Harry Hoxsey Cancer Cure

Of all the episodes of alternative cancer treatment suppression by the medical establishment, none is more dramatic and long lasting than Harry Hoxsey.  Harry’s constant conflicts covered almost 50 years of the 20th Century, while he defended what has proven to be a highly effective alternative cancer treatment.

Hoxsey was flamboyant and put himself into the public eye and ear energetically and often. The medical establishment, cancer industries, and cooperating government agencies responded viciously. His USA operations were closed down in 1960, but his legacy continues as the Bio-Medical Center in Tijuana, Mexico. His clinic was the first alternative cancer clinic to flee into a less politically hostile medical environment. Others have since followed.

The Hoxsey treatment

There are two herbal formulas used in the Hoxsey treatment. One is external, and consists of a red paste made with Blood root, the active anti-tumor ingredient, mixed with zinc chloride and antimony sulfide. This paste is applied directly onto skin cancer tumors.

An almost identical version of the Hoxsey external paste has a history of successful applications on skin cancers as far back as 1850 in England, by a Dr. Fell, who evidently got the Bloodroot ingredient from Lake Superior Native Americans by way of European doctors traveling in America. In 1949 and again in the 1960’s, there were other American doctors who used the same paste successfully in the States.

The internal tonic consists of Red Clover blossom, Licorice root, Buckthorn bark, Burdock root, Stillingia root, Poke root, Barberry root, Oregon Grape root, Cascara Sagrada bark, Prickly Ash bark, Wild Indigo root and Sea Kelp. The Sea Kelp may have been added more recently to the original formula. A supplementation of potassium iodide was included in addition to the tonic.

Richard Walters wrote in his Options: The Alternative Cancer Therapy Book, “According to eminent botanist James Duke, Ph.D., of the United States Department of Agriculture, all of the Hoxsey herbs have known anticancer properties. Furthermore, Duke noted, the Hoxsey herbs have long been used by Native American healers to treat cancer, and traveling European doctors picked up the knowledge and took it home with them to treat patients.”

A diet is included in the Hoxsey treatment that excludes pork, bleached white flour products, alcohol, sugar, sodas, and excess salt. In the clinic, patients eat together and mingle freely among themselves. The atmosphere is cordial and friendly, the type of positive attitude that encourages healing, sometimes even in and of itself.

Communication among staff and patients is open. Humor and positive attitudes are encouraged. When Hoxsey was in charge, he would personally greet and encourage patients to instill a positive attitude. So a good diet and the right energy for healing is part of the treatment, in addition to the herbal remedies.

There was and still is a one time fee, which enables patients to return as often as needed and receive tonics as long as needed. At last check, the one time fee was around $5000. Compare that to the cost of chemotherapy, surgery, radiation, doctor fees, and hospital stays for the average cancer patient!

Hoxsey never turned anyone down for lack of funds. He had become successful as an oil man in Texas, and he didn’t need the money. Yet claims that Hoxsey was a con man out to exploit people anxious for a cure was a chronic AMA tactic. One of Hoxseys healed patients commented that her conventional doctor had warned, “He’s gonna just take all your money!” To this, she replied, “But that’s impossible. You already have!”

Journalist James Burke observed Hoxsey taking people who had traveled to his clinic in Dallas and personally handling all their travel and living expenses while charging them nothing if they had no money. Burke was originally sent by Esquire magazine in 1939 to expose Harry Hoxsey as a quack and a fraud.

After witnessing so many patients recover, the manner in which they were treated, and the generosity Hoxsey displayed for cancer victims low on cash, Burke submitted an article to the magazine that they refused to print. After WW II, James Burke volunteered his journalistic services to Hoxsey as a press agent.

All the medical establishment’s reports on Hoxseys treatments were and still are negative and dismissive. And these reports are the ones that get published and circulated among the medical journals and released to the mass media.

What doesn’t get circulated in journals or mass media, however, is that several independent doctors, free of association or institutional restraints, conducted their own investigations and concluded that the Hoxsey therapy was more effective at ending cancer than the “conventional methods,” and without side effects. Additionally, there are many Hoxsey patient testimonials.

The Hoxsey history

Harry Hoxsey was not a medical practitioner. But he was the young son of a rural Illinois veterinarian who used an herbal tonic and salve on animals, mostly horses, and then secretly on humans with cancer. The formulas were very successful. Though young Harry never got past the 8th grade, he assisted his father and understood the family formula his dad used and how to use and apply it to others.

As Hoxseys father lay dying in bed, he told his son to use the family name for the formula, and to ensure its integrity. He also told Harry not to use the family formula primarily for monetary gain, but to allow its use for as many cancer victims as possible. In 1922, Harry Hoxsey started his first clinic in Taylorville, Illinois. He was hounded and arrested often for practicing medicine without a license.

He went to Chicago around 1924 to meet with the head of the AMA and editor of the AMA Medical Journal, Dr. Morris Fishbein, to prove the efficacy of his treatment. He was given access to a Chicago policeman, Sgt. Thomas Manix, whose cancer prognosis was terminal. Using both the ointment and tonic, the policeman was completely cured. This is a documented medical fact, and Manix lived another 10 years.

Fishbein and associates were impressed, and they offered to buy the formulas from Hoxsey. But Hoxsey disagreed with the terms. There was no guarantee that everyone would be able to have access to the formula, and Hoxsey would be completely out of the loop with no control. So Hoxsey refused to hand over the formulas.

That was the beginning of their war, as the medical establishment began its campaign to destroy Hoxsey. Of course, the AMA claimed no such offer was ever made.

While Hoxseys crude sales persona was used to easily portray him as a con artist, the real issue was over power and control of cancer cures for monetary gain or to hide them away in order to maintain the cancer industry’s medical monopoly of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.

In 1936, Hoxsey established the largest independent clinic in the country in Dallas, Texas. There he was confronted with yet another enemy, the Assistant District Attorney, Al Templeton. Hoxsey was arrested 100 times in two years on various trumped up charges. Each time he bailed himself out with the large amount of cash he carried just for those occasions.  Charges were always dropped as no one would testify against Hoxsey. Too many patients were happy with the treatment.

Al Templeton continued harassing Hoxsey until his brother, Mike Templeton, whose cancer was considered incurable by conventional medicine, sneaked to the clinic to receive Hoxseys treatments. He was saved. Al properly credited his brother’s healing to Hoxseys treatment, and he actually had a change of heart. The Assistant DA then became Hoxseys lawyer, and soon he was elected as a district judge.  Hoxsey then had friends in high places, locally.

But his biggest problems came on a national level since he had the large clinic in Dallas and several other smaller ones in different states. In 1949, Morris Fishbein wrote a hit piece on Hoxsey that was featured in the Hearst papers’ Sunday Magazine, available to 20 million readers. The title was “Blood Money,” and it was full of the character assassination bile that Fishbein had spewed endlessly in JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association) over the previous years.

Prior to this, Hoxsey relied on appealing to the public by radio, film, and with public demonstrations. He had also published a book titled You Don’t Have to Die. Though Hoxseys personae made him an easy target of criticism from the mainstream media, he was widely accepted by the general public. And by then he had some supporters in government and in the medical profession as well.

So this time Hoxsey counter attacked directly and named names. He sued the Hearst Newspaper empire and Morris Fishbein and the AMA Journal for slander and libel, and surprisingly, he won! The award was only two dollars. Supposedly, the judge declared there was no monetary damage, since Hoxsey had successfully used the AMA persecution to promote his treatments and products. But the ruling was that Hearst and Fishbein were guilty of libel and slander. Hoxsey had paraded over 50 healed cancer patients into the courtroom, along with testimony from other supporters.

More important than the award was Fishbeins’ embarrassment. The trial revealed that Fishbein had flunked anatomy in college, and he had never practiced medicine! Fishbein also admitted that the external salve Hoxsey used was actually effective. This after years of propagandizing the salve as worthless and dangerous. So despite the measly two dollar award, it was a stunning victory for Hoxsey. And it got even better.

The Supreme Court upheld the decision, ruling that the AMA had used restrictive trade techniques. The ensuing publicity aroused a public outcry against the AMA in the early 1950’s. The AMA was considered by many as nothing better than a trade union that would not tolerate competition.

Even Congress upheld that viewpoint in 1953, when the Fitzgerald report determined that the Hoxsey treatment and twelve other alternative treatments were actively conspired against by organized medicine. Morris Fishbein was forced to resign from his long tenure as head of the AMA. But these victories were not enough for Hoxsey.

He stubbornly lobbied for congressional hearings on the efficacy of his treatments, and insisted that the medical authorities investigate and do their own research. Even after an independent panel of physicians with more of a nutritional and herbal focus asserted the validity of Hoxseys treatment, a panel of surgeons and radiologists dismissed their verdict. The reason the AMA gave for declining further investigation was they didn’t want to raise false hopes. Interesting logic!

So as usual, whenever Hoxsey raised the stakes on his battles with the medical establishment, a backlash was sure to come. This time, the AMA got another alphabet soup to do their bidding, the FDA. The FDA pursued a long campaign of harassing not only Hoxsey, but also his patients who were receiving tonics mailed to their homes. Finally, the FDA closed and padlocked all 17 of Hoxseys clinics on the same day in 1960. Hoxsey was beaten and retreated.

But he recovered and came up with a plan. He urged his head nurse, Mildred Nelson RN, to relocate to a facility being prepared in Tijuana, MX. Ironically, Nurse Nelson was once very skeptical of Hoxsey until his Dallas clinic successfully treated both her parents for cancer. He insisted that she change the name because the Hoxsey name was too much of a target, and that she head the facility while he remained in Dallas for his oil business.

The legacy lives

Nurse Nelson reluctantly named the new clinic Bio-Medical Center, and started running the new facility in 1963. It remains there to this day, but the treatment is still considered as Hoxseys by many who have been healed or whose lives have been prolonged without agonizing side effects. The fee structure is the same as before, with a one time lifetime fee, requiring 30 percent down payment.

The story of Harry Hoxsey and his cancer treatments could be made into a Hollywood screen epic. There are even more fascinating details, dramatic events, and anecdotal testimonies. Of course, these days Hollywood wouldn’t release or distribute an accurate fictional account of Hoxseys’ successes, nor could Hollywood focus on the cancer industry’s unfair and vicious attacks in order to protect their vast, assorted revenue sources.

Largely because of his character and personality, Hoxseys story is probably the most dramatic in the annals of the cancer industry’s efforts to suppress any alternative real treatment for cancer. In lieu of a drama based on real life events, there is an excellent full length documentary, How Healing Becomes a Crime, which was produced in 1987 and is now available for viewing free on line at the first source below.

NOTE: I am deliberately sending this open to open your consciousness to the fact that Cancer is not a new disease and many people from the past now knew how to positively affect it.

For more information:






80% Pain Killers American Consumption

Many Americans would argue that the U.S. is the greatest nation on Earth, a beacon of freedom and hope for the rest of the world to emulate. But when it comes to mental and physical quality of life here in the States, America appears to rank near the bottom, as evidenced by the nation’s massive and growing addiction to pharmaceutical drugs and painkillers.

Though it isn’t often talked about, Americans consume most of the pharmaceutical drugs produced for the entire world, even though we represent a mere 5 percent of the global population. And when it comes to painkillers, Americans consume a staggering 80 percent of the global supply, with doctors prescribing more than 259 million scripts for painkillers annually.

These figures suggest that, behind the facade, Americans as a whole suffer from far more pain and disease than much of the rest of the world. Either that, or many Americans have become so depressed and hopeless that the only way they can cope with living is to constantly medicate themselves, a reality that seems to be reflected in the latest data sets.

Prescription drug overdose leading cause of acute preventable death in US

But rampant painkiller abuse is having a much more profound effect on people’s health than simply taking away their woes. According to data compiled by CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta, prescription drug overdose is now the leading cause of acute preventable death in America, exceeding even the death rate from car accidents.

Some of the most abused are high-level meds like oxycodone, which comes from a class of drugs known as opioids that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says are responsible for three out of every four drug overdose deaths. In 2010, opioid painkillers killed at least 16,651 people in the U.S., and that number is only continuing to rise year after year.

Prescription painkillers often become gateway to heroin addition

Most people don’t realize this, but opioids like oxycodone (Oxycontin) and hydrocodone (Vicodin) are derived from the same plant used to make heroin: the opium poppy. And many of the people who get addicted to these legal opium painkillers end up later switching to heroin, which more often than not is cheaper and easier to access.

As regulators have begun to crack down on the widespread over prescription of opioids , and drug makers reformulate their opioid products to be more tamper-proof, heroin use has consequently increased. The data show that in the two years after Oxycontin was reformulated to be less crushable and soluble in water, abuse of the drug dropped from 35.6 percent to 12.8. But the opposite occurred with heroin use.

“Heroin is usually cheaper than prescription drugs,” wrote Dr. Gupta in a recent piece on painkiller deaths. “Opiate pain medications cost the uninsured about $1 per milligram; so a 60-milligram pill will cost $60. You can obtain the equivalent amount of heroin for about one-tenth the price.”

Legal marijuana sparks massive decline in painkiller deaths

This is part of the reason why Dr. Gupta now supports legalized marijuana, a much safer alternative to opioid painkillers that eases pain without harmful side effects. A recent study published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine found that, in the 13 states where medical marijuana is legal, opioid mortality is down at least 25 percent.

“As our awareness of the addiction and overdose risks associated with use of opioid painkillers such as Oxycontin and Vicodin grows, individuals with chronic pain and their medical providers may be opting to treat pain entirely or in part with medical marijuana, in states where this is legal,” stated Colleen L. Barry, PhD, senior author of the study from Johns Hopkins University.


Elvis Presley the infamous addict was against all recreational drugs because they were not legally prescribed by a medical doctor.  This was his connection point to Richard Nixon








The “Raw” in Honey Makes All The Difference

When we look at the word raw, we probably associate it with the preservation of important vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Just as raw vegetables are preferable because of their nutritional content, the same is true of honey. Raw honey is honey that has not been heated, pasteurized or processed in any way.

The difference between raw and pasteurized honey is substantial. Raw honey is an alkaline-forming food that contains natural vitamins, enzymes, powerful antioxidants and other important natural nutrients. These are the very nutrients that are destroyed during the heating and pasteurization process. In fact, pasteurized honey is equivalent to and just as unhealthy as eating refined sugar.

Raw honey has anti-viral, antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties. It promotes body and digestive health, is a powerful antioxidant, strengthens the immune system, eliminates allergies, and is an excellent remedy for skin wounds and all types of infections.

Raw honey’s benefits don’t stop there. It can also stabilize blood pressure, balance sugar levels, relieve pain, calm nerves, and treat ulcers. Raw honey is also an expectorant and anti-inflammatory, and has been known to effectively treat respiratory conditions such as bronchitis and asthma.

Raw honey purchased from a local source is an excellent way of treating seasonal allergies. Local honey is preferable for treating allergies because the likelihood is great that it will contain small amounts of the specific pollens an individual may be allergic to.

Raw Honey is an effective natural remedy for a variety of conditions

For centuries, honey has been used to treat all sorts of ailments. It can be applied topically to heal wounds and rashes, or it can be taken internally to treat infections and address other health concerns.

Although there are numerous remedies to be had from raw honey, the following are popular remedies for common everyday conditions:

  • For skin burns, rashes, and abrasions, place a honey poultice over the affected area.
  • Treat acne by placing a small amount on blemishes nightly. This will often clear the skin in a short period of time. Washing your face with honey will leave you with sparkling clean soft skin.
  • Raw honey’s antibiotic properties are effective in treating colds and sore throats. It coats the throat and reduces irritation. For blocked sinuses, mix a teaspoon of honey in a pot of hot water, put a towel over your head, and just inhale the steam.
  • To treat allergies, take a teaspoon of raw honey a couple of times a day starting a few months prior to allergy season.

The many varieties of honey

There are many varieties of honey, some of which are used to treat specific health conditions.

  • Manuka honey has strong anti-bacterial properties and is used to treat a variety of conditions which include colds, sore throats, indigestion, stomach ulcers, and acne.
  • Acacia honey cleanses the liver, promotes intestinal health, and reduces inflammation in the respiratory tract.
  • Buckwheat honey is a strong tasting and dark honey, with strong antioxidant properties. Unfortunately Buckwheat honey is very scarce, especially in the United States. An alternative would be Red Gum honey that also has strong antioxidant properties.
  • Eucalyptus honey can be used to prevent colds and headaches.
  • Heather honey has been used since ancient times for its medicinal properties. This honey contains a high level of protein.
  • Linden honey is known for its sedative and antiseptic properties. It is used to treat anxiety, insomnia, colds, coughs, and bronchitis.
  • Neem honey is highly esteemed in Ayurveda for its medicinal properties. Neem honey is used to treat high blood pressure, diabetes, skin conditions, periodontal infections, throat infections and allergies.


Charles Hall aka Crazy Owl

Years ago and in another lifetime,, I met a man called Crazy Owl (Charles Hall) in Atlanta.  He had a large healing practice and taught us to infuse raw honey with herbs such as rosemary, thyme, oregano, sage etc.  The results were amazing!

For more information:


Cilantro/Heavy Metal Detox

If you are a Mexican or Asian cuisine enthusiast, you are likely familiar with the crisp, refreshing flavor of cilantro (Coriandrum sativum). Also known as coriander or Chinese parsley, this incredibly popular herb not only gives these ethnic foods their delicious flare, but also possesses an array of cleansing health benefits.

Heavy Metals

In the past two decades, one quality of cilantro that has captured the attention of many is its ability to detoxify heavy metals such as mercury and lead. This discovery was first made public in a study where 400 mg of cilantro was used daily to remove excess mercury that was deposited in various organs after the removal of amalgam dental fillings. In more recent years, the use of cilantro has become more widely recognized as an adjunct treatment for detoxifying heavy metals and some chemicals such as phthlates, plasticizers, and insecticides. In a recent animal study,cilantro was able to significantly decrease lead deposition in bone and kidneys while also reducing lead induced inhibition of enzyme activity.  Such examples show how cilantro has earned its place among natural, plant-based chelating agents, although more rigorous clinical trials are needed to determine its therapeutic efficacy as a sole heavy metal detoxifier. Nevertheless, encouraging certain patients to consume copious amounts of cilantro may be warranted. These individuals would include those who frequently consume seafood that may contain traces of mercury, children or adults living in old houses with potential lead dust, paint, or water pipes, and those with dental amalgam fillings. Of course, with the increase of environmental pollution, it would be advantageous for all to become fond of this unique, culinary herb.

Reactive Oxygen Species 

Building upon the aforementioned detoxification abilities of cilantro, this herb has been found to be a superior detoxifier of reactive oxygen species, owing to the presence of various phenolic compounds. Previous studies have found high phenolic content in the leaf and seed of Coriandrum sativum, but more recent studies have found the root to contain equal quantities making this entire herb therapeutic. These compounds were studied for their anti-proliferative effects on cancer cells and found to be highly effective in inducing apoptosis of cancer cells, while also arresting the cell cycle. They proved to protect DNA from free radical damage and prevent cell migration.. Thus, cilantro shows promise as an herb that could aid in protecting against cancer, primarily through its capacity to function as a powerful antioxidant.

Drug-Resistant Pathogens

It would seem that cilantro’s detoxing capability extends beyond heavy metals and free radicals, to drug-resistant pathogens such as Escherichia coli and Candida albicans. In the case of the latter, the essential oil from the leaves of Coriandrum sativum was discovered to have strong anti fungal activity against various species responsible for Candidiasis. The volatile compounds found within the leaves of cilantro were able to induce cell death of Candida; affect the biofilm structure; had anti-adherent and anti-proteolytic activity.. In another study, fresh cilantro leaves were dried and prepared into fresh juice, aqueous, and methanol extracts.  These were then assayed against Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and found to inhibit growth of all species. The antimicrobial activity of cilantro has been well established, making this herb useful for a variety of pathogen-influenced conditions, including dysbiosis and irritable bowel syndrome.

The clean, refreshing aroma of cilantro is not only appealing to the culinary artist, but also proves to be a useful tool to the clinician. Acting analogous to a multipurpose cleanser, this unique herb should be a frequent addition to any healthy lifestyle. Most salads, soups or pasta dishes are easily brightened up with the addition of fresh cilantro leaves. Salsa is the most common use for cilantro, but other sauces benefit from this herb as well. Smoothie fanatics can easily add it to their concoctions. Regardless of how it is enjoyed, cilantro is an adaptable culinary spice that promotes detoxification and health.

i have used this product Heavy Metal Detox for many years with excellent results.It is a combination of Cilantro and Chlorella–two outstanding chelators of heavy metals

Note: You do not need dozens of bottles of this product–one or two or at the most 3 should do the trick!


Proton Pump Inhibitors

 Proton Pump Inhibitors Worse than the Indigestion they Supposedly Cure

A class of antacid medications known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) has now been proven to be quite harmful. Some common PPIs include Nexium, Prilosec, Prevacid, and Protonix. Many of these are available over the counter with no prescription. Proton pump inhibitors are used in the management of simple heartburn, gastro-esophageal reflux and peptic ulcer disease. PPIs decrease acid in the stomach by blocking an enzyme that is needed for the production of hydrochloric acid.

The FDA itself has issued a warnings about these drugs, including statements that they cause low magnesium and increased risk of osteoporosis. PPIs increase the risk of infectious diarrhea caused by such organisms as Clostridium difficile (C. diff). This infection often requires hospitalization, treatment with various IV antibiotics, and can be fatal in the very young, elderly and immuno-compromised individuals. PPIs also inhibit the absorption of vitamin B12 and calcium, and have multiple drug interactions. Higher doses and long-term use of PPIs greatly increase the risks.

Fracture Risk: The FDA has come out with a warning to health care professionals and consumers that PPIs lead to increased risk of fractures of the hip, wrist and spine. This warning is based on the agency’s own review of several studies.

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that patients over age 50 who were treated with PPIs for over a year had a 44% increased risk of hip fracture. High doses and long tern use increased this risk even more. At the same time PPIs inhibit the absorption of calcium, they inhibit the proton pumps in the cells which build new bone. This leads to osteoporosis due to both calcium deficiency and impaired ability to build new bone.

Low magnesium: In 2011, the FDA issued a warning that PPIs can induce low magnesium if taken for long periods of time. They recommended that prescribers obtain a serum magnesium test prior to initiation of therapy and periodically thereafter. In patients taking Digoxin for heart conditions, low magnesium greatly increases its toxicity. In 25% of patients who developed low magnesium, supplements were not enough to correct this, and the drug had to be discontinued.

Magnesium is a critical mineral and is needed for virtually every function of the body. It activates enzymes, is involved in energy production, regulates heartbeat and muscle contractions, and regulates calcium, copper, zinc, potassium, Vitamin D and many other nutrients present in the body.

Deficiency of magnesium can cause heart arrhythmias, profound weakness and fatigue, restless leg syndrome, confusion, jerky muscle movements, and high blood pressure.

Be aware that the bottom of the “normal” range for serum magnesium is so low that it is not going to pick up a problem until the person is already very ill. It is nearly impossible to take too much magnesium unless there is a problem with the kidneys. If serum magnesium levels get too high, the kidneys will excrete it. Also, oral magnesium, especially magnesium oxide, at higher doses will cause diarrhea and can be excreted this way.

Drug Interactions: These are listed in the material given with the OTC products, but how many people read and comprehend these tiny inserts?

Plavix (anti-coagulant): The FDA issued a warning to avoid taking PPIs and Plavix together as concurrent use can decrease the effectiveness of Plavix by up to 50%. This in turn could lead to blood clots, stroke and heart attacks.

Warfarin(Coumadin, anti-coagulant): PPIs inhibit breakdown of this drug in the liver, leading to high blood levels which can cause hemorrhage.

Diazepam (Valium, tranquilizer): Due to less breakdown in the liver caused by PPIs, high blood levels can result in respiratory depression, respiratory arrest, extreme fatigue, sleepiness, and confusion.

Antiretrovial agents (drugs used to treat HIV/AIDS): PPIs increase blood levels of these drugs, leading to increased side effects.

Tacrolimus (used to prevent rejection of transplanted organs): PPIs increase blood levels of this drug which cause significant problems.

Antifungals: These drugs are dependent on low pH in the stomach for absorption. Therefore, when acid production is inhibited, they are not absorbed and are thus ineffective. Any drug dependent on normal stomach acidity for absorption will be affected similarly

Treat heartburn and reflux naturally

If you have persistent heartburn and/or reflux, there are non-drug solutions. First determine the cause of the problem. Reflux is caused by a weak lower esophageal sphincter (LES). This is the doughnut shaped muscle that allows food to enter the stomach. The more common cause of heartburn/reflux is weakening of the LES caused by low stomach acid.

The hydrochloric acid produced by the stomach functions to break down proteins into amino acids, stimulates the pancreas and small intestine to secrete digestive enzymes, and prevents infection by killing pathogenic bacteria and yeasts commonly present in foods. Correcting low acid in the stomach will virtually stop heartburn/reflux without drugs. There are a few things you can do at home to help determine if your problem is low stomach acid.

  1. The baking soda test: Mix 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in 8 ounces of water and drink it. Do this first thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything. Start timing and note how long before you belch. If you have adequate stomach acid, you should belch within 2 or 3 minutes. Stop timing at 5 minutes. No belching within 5 minutes is a good indicator of low stomach acid. Early and excessive belching may indicate excessive stomach acid.
  1. Trial of Betaine HCL: Using a product such as Gastro Plus, take 1 to 2 capsules immediately prior to eating. You may feel a sensation of warmth, but not burning. If you feel burning, discontinue use as your problem may be excess stomach acid, which is very rare. Under the guidance of a qualified professional, the dose may be titrated upwards until you feel burning, then decreased to the point where you don’t feel any actually burning. A healthy stomach produces many times the amount of hydrochloric acid found in this product.

There are medical tests which actually measure the amount of acid produced by the stomach, and some lab tests can indicate low stomach acidity. Stool analysis will show elevated short chain fatty acids. Blood tests will indicate amino acid, B vitamins and mineral deficiencies.

Some dietary and lifestyle changes can also help alleviate symptoms:

  • Eliminate sugar and refined carbohydrates
  • Keep a food diary and eliminate foods which cause or worsen the problem Many of the foods conventional medicine warns you to avoid may be fine, so listen to your own body
  • Keep the head of your bed elevated at least 6 inches until symptoms are resolved. This helps prevent the reflux of acid back into the esophagus through the LES
  • Quit smoking
  • Don’t wear tight clothing, such as belts, bras or tight waistband
  • Remain upright for an hour or more after eating
  • Avoid eating close to bedtime

For more information:







Sleep Study Questionnaire

 Sleep Study Questionnaire

The purpose of this brief questionnaire is to accrue information now that may prevent us getting Alzheimer’s/Dementia in the future.

Alzheimer’s is now being referred as Type 3 Diabetes!!

Through the use of MRI’s andf other state of the art diagnostics, the above problems actually begin to show up in our 30s.

All of the questions below are approximates—please answer as such

  1. What time do you go to sleep at night  ____________
  2. Do you wake up during the night  ___________
  3. If so how many times do you wake up during the night  ______________
  4. Do you take Ambien, Xanax, Diazepam’s, Melatonin etc. to help provoke sleep  ______________
  5. If yes to the above, do you use every night or just some nights _____________
  6. Have you ever been officially diagnosed having sleep apnea  _______________
  7. Would you say that overall and in general, you get a good night’s sleep  ______________
  8. On a level of 1-10 how would you honestly rate your stress levels  ___________

Fluorides Shocking Facts

Fluoride’s Shocking Facts

All European countries (other than Ireland) wisely banned fluoride from their drinking water decades ago.  Recent data shows that 72.4% of the US population is relegated to consume this poison from faucets and showerheads.  Ireland’s mandatory fluoride law exposes the dangers of this toxic agent—the citizens of this small nation endure one of the highest levels of neurological disease in the world.

Fluoride is a poison, affecting almost every organ in the body. It is as poisonous as arsenic and more poisonous than lead.  Historically, the Roman Empire’s demise was precipitated from lead poisoning via water. In spite of this, worldwide chemical lobbyist and their array of   ill-informed dentists propagate the use of this vile killer.

Empirical research from top universities has revealed:

  • Fluoride alters immune response by inhibiting antibody formation
  • Cancer is one disorder that is linked to fluoride consumption as is reported by the environmental protection agency (EPA)
  • Fluoride disrupts the synthesis of collagen and leads to the breakdown of collagen in bone, tendon, muscle, skin, cartilage, lungs, kidney, trachea and arteries
  • Fluoride promotes bone fractures
  • Fluoride plays a role in sleep disorders by accumulating  in the pineal gland and reducing melatonin (melatonin is necessary for sound sleep)
  • Fluoride encourages learning disabilities
  • Fluoride leads to dementia and other nerve degeneration disorders
  • Fluoride induces thyroid and glandular disease
  • Infertility is directly related to fluoride
  • Birth defects are accelerated by fluoride due to the alteration of brain function and hormones in the fetus
  • Fluoride promotes premature aging and decrease fertility
  • Animal kidneys fail at a much higher level when consuming tainted water
  • Environmental degeneration of our soil is one of fluoride’s top legacies

Prozac/Paxil Facts—Fluoride is the key ingredient in many psychotropic drugs! Prozac is 94.8% FLUORIDE!

Charts of Sodium Fluoride Content in our Food

Let’s speed up the fluoride detox

  1. Iodine supplementation has been clinically demonstrated to increase the urine excretion of sodium fluoride from the body, by changing it to the calcium fluoride form. During this process calcium is robbed from the body, another reason for taking effective calcium and magnesium supplements. Lecithin is recommended as an adjunct to using iodine for excreting fluoride.
  2. Vitamin C

There are many good organizations working to abolish fluoride’s destructive history. One example is the Fluoride Action Network.  Use any search engine (Google) in your part of the world to learn more

Additional Informational Links:   

Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)

Use to Treat a UTI

Use to Prevent UTI’s








Seems like I am hearing about bladder infections going around.

Antibiotic Therapy is on the AMA’s “Do Not Prescribe” list because they do not work for Urinary Tract Infections.

But this product does.  Has to be this exact product made by Vibrant Health and available at most every health food store or online.

​The formula on the left side is the Crisis Intervention Formula used when there is an actual UTI going on.

The formula on the right is a Support Formula used once the infection is cleared. The support formula is used when there is the propensity towards repetitive Infections.

If you follow the instructions exactly as written, all should be back to normal within 48 hours with no side effects.

​NOTE: This is not a strict female problem. Men have these bladder issues also

Note: As with everything I send out please feel free to pass the information forward!!​

Salt Baths for Detoxification

Salt Baths for Detoxification

The body’s capacity for detoxification of environmental pollutants is not endless. Daily our exposure to toxic substances is on the rise as new materials and substances are synthesized in chemical laboratories. These chemicals end up in our air, water and food. On average U.S. citizens have residues from over 400 toxic compounds in their bodies according to the EPA. The U.S. water supply contains 2,100 chemicals, including pesticides, herbicides, PCBs, and medications such as synthetic hormone drugs, antidepressants, and synthetic recreational drugs. Approximately 80,000 metric tons of carcinogens are released into the air annually, and genetically modified ingredients are found in over 80% of our foods. There are 82,000 man-made chemicals in use daily but only a fourth have been tested for toxicity. What is the best defense for all of this? The answer is probably salt.

The liver is the main cleansing organ of the body. It removes toxins and metabolic waste by converting them into water-soluble compounds. These compounds are eliminated from the body through urine. Non water-soluble compounds are transformed by the liver and excreted into bile, which is transported to the intestines and excreted. Toxins that are not eliminated or completely removed by either of these processes are eliminated via sweating through the skin, considered the third kidney.  This is why saltwater soaking is so beneficial for a healthy body.

There is nothing new about salt. Different kinds of salts, their uses, and methods of extraction were studied in China around 2700 years BCE. Hippocrates encouraged his fellow healers to use salt water for the treatment of various ailments by immersing patients in seawater. Ancient Greeks continued this practice. In1753 Charles Russell, English author and physician, published the book “The Uses of Sea Water”, and during the19th century, Father Sebastian Kneipp, Bavarian priest and holistic healer, formalized the idea of “hydrotherapy”,which is therapeutic water soaking.

Saltwater soaking can:

  • Ease stress and improves sleep and concentration
  • Help muscles and nerves function
  • Regulate activity of enzymes
  • Help muscles and nerves function properly
  • Improve oxygen use
  • Flush toxins
  • Improve absorption of nutrients
  • Help form joint proteins, brain tissue and mucin proteins
  • Help prevent or ease migraine headaches

Hydrotherapy for body detoxification is a remedy that anyone can perform in the comfort of home.  According to naturopath Dr. Hazel Parcells, hot water draws toxins to the skin’s surface, and as the water cools it pulls toxins from the skin.  While soaking the body absorbs minerals from the water.

Salts are highly alkaline and cleansing. Typical salts used in hydrotherapeutic baths include sea salt, baking soda, clay, and Dead Sea salts. Epsom salts, which are magnesium based, supports detoxification by causing you to sweat. Sea salt baths are often recommended for treating a wide range of medical conditions.

Sea salts, the relaxing effects of hot water, and essential oils are a synergistic combination. Aromatic baths provide relief from stress and anxiety, assist with muscle and joint pain, and treat the symptoms of more severe skin conditions.

There are many salt baths to experience

Himalayan Salt, or Jurassic sea salt, was formed 150 million years ago during the formation of the great mountain ranges of today. These ancient sea salt deposits were preserved and protected from pollutants by layers of volcanic eruptions, and typically contain 84 valuable trace minerals that create its beautiful natural pink coloring.

Atlantic Sea Salts are collected from deep clean ocean waters. The seawater is channeled into large clay trays and allowed to evaporate and dry with the sun and wind. This white bath salt is naturally absorbent and perfect for adding coloring or scent.

Dead Sea Salt differs greatly from other sea salts in mineral content, being made up of only 8% sodium chloride with a high percentage of magnesium, sulfates and potassium. It is rumored that Cleopatra had a spa constructed on the shores of the Dead Sea, and its salt is known to aid in the treatment of common dry skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, as well as reducing pain and inflammation from arthritis and rheumatism.

Dendritic Salt is a highly purified sodium chloride that is crystallized and commercially manufactured. Dendritic salt is highly absorptive and holds essential oils more intensely and for longer time. It is used as a preservative for bath salt blends.

Epsom Salt benefits those who are magnesium deficient. Magnesium deficiency contributes to heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, arthritis and joint pain, digestive problems, and chronic fatigue. Epsom salt is most easily taken into the body through the skin.

Mediterranean Sea Salt is a perfect salt for adding straight to the tub, and as a raw ingredient blended with essential oils for scrubs and body treatments.

Grey Breton Salt is unwashed, unrefined, and additive-free. Grey salt is traditionally hand-harvested in Guérande, France in the Brittany region. The salt’s natural trace minerals absorbed from its sea origins create the distinctive gray color. Because it is unwashed, unrefined, and additive-free, it maintains health-enhancing nutrients that include calcium, potassium, copper, zinc, iron and others.

Hawaiian Red Salt, also known as Alaea sea salt, is a natural, unprocessed salt. The distinctive red color comes from purified volcanic red Hawaiian clay, which is high in iron oxide. The therapeutic benefits of Hawaiian red salt baths include healing wounds, body aches, and muscle sprains.

Indian Black Salt is a pinkish gray, sulfur salt, harvested in the Pakistan and India volcanic regions. This bath salt is beneficial for a wide variety of conditions including skin infections, inflammations, and respiratory problems. This unrefined sulfur salt is a natural disinfectant, which has a strong purifying and re-mineralization effect on the body. Black salt is a central ingredient in classical Ayurvedic healing therapies.

With a basic understanding of the various salt varieties, you can create spa baths personalized to your health needs. When buying salt for therapeutic soaking, it is more economical to buy bulk quantities from the internet. Buy food grade salt from a reputable dealer as the purity is guaranteed. You can then use the salt for cooking as well as soaking, getting the full benefit of the mineral content.

Homemade bath salts make easy and fun personalized gifts.

For more information:







Betadine Douche


George J. Goodheart, D.C., DIBAK
Excerpted in part form Metabolic Aspects of Health, Discovery Press 1978

“Atherosclerosis is the result of cholesterol being deposited in the lining of the arteries, particularly the coronary arteries. This condition is more prevalent in men than in women to a ratio of approximately 6 to 1. It is an established fact that the average age of women is greater that of men, as can be seen by the number of men and women in retirement homes. The reason for this difference has been ascribed to estrogen, and sporadic attempts have been made to give estrogen to men is an effort to correct this difference. Stambul, chief cardiologist at the department of medicine of the Albert Einstein Medical Center, however, has shown that it is more likely due to the presence of another hormone-like substance produced in the ovary. This material is the protein-bound iodine in the blood,which was later identified as “di-iodotyrosine”.

The breasts are produced from fifteen sweat glands in the skin which form the nipple and grow backward toward the chest wall. What were embyrologically tortuous sweat glands, develop into the globules of the breast. The globules of the breast are like a bunch of grapes and each grape-like structure is called an alveolus. The alveolae secrete the cholesterol-type materials that contribute to the formation of the milk. It appears the di-iodotyrosine is a special hormone secreted by the ovary for the purpose of keeping the cholesterol substance in liquid form. In the female this is nature’s method of keeping the wax-like cholesterol in solution.

It is well known that the breasts are prone to develop cysts and abscesses, which are due to the improper functioning of this softening and Iiquefying mechanism. “Caked” breast is a very common problem in nursing mothers. It is not unusual, however, for
a woman to have a caked breast with abscess formation even when she is not nursing.

Long before he learned the thesis of Stambul’s work ,John Meyers, author of Metabolic Aspects of Health, 1971 used di2 iodotyrosine to soften breasts for nursing- especially in hypothyroid women. In one patient where the left breast was involved with severe pain and in duration, it required 200 grams of di-iodotyrosine to bring the breast to normal in two days. In another case the mother was nursing the baby with only fair results. The breasts were hard and very painful so that the baby was having great difficulty getting sufficient milk to satisfy its hunger. The mother was given 10 grams of di-iodotyrosine powder on her tongue in the course of several hours, and after allowing it to dissolve in’ the mouth prompt softening of the breasts occurred. The milk came out of the breast within minutes under pressure and could be seen to spurt from the nipple for a distance of about 2 centimeters. This of course subsided after pressure in the breast was released. The patient had no further difficulty nursing her baby after this initial help.

The experience of female patients with breast soreness and heaviness has been repeated innumerable times. There is a condition called “Schirnmelbusch’s disease” which iri his description, the breast feels like ‘a bag of worms’. The ducts more often feel like strands of spaghetti with nodules along them, rather than worms. They are hard and sometimes form masses which are described as “cystic fibrosis” and are quite easily visualized by xerography. The use of diiodotyrosine,along with the trace elements of magnesium, copper, cobalt, manganese and silver ions, has a remarkable effect on this syndrome in relieving the condition so that the breasts feel almost like liquid. Traditional treatment of the fascia lata by AK technique is also of great value here.

It gradually became evident that many of these women were suffering from a hypothyroid condition. Treatment for the hypothyroidism with thyroid and iodine, and particularly iodine intra-vaginally, produced a remarkable improvement in these women. Not only did they have an improvement in their systemic hypothyroid condition, but a remarkable change in the consistency of the vaginal mucous occurred. In the beginning the mucous was thick,white flour-paste like in consistency. Sometimes this paste would look like cottage cheese. As the iodine intake was increased, the mucous changed to a clear, limpid fluid flowing from the cervix. At the time of the spraying of iodine on the vaginal lining, a strand of clear mucous would flow from the cervix to a length of 4 centimeters in about 15 minutes. This strand of mucous was present normally in women who had sufficient iodine in their body. This secretion of mucous served to lubricate the vaginal lining. In time this mucous would flow sufficiently that a woman could expel it when voiding.

Along with the remarkable improvement in the flow of mucous, was a complete disappearance of all infective organisms in the vagina. It was never necessary to use any kind of antiseptic to free the woman of trichomonas or other infection thereafter. It seemed that she no longer could become infected with these organisms when she excreted sufficient iodine in the mucous. The carrier of this iodine seems to be the unsa tura ted fatty acid linoleic acid. In the case of severe vaginitis, large doses of
unsaturated fatty acid in the form of sesame oil(up to l0 capsules daily) are required with the iodine to bring the mucous membrane back to normal.

Several women who had Bartholin gland cysts were also relieved by this iodine application. Here again the iodine made the secretions of these glands fluid so that the material could flow out of the small orifices of the glands. Without the liquification of this secretion the orifice was blocked and large painful cysts appeared. These cysts were nearly always present in hypothyroid individuals– several of whom had the cysts incised on previous occasions.

Two other remarkable things occurred following the application of iodine to the vaginal lining. The first was a remarkable softening of the breasts. They lost their tension and became light and soft, or fluid-like. Patients were aware of this change within several minutes after the application of the iodine.

The second change was in the abdomen. Many of these patients complained of abdominal distress and a general feeling of soreness in the abdomen. Several patients had had laparotomies to search for the cause of this discomfort. After the application of the iodine they commented how comfortable they felt in their abdomen. One of them could not be touched for palpation, but after several months of treatment this distress and sensitivity completely disappeared. It was noted that several of these women had their gallbladders removed in an effort to relieve their abdominal distress.

Some of them had stones at the time of this surgery. However, the removal of the gallbladder had not eliminated the discomfort for which the operation was performed. This discomfort disappeared only after the vaginal applications of the iodine for about a year. Stambul’s research brings together a tremendous amount of endocrine physiology and teaches us how iodine and its products diiodotyrosine and thyroxin, function in the body with cholesterol. He cites a paper by Perkin and Brown of the Lahey Clinic in Boston,
Massachusetts, which is so remarkable that it is appended to his original paper.

This work was done in 1938 and apparently its significance has been lost sight of. It gives a remarkable insight into the functional difference between the male and the female, and a probable reason why the female lives so much longer that the male, and without coronary artery disease from atherosclerosis. Perkin and Brown in their experiments on dogs show that when the thyroid is removed from a male dog its protein-bound iodine drops to about 1/10th of its normal value by the next day. When the thyroid is removed from ~he female, nothing happens until the ovary is removed also- at which time her blood iodine falls to the same as the male after thyroidectomy.

It is interesting to note that at the estrous period of the female dog, which occurs twice a year, in March and October, her protein bound iodine doubled for the few days of her “heat” period. When she became pregnant the protein-bound iodine in her blood dropped to a very low value, a little higher than it was after the removal of her thyroid and ovary. It is important to remember that all of these changes occurred while both the male and female were being given an adequate intake of iodine every day – 72 milligrams of iodine daily in the form of Lugols solution and administered by stomach tube to be sure that it was completely ingested.

From these data and the proof by Stambul that the ovary manufactured di-iodotyrosine, it can be inferred that the female is endowed with this ovarian function to make is possible for her to feed her offspring. In softening the cholesterol material in the glands of her breast, she also keeps the cholesterol in other parts of her body in solution– thereby preventing it form precipitating in the arteries of her heart, brain and elsewhere.

When one views the remarkable improvement in a woman from the higher intake of iodine in protecting her against vaginal infection, cystic fibrosis of the breast, and breast pain, one has to realize that she needs much more iodine that she is getting from her present dietary intake, even when supplemented with iodized salt. There are two other symptoms that appear both in the male and in the female from an additional supply of iodine. One is a loss of the stiffness of the neck. Many patients complain that they cannot turn their heads freely, and there is a constant soreness and stiffness in the muscles of the neck. Frequently, even in young women., the muscles feel more like steel guy wires than flexible muscles that should be very pliable and soft to the touch. For some reason the left side of the neck is more involved than then the right side both in the male and the female. Although iodine plays a large role in relieving this stiffness, it is not sufficient in itself. Trace elements must be added to effect a complete relief of this muscle soreness and stiffness.

This is also true of pain in the breast and soreness in the abdomen. The trace elements which are required in ion form are magnesium, copper, cobalt, silver, zinc and molybdenum. Copper is the ion that has the most to do with the thyroid and catalyzes the manufacture of di-iodotyrosine. As in nature, copper is almost always associated with silver. It requires silver ions to relieve completely the pain inthe left side of the neck and back. Much of the pain in the left side and the shoulder-arm syndrome is relieved by silver, copper and iodine. It is very difficult to say how much one must give to perform these changes. One must feel their way along with these exchange resins but the relief comes within a few minutes and one can palpate the neck muscles and feel the tension and knots in the muscles disappear. Silver seems to have the most effect on the stomach and esophagus which produces pain in the left back at about the level of the fifth interspace next to the spine. Pain in this area sometimes is so severe that a patient cannot press his back against a chair. Pain in this area is such a common occurrence that it is difficult to find a patient completely free of it.

When we place these ions on the tongue of a patient within a few seconds to minutes, changes occur in the breast, in the neck, in the back and, remarkably, also in the vision. The patient will frequently remark that the lights have become brighter in the room.
Tyrosine plays a great role in the sympathetic nervous system and in the visual apparatus, as is shown by the work of Dr. John G.Nicholls. Apparently the activation of the tyrosine by copper produces a higher sensitivity of the retina to light. It also improves color sensitivity. Red color especially is made more vivid and more brilliant. There is hardly a patient seen by the author who has normal red sensitivity and it is always improved by the addition of
tyrosine, iodine and the trace elements.”

NOTE: I have been recommending this douche to certain patients ever since I achieved  the Diplomate in Applied Kinesiology back in 1978. One of the unique aspects of this douche is that the breast decongest even though the patient did not realize her breast were congested to begin with.  They suddenly become lighter–“fluffier”

NOTE: Depending on the situation, I sometimes recommend this particular Douche on a weekly basis for 4 weeks and then once monthly.

NOTE: Every one of my patients knows that I am always “pushing” Iodine for Breast and Ovary Health. Visit after visit, time and time again, e-mails and posts–whatever it takes!