The Push Catch Liver Detox

The Push Catch Liver Detox

A mainstay of my work has always been the Liver, Gallbladder & Ileo Cecal Valve. The main organs of detoxification. I decided to go back to my roots and reintroduce The PushCatch® LiverDetox- a versatile two-step cleansing protocol designed to help support the liver. It is widely accepted that eliminating toxins and then minimizing their redistribution and reabsorption is essential for proper health. Other improperly designed protocols on the market can result in unwanted redistribution, not elimination.*

This elegant and powerful formulation and delivery chemistry derive from Dr. Christopher Shade’s extensive research into detoxification pathways. In the “push” phase, powerful antioxidants assist a liposomal blend of bitters that support bile flow and help mobilize substances out of the tissues. Flowing into the gut, natural binders “catch” the compounds so that they can be safely eliminated by the body. Our PushCatch® contains a broad-spectrum constellation of binders that are blended with uniquely soothing prebiotic fibers.*

The PushCatch® Liver Detox integrates two unique Quicksilver Scientific products:

Dr. Shade’s Liver Sauce®: Certain botanicals have a potent effect on bitter receptors and phytonutrients can support healthy inflammatory response to support the different phases of liver detoxification and toxin elimination.* Dr. Shade’s Liver Sauce® contains a blend of four classic drainage botanicals and a synergistic medley of powerful phytonutrients.*

UltraBinder®: In the body, binders work across the gut to intercept and neutralize an array of toxins. UltraBinder™ contains a comprehensive, broad-spectrum binder, and because binders can be constipating, we added a soothing and fluidizing acacia gum and aloe vera to the blend.*

This system is highly flexible and can be used as a gentle, daily standalone detox, or as an intensive program.

Effective cleansing respects the fact that our body has built-in, highly evolved defense mechanisms that include adaptation, habituation, and a tendency to tilt toward homeostasis. Botanicals and phytonutrients that promote detoxification, drainage and elimination can be highly effective, but over time, the body may habituate to stimulation and become less responsive.

Cycling between on and off periods, and titrating doses from low to high over time are both key concepts essential for effective, safe detoxification. Cycling will give the body a necessary rest, and allow it to reset during the off period, so that detoxification can be resumed with full effect.

Titrating dosages and schedules up over time offers a scalable, flexible, and tolerated approach that is suitable for all, from the highly sensitive to the highly robust and resilient.

The PushCatch® LiverDetox can be adapted for very light frequent detoxification and can also be slowly scaled up for more intensive, deeper cleanses.

Suggested use:

1. Take a dose of Dr. Shade’s Liver Sauce, (remember to hold in mouth 30-60 seconds before swallowing.)

2. 30 minutes later take a dose of UltraBinder, then3. Wait 30 minutes before eating

Let’s do once a day before breakfast.  If that absolutely will not work then we will still do once a day between 1-4pm

Disclaimer: This system is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. The dosing schedule below is designed to serve as a guide, and should not supplant guidance concerning the use of these supplements provided by your healthcare practitioner.

Caution: Because Ultra Binder™ contains activated charcoal and other substances which may affect the absorption of medications, it should be taken at least two hours before or after prescription medications.5 days on 2 days off!!    This is the Beginners program on the attached PDF

Lemons + Lemon Slice “Tea”

Lemons, Lemons, Lemons

lemlemons.jpgLemon cultivars can be sweet, sour, and downright pucker-inducing. In the kitchen, they can be used in savory dishes and sweet treats, as well as employed as antibacterial cleaning agents. They’re good for digestion, too. That’s a lot of work packed into these little yellow fruits!

Like other citrus fruits, lemons are high in vitamin C, and they also contain small amounts of potassium, folate, and B6. When consumed along with iron-rich foods, vitamin C may help the body absorb more of this mineral. (A good tip for patients who tend toward iron deficiency anemia. Who wouldn’t want lemon garlic lamb kebabs? Or, for vegetarians, how about fresh squeezed lemon juice on an iron-rich bean salad?)

The acidity of lemons may help aid digestion, and their pectin—a soluble fiber—may help reduce total cholesterol as well as improve bowel health. (It should be noted, however, that lemon juice doesn’t provide fiber. For that, the pulp of the fruit must be consumed. A tall order, perhaps, for people who don’t like the sour taste, but grilling lemons is a way to bring out their sweetness. Preserving lemons in salt or with spices is another way to tone down the tartness and bring out the sweet zing while making the pulp very soft and easy to eat—including the rind!.

What’s the Difference Between Meyer Lemons and Regular Lemons?

Lemons are sometimes promoted as a weight loss aid. While squeezing a bit of fresh lemon juice on a salad or even eating the pulp of a lemon isn’t going to put bariatric physicians out of business, there’s some evidence that lemons may help just a little in the battle of the bulge. Mouse studies indicate that lemon polyphenols suppress body weight gain and body fat accumulation by “increasing peroxisomal beta-oxidation through up-regulation of the mRNA level of acyl-CoA oxidase in the liver and white adipose tissue.” Lemon polyphenols also improved serum levels of insulin, glucose and leptin, which may be of benefit to individuals with insulin resistance and/or metabolic syndrome. Additionally, adding a splash of lemon juice to water may help individuals drink more of it throughout the day, which may translate into slightly greater weight loss, owing to the thermogenic effect of water. (Many patients simply don’t like to drink water, and a little bit of lemon may make it more appealing.)

Other populations that may benefit from increasing lemon fruit and juice intake are those at risk for kidney stones or those with a history of stones. The high content of citric acid in lemons may help increase urine volume (particularly if added to beverages) and raise urine pH, creating an unfavorable environment for stone formation. It also increases urinary citrate excretion, with citrate acting as a natural inhibitor of urinary crystallization. “Achieving therapeutic urinary citrate concentration is one clinical target in the medical management of calcium urolithiasis”—and drinking plenty of lemon juice might be one way to boost urinary citrate levels.

Lemon juice is a powerful antimicrobial agent, which accounts for the use of lemon essential oil in many household cleaning products, particularly those used to clean kitchen counters and cutting boards. Lemon juice has demonstrated antibacterial effects against E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and strains of Salmonella, as well as anti fungal effects against Candida Albicans. Another helpful thing lemons do in the kitchen is keep apples, bananas, pears, and avocados from turning brown when they’re cut prior to adding to a recipe. (Other citrus juice will do this as well, such as orange and lime.)

What’s the Difference Between Meyer Lemons and Regular Lemons?

Here is a great article from David Wolf-

20 Incredible Things Happen When You Add Lemon Water to Your Morning Routine

Turmeric, Ginger, Coconut Milk

Turmeric, Ginger, Coconut Milk 

Mix Turmeric, Ginger And Coconut Milk And Drink It One Hour Before Bed!      

The Results In The Morning… Amazing

Turmeric, Ginger, Coconut Milk Cocktail

With more than 100 million Americans experiencing digestive problems, most people know that  heartburn, bloating, constipation and gas are signs that something is amiss with their intestinal health..

Fortunately, there are ways to help treat these digestive issues naturally. Below the benefits of turmeric milk are discussed as a bedtime drink and a recipe is given for an anti-inflammatory bedtime beverage based on coconut and turmeric. This drink can improve digestion and avoid nighttime heartburn and reflux.

Turmeric. Curcumin stimulates the gallbladder to produce bile, which some people think may help improve digestion. The German Commission E, which determines which herbs can be safely prescribed in Germany, has approved turmeric for digestive problems. And one double-blind, placebo-controlled study found that turmeric reduced symptoms of bloating and gas in people suffering from indigestion.

Ginger has a long history of use for relieving digestive problems such as nausea, loss of appetite, motion sickness and pain.

Coconut milk. If you’re struggling with constipation, getting more fiber in your diet may help. One cup of raw coconut milk has 5 grams of fiber. It is also used as a laxative. It can also be a remedy for urinary and kidney problems.

Raw honey contains over 5000 enzymes including amylase, a digestive enzyme for carbohydrates. The benefit of ingesting naturally occurring enzymes such as amylase is that it reduces the burden on the body to produce these enzymes itself to digest the food.

How to make this drink?


-1 teaspoon of turmeric

-2 cups coconut milk

-1 piece of ginger root or 1 teaspoon of ginger powder

-1 tablespoon of honey

-¼ teaspoon of black pepper.


Take a bowl and add all the ingredients, except the honey. Mix them well. After that, pour the mixture into a saucepan and heat until it starts to bowl. Cook on low heat for 5 minutes. Let it cool a little bit, add the honey and drink while it’s still warm. Your drink is ready!

The drink is very simple to prepare it and solves many problems with stomach, bad breath.

Recommended to drink it one hour before you go to sleep, and you will wake up refreshed and full with energy!

Good ol’ Glutathione – the Antidote to Snake Oil “Detoxes”

Good ol’ Glutathione – the Antidote to Snake Oil “Detoxes”

When patients make the decision to clean up their diet and put more effort into establishing and maintaining healthy lifestyle habits, many of them find benefit in starting out with some type of guided cleanse or detox. Television and magazine ads provide no shortage of slick programs promising miraculous transformations in health and physique through following these strategies, which typically range anywhere from a week to a month in duration. No doubt, clever marketing and pretty packaging can convince people who are fatigued, overweight, and living with chronic pain, that the answer to their woes lies in subsisting on cabbage soup, green smoothies, or a diet made up entirely of raw foods.

Patients would come in with drops, tablets, pills all claiming miracle detoxification.  The glitz and glamour these quick-fixes are wrapped up in obscure, the simple and perhaps even boring truth: the body “detoxes” itself constantly. Compounds that are produced by the body, itself, albeit with the aid of accessory nutrients, are the most effective things for internal housekeeping, and these cleansing processes take place all the time, with no need for drastic measures like drinking copious amounts of lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. Through eating a whole-foods, nutrient-dense diet, patients can support their body’s primary antioxidant and detoxification powerhouse: glutathione

Glutathione does not appear out of nowhere. It is manufactured by the body and is considered the mother of all antioxidants. Until recently, the only way to supplement our own reserve of glutathione was through IV injections. The enzymes responsible for its synthesis and recycling require several vitamin and mineral cofactors. The short list includes magnesium, riboflavin and selenium. Magnesium is needed for the synthesis of glutathione, itself. Selenium is required for glutathione peroxidase (GPx), which converts potentially harmful hydrogen peroxide into water, leaving behind oxidized glutathione (GSSG). At least five variants of GPx are known to be selenoproteins: GPx1 (in the cytosol), GPx2 (specific to epithelial cells in the lungs and intestinal lining), GPx3 (thyroid and kidneys), GPx4 (phospholipid-hydroperoxide), and GPx6 (active in the olfactory epithelium). Moving along in the glutathione redox cycle, riboflavin, as part of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), is used by glutathione reductase, which restores oxidized glutathione into reduced glutathione (GSH).

  • GSH resides in the cell  —  There are approximately 50-72 trillion cells in the body
  • GSH is the mother of all antioxidants
  • It is considered the strongest antioxidant in the world because it is what your own body produces
  • Glutathione is a tri-peptide meaning it has 3 amino acids

The name, glutathione, is indicative of the presence of at least two of its components: the amino acid glutamine, and the presence of sulfur (thio), in the form of the amino acid cysteine. Glycine is the third amino acid that makes up the glutathione tripeptide. Being that it is a tripeptide, it’s especially amusing that many of the popular quick-fix cleanse and detox programs marketed to uninformed consumers are low in protein. While plant foods do, of course, provide protein, vegetable-based proteins are typically not as bioavailable nor as complete as animal proteins. Programs that call for the elimination of animal foods, at least, temporarily, run the risk of not providing the body with enough of the amino acids it needs to support the synthesis of its own in-house detoxifying substances, of which glutathione is only one.

  • It is 5000 times stronger than Vitamins C & E
  • Vitamin C has 5 extra electrons to donate
  • Vitamin E has 3 extra electrons to donate
  • GSH has 1 million extra electrons to donate

Although glutathione is synthesized by the body, there are health situations that may benefit from supplementation. Specifically, these include conditions associated with rampant oxidative stress, in which the use of glutathione might outpace production, or which may be caused or exacerbated by reduced levels of this key antioxidant. For example, cytosolic glutathione levels are markedly reduced in the substantia nigra of patients with Parkinson’s disease. Damage to mitochondria is believed to underlie several other neurodegenerative conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Increasing glutathione levels in the brain is being explored as a therapeutic adjunct for slowing or preventing Alzheimer’s and its precursor, mild cognitive impairment.

Supplemental glutathione is sometimes an appropriate choice for patients, but can be difficult to deliver to the body. Until recently, the only way to supplement our own reserve of glutathione was through IV injections. As a peptide, glutathione administered orally would be broken down during digestion. Providing precursor molecules, such as N-acetyl-cysteine, or glutathione in its reduced form or as S-acetyl-glutathione, in which the acetyl group protects the compound from being degraded in the GI tract, are ways to boost levels of this crucial compound.

  • Raising cellular glutathione increase the release of toxins
  • Toxins are most always attached to fat molecules such as bile
  • GSH forces toxins to attach to fats (bile) which is then returned to the Liver
  • How your body rids itself of toxins is directly related to NOT getting Cancer
  • You can never downgrade inflammation without cellular detoxification

*If you check Pub-Med, as of 922/15 there are 321,156 studies done on Glutathione for most every disease complex

*Also on PubMed as of 9/22/15 there are 6,217 research articles on Glutathione’s affect on aging

Here is an excellent link from Huffington Poast on Glutathione–Mother of all Antioxidants

In my result driven practice, I use Glutathione supplements which absolutely, undoubtedly work as they should. Please contact me at [email protected] or call 619-231-1778

Gallstone Flush Instructions

Gallbladder Gallstone Flush Instructions

Liver/Gallbladder Flushes have been around for 100′s of years.  Each part of the world has various varieties of flushes which were normally done in the springtime to rid the body of “heavier” toxins created in the winter and prepare the body for lighter foods and “summer heat”  The folks in the American South used Poke Root, the Germanic Europeans used cabbage, the Southern Europeans used olive oil, salts and artichokes.

There are dozens of varieties of liver and gallbladder flushes.  In my 35 years of practice, I may have used most all of them.  I recommend this particular one because it is easier for the patient and relatively inexpensive.  As with all de-tox programs and flushes, I wholeheartedly recommend you work with a physician or other knowledgeable health care provider so they may advise, counsel and guide you through the process.

Even before looking at the instructions please go to my post on Gallbladder and read what it does so you can have a clear understanding of how important it is to clear it out!

DAYS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: 

You will need to buy 5 quarts (1 gallon + 1 Qt.) of Organic Apple Juice.

The apple juice naturally contains pectin and malic acid which will help soften and break down larger stones into smaller pieces and chips

You will also need a 4 ounce bottle of Super Phos-30 Drops. Thanks to the FDA you will have to contact me to purchase at 619-231-1778 or [email protected]

These drops are simply phosphorous which is used in the apple to ensure there is no unnecessary nausea from the apple juice activating the gallbladder.

Each day 10cc of Super Phos 30 is added into the full quart of apple juice

Drink the apple juice throughout the day as opposed to drinking all of it at one time\

This is not a fast!!  Eat normally for the entire 5 days you are preparing for the actual flush

** For diabetics or if you cannot tolerate so much apple juice, use one quart of distilled water per day,

DAY 5:

  • On Day 5, in the afternoon, mix one tablespoon of Epsom Salt in one cup of  warm water. Drink. Epsom salt can help relax the liver bile ducts.**You may repeat this the next morning.
  • Do not eat past 5:00 or at the latest 6:00pm that day
  • Eating a hearty lunch late in the day would also be advisable and if so, skip dinner altogether
  • Wait a minimum of 3 hours before ingesting the following mixture
  • 6 ounce of freshly opened olive oil
  • 10 ounces of Coca-Cola Classic- the Cola contains phosphoric acid and the phosphoric acid will help prevent any nausea created by drinking the olive oil
  • Juice of one or two fresh lemons depending on the size of the lemons
  • Put all 3 ingredients in a glass jar; shake it up; say a prayer and gulp it down
  • If you have an oily feeling on lips or teeth, use lemon rind on them to relieve the oily feeling

** The above recipe is called “the gallbladder challenge”.  You have prepared the gallbladder all week by drinking the apple juice and now you are challenging the gallbladder by drinking the above olive oil mixture which will provoke the gallbladder to dump the stones.

  • After drinking the flush mixture, immediately lie down on your RIGHT SIDE for a half hour (30 minutes). NOT less! It is best to draw your knees up to your chest (fetal position) so the oil will force the gall bladder and bile duct to contract and throw off the stones.   If you can’t do this, lay stretched out full length. Stay in either position for 30 minutes,
  • After 30 minutes, you can move around and resume normal activity and then go to sleep. It usually will take up to 8 hours for the flush to work.
  • A Castor Oil pack; heating pad; or hot water bottle placed directly over the liver for 30 minutes just as you go to sleep is not imperative but would be highly beneficial


  • There will be considerable soft stool the first time. This will decrease and a more formed stool will follow later on
  • . Stones are not usually found with the first stool. Most will come out with the second stool, maybe 5 to 8 hours later. Less stones will be noticed with each additional stool.
  • Reports range from a few to as many as a few to a few hundred stones being discharged. The stones will be somewhat soft and waxy green (like cooked peas). Stones have been reported to be anywhere from pea size to the size of a golf ball.
  • For those who are adventurous, you can put a cheap plastic colander in the toilet bowel, release into the colander and then wash it through (like panning for gold). Stones will be on the bottom.


  • Sometimes but not often, the patient will awake during the night and throw-up the olive oil mixture.  Do not be concerned.  It simply means the gallbladder was severely toxic and not able to handle the challenge in its entirety
  • It has also been reported that the patient begins releasing gallstones as soon as they begin the apple juice on Days 1-5.  Again, do not be concerned. Just follow the instructions as written.

How to Prevent Stones from forming in the Future:

A teaspoon of Olive Oil a day will keep the liver bile ducts clean and prevent new stones from forming.  It is easy and it works!  Use extra virgin olive oil mixed with juice from a lemon. Drink it as a “shooter” or with meals, salads etc.

The Lemon Slice Tea 1sr thing in the morning washes out excess bile toxins accumulated throughout the night.

For additional information as well as instructions specific to your situation, please call me at 619-231-1778 or e-mail [email protected]