Author Archives: pprincetta
Newsletter 24 – Mindfulness Technique
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Thyroid Gland Facts
Thyroid Gland Facts
Thyroid – The Master Regulator
The thyroid gland is a high performance engine
- Controls the rate of oxygen used by the cells the cells to make ATP energy
- Makes proteins that operate cell and tissue function
- Governs sensitivity of the cells to other hormones via cell membrane receptors
- Participates as a feedback mechanism involving other glands: ovaries/ testes, adrenals, thymus, hypothalamus, pituitary, pancreas as well as lesser known endocrine cells in the heart, skin, placenta, kidneys, etc.
- Promotes glucose conversion to pyruvate in the liver
- Makes glucose from fat
- Controls volume of digestive enzymes
- Maintains nervous system function
- Promotes the female body’s ability to become pregnant
- Controls hair growth
- Facilitates skin hydration
- Promotes bone growth and maintains strong bones
- Maintains muscle tone including heart muscle integrity
- Controls rate that the liver releases cholesterol
Roles of 7 Thyroid Hormones:
- T-0 [Thyroamine] – a precursor and by product of thyroid hormone synthesis. Does not act on thyroid hormone receptors.
- T-1 [3-iodothyronamine] – is a by-product derivative of T4 Thyroxine – counteracts thyroid hormonal activity. Causes hypothermia, low blood pressure, slow pulse, inactive, torpid states. Protects the heart. ***Amphetamines, Ecstasy turn on T-1 receptors.
- T-2 [3,3’-Diiodothyronine] – Increases mitochondrial respiration and cytochrome oxidase activity.*Stimulates metabolic rate to help in times of cold, over eating. Elevates basal rate. Increases oxidative rates in muscles, brown adipose and liver. Increases fat metabolic enzymes (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, malic enzymes). Increases Growth Hormone. **Not as suppressive as T3 for TSH.
- T-3 [3,5,3’ Triiodothyronine] – The active molecule at the nuclear membrane receptor. Activated three ways: (1) Deiodination = removal of one iodine atom, (2) Sulfation, (3) Glucuronidation
- T-4 [Thyroxine] – The major hormone. Called “storage.” 80% of what’s in the body. Converts in the liver, kidneys, brain, and cells to T-3 for active duty.
- RT-3 [Reversed T-3] – inactive, unable to express, used to clear out excessive T-4. **Pesticides in food cause more RT-3, as does stress based on adrenal output of stress hormones—cortisol, epinephrine, nor epinephrine. Blocks cell receptors causing thyroid hormone resistance.
- Calcitonin – *Suppresses bone resorption by inhibiting osteoclasts’ = bone loss, **Prevents Ca & Phosphorous from being retained in kidneys, thus loss in urine.
Note: If you want to go even further understanding the thyroid, this link will take you there. Iodine the Secret to Health by Dr. Jorge Flechas http://www.xpeditionstv.com/V2/
Dr. Princetta is available for consult via Phone, Skype as well as “in house” visits. Contact 619-231-1778 or https://drprincetta.com
Newsletter 23 – Beautiful Song
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Newsletter 22 – Antibiotics and Oxidative Stress
With so many antibiotic resistant infections on the rise, I have no choice but to continue empowering you to build up your immune system on your own accord (with a little help from me of course)
Please take a look at this video as it is just a few minutes long
Atlanta Dates: Thursday, July 17th through Sunday, July 28th—come see me!
To your health,
Dr. Philip Princetta
Intestinal Strep
Janice Haney Carr/CDC Public Health Image Library 
Streptococcus bacteria, like this strain, can be found in our guts.
Most of the microbes in our guts appear to remain stable for years, perhaps even most of our lives, researchers reported Thursday.
An analysis of the bacteria in the digestive systems of 37 healthy women over a period of about five years found, for the most part, little variation over time, says molecular biologist of the Washington University School of Medicine, who led the research. As decades-long internal companions, Gordon says, many microbes “are in a position to shape our lives, to promote our health or, in certain circumstances, contribute to risk for disease.”
Scientists have known for a long time that we all carry around bacteria that help us digest our food. But they apparently do lots of other things for us too.
“These are cells that are important parts of ourselves,” Gordon says. “And they contribute to our health.”
There’s always been one big question about the microbes, he says: “Once these communities are formed, how long do they endure? What is the stability in healthy individuals?”
To try to get a sense of that, Gordon and his colleagues developed a new type of “gut check”: a genetic analysis Gordon calls “a bar code of life.” The technique involves repeatedly analyzing all the variations in a particular bacterial gene. Because each strain of bacteria carries a slightly different form of the gene, the forms act almost like name tags or “bar codes” that identify which strains are present.
The method is “a way of classifying organisms represented in an individual’s gut community in a moment of time and over time,” Gordon says
Being able to test gut microbes from time to time could eventually prove to be a useful part of a checkup, Gordon says. For example, in the current study, published in this week’s issue of the journal Science, Gordon and his team found that when several women lost weight, the makeup of their gut bacteria slightly shifted (though the scientists couldn’t tell which came first — the weight loss, or the bacterial shift).
“By looking at someone’s intestine we could pretty much tell how much weight they had lost or gained without having to put them on a scale,” says of Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, who helped conduct the study.
Another intriguing finding was that people’s microbes seem to run in families — much as genes do. The researchers found more similarities in the gut microbes of related women — such as sisters, or a mother and her daughter — than among women who were not related.
“For everyone that we checked we were able to identify strains of bacteria that were shared between related individuals, which suggests that [they] had these microbes for a long time because many of these [relatives] lived far apart from each other now,” Faith says.
The finding corroborates earlier work suggesting that our microbial communities tend to form early in life, largely from microbes we get from our mothers and other close relatives when we are young.
“In the same way our genome defines who we are, one could say that the microbial populations that inhabit us define who we are,” says of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York.
Because all the women in the study were healthy, the researchers did not examine what happens to our microbes when we do things like take antibiotics or probiotics. Stay tuned for future research.
NOTE: New pathogens, some deadly, are appearing by the week. The only way for us to survive is to maintain a strong immune system. Because 87% of our immune system is located in the Intestines, it is of paramount importance to support and invigorate this integral part of our anatomy.
For more information please contact Dr. Princetta at [email protected] or calling 619-231-1778
Detox Tips – Long Term n Easy
Acetyl-Glutathione & Intracellular Detoxification
By Jack Tips (Ph.D, CCN)
Clinical nutritionists have long recognized the premier importance and vast significance of the molecule, glutathione (GSH), in human health. It is the body’s most important antioxidant/detoxifier, and protects the cells from free radical damage incurred during mitochondrial production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) energy. Other cellular free radical protectors are the enzymes catalase and super-oxide dismustase. Simply put, if glutathione levels drop, the body is prone to cancer, wasting disease, autism, hepatitis, cataracts, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s COPD, asthma, schizophrenia, bipolar and aging—just to cite a few conditions bearing numerous medical references
Raising glutathione levels in the cells has been a challenge. Glutathione can be put into a supplement, but it’s difficult to get it through the intestines into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, it’s difficult to get supplemental GSH into the cells as degradation occurs in the bloodstream. Studies showed taking supplemental GSH does not raise blood levels. Thus oral supplements were deemed to assist in the gastrointestinal tract; perhaps some help in the blood, but not enter the cells where it’s needed. Intravenous GSH administration became the most effective way to push GSH into the cells.
Recently, a new form of GSH became available—one that demonstrates it can be absorbed through the G.I. tract and survive degradation in the bloodstream, cross cell membranes and thus favorably impact the cells, as well as help prevent cancer. It is acetyl-glutathione featured in Systemic Formulas’ GCEL.
S-Acetyl Glutathione is an alternative frm of the reduced GSH. Several studies have shown that this precursor of GSH is well absorbed and more stable throughout the digestive tract than the reduced L-glutathione and has a positive effect on many oxidative stress bio-markers. S-Acetyl Glutathione enters the cell directly and once inside the cell it is converted to GSH by the cytoplasmic thioesterases that remove the acetyl group thus rapidly raising Intracellular GSH levels.
Because of GSH ability to promote detoxification from within the cells, its supplementation can flood the detox pathways and cause large amounts to enter the small intestines via gall bladder excretion via the bile. To prevent resorption from the intestines, practitioners utilize BIND (Toxin Elimination), a superactived charcoal, to absorb and bind toxins so they cannot be resorbed. Together GCEL and BIND assist the body in “removing the cause” of inflammation, hormone resistance, cell membrane damage, and errant cell metabolic processes.
NOTE: In clinical practice, detoxification proponents often employ the 60 Day Systemic Detoxification Program to help the body clear out the interfering toxin backlog, improve liver function, open detoxification pathways, and impact cellular metabolism with protective antioxidants. Then boosting GSH to drive the detoxification effort into the cellular processes offers the body an amazing opportunity to rejuvenate its cellular functions from which a more optimal health can be restored. Systemic’s Intracellular Detoxification program provides state of the art true cellular detoxification support that serves the brain, cells, and innate healing processes.
Newsletter 21 – Salt
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Internal Salt Water Colon Cleanse
As it is necessary to bathe the outside of our bodies, so it is with the inside. I prefer not recommending enemas or colonics as they are often unnecessary and can be harmful.
There is a much superior method of cleansing the colonic tract without the harmful effects of customary colonics and enemas. This method will cleanse the entire digestive tract while the colonics and enemas will only reach the colon or a small part of it. Colonics can be expensive while salt-water method is not.
- Prepare a full quart of lukewarm water
- Add two level (rounded for the Canadian quart) teaspoons of sea salt.( Do not use ordinary iodized salt, as it will not work properly).
- Drink the entire quart of salt and water first thing in the morning. This must be taken on an empty stomach.
- The salt and water will not separate but will stay intact and quickly and thoroughly wash the entire tract in about one hour.
- Several eliminations will likely occur. Some with unusual debris.
IMPORTANT: The salt water has the same specific gravity as the blood, hence the kidneys cannot pick up the water and the blood cannot pick up the salt.
This may be taken as often as needed for proper washing of the entire digestive system.
NOTE: If the salt water does not work the first time, try adding a little more or a little less salt until the proper balance is found; or possible take extra water with or without salt. This often increases the activity.
Remember, it can do no harm at any time. The colon needs a good washing, but do it the natural way—the salt water way.
Newsletter 20 – Chicken
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