentioned earlier, here are the most basic requirements for an intense, fully body cleanse:

  1. Expose yourself to as much fresh air as possible.
  2. Get as much physical and emotional rest as possible.
  3. Stay hydrated with water-rich foods and liquids.
  4. Minimize your exposure to exogenous and endogenous toxins


Full Body Cleanse: Diet

During an intense, full body cleanse, the goal with your diet is simple: it’s to minimize the workload on your digestive organs while supplying your body with enough energy to carry out its everyday activities. Cleansing is performed primarily by your body’s self-regulated cleansing mechanisms, not by the nutrients in the foods that you eat.

Vegetables, fruits, and their juices are excellent food choices for an intense, full body cleanse for the following reasons:

  1. For most people, vegetables and fruits are extremely easy to digest.
  2. Vegetables and fruits are naturally rich in water; staying hydrated is an essential requirement for an intense, full body cleanse.

For the vast majority of people, grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, and all cooked animal foods are harder to digest than vegetables and fruits. So for an intense period of cleansing, it’s best to avoid everything but vegetables, fruits, their juices, and water.

How to Prepare for an Intense, Full Body Cleanse

Before beginning, it’s ideal to take a week or at least a few days to taper your intake of the following:

  • Coffee
  • Alcohol
  • Salt
  • Sugar and other sweeteners
  • All animal foods, including dairy, eggs, fish, shellfish, chicken, beef, pork, and all other flesh meats

These foods put significant strain on your digestive organs, and avoiding them “cold turkey” can sometimes create withdrawal symptoms that are too powerful for some people to tolerate.

It’s fine to eat grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds right up until the day before you begin your intense period of detox – these foods are rich in fiber, and their remains should move through your digestive tract without too much difficulty during your intense cleanse.

If you don’t wish to spend up to a week to taper your intake of the foods listed above, it’s fine to begin right away; just be aware that you may experience highly uncomfortable symptoms of withdrawal, like strong headaches, lightheadedness, and nausea.

Other than tapering the foods-to-avoid during your cleanse, all that remains during the preparatory phase is to make sure that your kitchen is well stocked with vegetables and fruits that you enjoy.

Here is a list of vegetables and fruits that can be used for a highly effective cleanse:

  • Dark green, leafy lettuce (romaine, red leaf, green leaf)
  • Avocados
  • Tomatoes
  • Cucumbers
  • Celery
  • Carrots
  • Red beets (one or two will last a week)
  • Zucchini
  • Bell peppers
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Cabbage
  • Asparagus
  • Onions
  • Corn
  • Yukon gold or new potatoes
  • Sweet potatoes or yams
  • Acorn or butternut squash
  • Watermelon
  • Honeydew
  • Cantaloupe
  • Pears
  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Mangoes
  • Papaya
  • Peaches
  • Plums
  • Nectarines
  • Grapes
  • Coconut
  • Oranges and grapefruit
  • Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, goji berries, and any other berries that you enjoy
  • Any other fruits or vegetables that you enjoy raw or juiced

Clearly, it’s best to choose fruits and vegetables that are in season. Organic varieties are best, but my experience has been that non-organic produce can also be used to experience an intense period of detox.

Regarding liquids: Have on hand plenty of water that you feel comfortable drinking. When weighed against all of the moment-to-moment dietary and lifestyle factors that affect your health, so long as your water isn’t intentionally poisoned, even municipal tap water can be used to experience a highly effective cleanse.

It’s fine to drink warm or hot water.

It’s also fine to use sparkling mineral water as you desire, although you should mainly drink “still” water during your cleanse.

Regarding medications: Please do not taper or stop taking prescription medications without your physician’s consent.

Regarding nutritional supplements: Avoid any supplements that contain synthetic nutrients, protein isolates, grains, nuts, seeds, or lecithin. It’s fine to take whole food supplements that contain nothing but vegetables and/or fruits. It’s also fine to take a probiotic as long as it doesn’t have added protein, grains, nuts, seeds, or lecithin.

Regarding equipment: If you can chew your foods well, you don’t need much by way of equipment. If you have access to a strong blender and a juicer, you can make smoothies and juices during your intense cleanse, but these aren’t absolutely necessary.

The Full Body Cleanse Diet


Eat any raw, ripe fruits that you desire, along with any combination of lettuce, celery, and avocado, if desired.

If you have trouble staying full on just raw fruits and vegetables, be sure to have avocado with your fruit, as the healthy fatty acids found in avocado should help you stay satisfied until your next meal.

If you’d like, you can blend up your morning meal into a smoothie.

You can also have water, sparkling water, or a hot drink made with boiling water and peppermint or chamomile tea.



Eat a large vegetable salad with as many different vegetables as possible. If you would like a salad dressing, use extra-virgin olive oil, fresh lemon juice, fresh orange juice, fresh lime juice or any combination of extra-virgin olive oil and citrus juice. Try to avoid vinegar, honey, salt, and spices.

If you have trouble feeling full, again, try to include an avocado with your salad.

If you don’t think you can make it to dinner on a raw vegetable salad with avocado, have a steamed Yukon gold potato, new potato, or sweet potato after your salad.

Feel free to have water, sparkling water, or peppermint or chamomile tea after your lunch meal. Also feel free to have any fresh, ripe fruits that you desire after your vegetable salad.


Eat any combination of raw vegetables and fruits that you desire, but aim to have at least as many vegetables as fruits.

If you’re still hungry after eating raw vegetables and fruits, have any steamed vegetables that you enjoy, such as steamed broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, corn, and asparagus.

If you’re still hungry after eating steamed vegetables, feel free to have steamed root vegetables, such as steamed potatoes, sweet potatoes and carrots.

Have as much water, sparkling water, or peppermint or chamomile tea that you desire.


Any raw fruits, vegetables, their juices, and smoothies made with raw fruits and vegetables are fine snack choices. For a dip to eat with raw vegetables, have guacamole made with avocado, red onion, and lemon or lime juice.

Full Body Cleanse Sample Menu


Big bowl of watermelon with a large handful of romaine lettuce leaves and 1/4 to 1/2 of an avocado.


A large vegetable salad made with leafy lettuce, cucumber slices, tomato slices, shredded carrots, shredded red beets, sliced red onions, shredded zucchini, 1/2 to 1 whole avocado, 1/2 a sweet bell pepper, and raw corn kernels.

Optional: Dressing made by mixing one part extra-virgin olive oil and one part orange juice.


Small bowl of romaine lettuce, celery sticks, mango, and blueberries.

Steamed cabbage, broccoli, and 1/2 to 1 whole raw avocado.


Smoothie made with banana, blueberries, mango, and water.

Full Body Cleanse Schedule

A nice feature of this full body cleanse is that you can follow it for however many days you desire and/or your schedule allows.

Initially, you may want to try it over the weekend, beginning on Friday evening, and ending on Monday afternoon.

Many people find that seven full days is quite manageable, and produces noticeable changes in energy level and sense of well-being. The first while can be tough for some people who experience severe symptoms of withdrawal, but for the majority of people who experience such symptoms, things start to look up after a few days.

If you like how this program of eating makes you feel, it’s fine to continue with it for as long as you feel strong and healthy.

When you’re ready to add other foods back into your diet, it’s best to proceed slowly. On the first day of “breaking” your cleanse, you should follow the same diet, but add one additional food to your afternoon or evening meal, like hummus made with chickpeas.

On day 2, you can have two servings of protein-dense foods; say a serving of eggs with lunch and a serving of fish for dinner.

As you break into a long-term pattern of eating, the goal should be to keep the full body cleanse diet as the foundation of your diet, and to add small servings of healthy, protein-dense foods (grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, and animal foods) to your meals as your appetite dictates.

How to Use Fresh Juices during Your Full Body Cleanse

After a day or two of getting right into the full body cleanse diet, it’s fine to try a day or two of having nothing but fresh juices.

Because juices are mostly devoid of fiber, they put even less burden on your digestive organs than the whole foods that they come from. Less digestive burden translates to more energy being available for your self-regulated cleansing mechanisms.



Here are some guidelines for juicing days:

  1. Have as many freshly pressed juices as you desire.
  2. Stick mainly with green juices that are made with a foundation of dark green, leafy lettuce and celery. Use only small amounts of sweet root vegetables like carrots and red beets.
  3. If you want to have some freshly pressed fruit juice, mix it 50/50 with a non-sweet vegetable juice.

Here’s an example of what a juicing day might look like:

Juice #1

6 leaves romaine lettuce
2 ribs celery
2 carrots

Juice #2

6 leaves green leafy lettuce
2 oranges

Juice #3

6 leaves romaine lettuce juice
2 leaves green cabbage
2 carrots

Juice #4

Big handful of kale or Swiss chard
2 ribs celery
2 apples

Juice #5

2 tomatoes
2 carrots
3 ribs celery
Squeeze of lemon juice

After your juicing day(s), go back to the full body cleanse diet described above for at least a day before adding protein-dense foods to your diet.

An alternative to doing full juicing days is to substitute one of your regular meals with a freshly pressed vegetable juice.