Tomatoes are Tremendous

Tomatoes are Tremendous

It wouldn’t be summer without plump, juicy heirloom tomatoes piled high on a table at the farmers’ market, or containers of cherry tomatoes as sweet as raspberries reappearing in supermarkets for the season. Eating a rainbow of produce is an effective—and tasty—way to ensure intake of a wide array of nutrients and phytochemicals; and just within the tomato family itself, you can find red, green, yellow, orange, and purple varieties.

With their low carbohydrate content, fiber, and complement of nutrients, tomatoes fit nicely into many different nutritional strategies, including vegetarian, low-carb, and Paleo-style diets. Due to tomatoes’ natural sweetness, people on very low carbohydrate diets sometimes avoid them, but this isn’t necessary. Tomatoes—particularly when they’re in season—are sweet, but although they have a slightly higher glycemic index than, say, spinach and broccoli, their glycemic load is extremely low. This means it would take a very large amount of tomatoes to have an adverse impact on blood sugar, although, of course, individual sensitivity to carbohydrate varies. They are a good source of vitamin C, vitamin K1, beta-carotene, and potassium.

Tomatoes are perhaps most touted for their antioxidant phytochemical, lycopene – best known for its role in men’s health (lycopene is the most abundant carotenoid found in the prostate gland). This great antioxidant has other beneficial roles worth mentioning. Lycopene may help prevent sunburn, and studies have shown it also has the potential to be mildly hypocholesterolemic via naturally inhibiting HMG CoA reductase, as well as increasing LDL receptor synthesis. Interestingly, lycopene concentration is higher in tomato products—such as tomato paste and tomato sauce—than in fresh tomatoes. As a fat-soluble carotenoid, the body absorbs lycopene best when taken with some fat—in case anyone needed an excuse to drizzle a fresh tomato salad with a little olive oil, or sprinkle some cheese over tomato sauce and zucchini noodles.

As if their flavor and nutrient content weren’t good enough reasons to eat tomatoes, there’s another beneficial substance hiding in tomatoes, tucked away like a little secret: melatonin! Yes, it’s true: tomatoes contain a small amount of melatonin, and it seems to have a similar function in plants as it does in humans: regulation of the circadian rhythm. A study in which multiple tomato cultivars were grown in the same greenhouse, but some were grown in full sunlight while others were shaded, found that the shaded tomatoes had as much as 135% more melatonin than the non-shaded ones, suggesting that light exposure plays a role in their melatonin content, just as melatonin synthesis is regulated by photo-exposure in people. Some researchers have pointed to the bioactive phytochemicals in various plants as being a key factor contributing to the healthfulness of the Mediterranean diet. In looking at select foods common in certain Mediterranean countries, they noted tomatoes, olive oil, wines, and grape skins, for their melatonin content, which, while small, might still be one part of the multifactorial picture underlying the benefits of this traditional cuisine. At about 250ng/g of dry weight, the melatonin content of tomatoes isn’t enough to act as a sleep aid, but it’s an interesting bit of trivia nonetheless.

Don’t limit yourself to the more common red tomatoes. Other varieties bring enhanced nutritional properties, such as purple tomatoes, which have a higher anthocyanin and antioxidant content. Plant breeders recognize these as providing a longer shelf life and protection against certain plant pests, but they’re helpful for human health, as well. Yellow tomatoes also have something to offer beyond their sweet taste. While the lycopene in red  tomatoes has been shown to be helpful in fighting prostate cancer, serum from rats fed yellow tomatoes—which contain no lycopene—has been shown to beneficially influence expression of  Connexin43 (Cx43), a protein that regulates cell growth, on human prostate cancer cells in vitro.

With summer upon us, enjoy the bounty of tomatoes the season offers and enjoy experimenting in the kitchen with this wonderful food. You can find such a great variety of recipes, both hot and cold, where tomatoes add a splash of flavor, a touch of color, and of course, nutrition galore.

Note: As a Sicilian American my family’s whole life revolved around tomatoes. Every autumn my grandfather bought hundreds of cases of plum tomatoes which he my grandmother and all the aunts cooked, prepped and canned for the entire coming year. I say hundreds because there were 10 families and each of those 10 needed enough jars to make “gravy” every Sunday.  I also remember my NoNa taking tomatoes onto the roof to make tomato paste–another time consuming process worth the time and energy it took to make. When they passed the family no longer canned the tomatoes; and buying them in cans just about killed them–but they adjusted to the “modern times” of 1965.

Poor Sleep = Alzheimer’s

Poor sleep associated with buildup of toxic Alzheimer’s protein

Restful sleep is required for us to store and save our memories. If you are not getting enough sleep each night, you may be at an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. This is something that I feel equally applies to many other chronic diseases as well.

I previously wrote about the connection between Sugar and Alzheimers with Alzheimers often referred to as Type 3 Diabetes.  I am worried about this for myself and my patients. This article is a continuation of additional information and insights to help us never to get Alzheimers /Dementia to begin with.

I have also mentioned using sleeping medications does not allow the brain to go into the correct and proper REM cycle and therefore you may in fact be sleeping but your brain is not regenerating and rebuilding as intended.

In a recent study published in Nature Neuroscience, researchers at University of California, Berkeley, found evidence that poor sleep, specifically a deficit of deep sleep, is associated with a buildup of the beta-amyloid protein. Excessive deposits of beta-amyloid are the primary suspects in the pathology of Alzheimer’s disease, as this toxic protein ends up attacking the brain’s long-term memory.

This correlation between sleep, beta-amyloid, memory, and Alzheimer’s disease has been growing stronger. Sleep is when our body repairs itself. Quality sleep prevents these toxic proteins from accumulating and destroying brain cells. A buildup of beta-amyloid protein has been found in Alzheimer’s patients as well as in patients with sleep disorders. A study from University of Rochester in 2013 found that the brain cells of mice shrunk during non-rapid-eye-movement (non-REM) sleep to free up space for the cerebrospinal fluid to wash out toxic metabolites such as beta-amyloid protein.

Overall, the results of the new study demonstrated that the more beta-amyloid you have in certain parts of your brain, the worse your memory. In addition, the less deep sleep you get, the less effective you are at clearing out beta-amyloid protein. Researchers do not know yet which of these two factors – the poor sleep or the build-up of beta-amyloid protein – begins the cycle that triggers this cascade.

This is a new pathway linking Alzheimer’s disease and memory loss, which is significant since we can do something about it, since poor sleep is treatable and can be improved by modifying sleep habits. It is important that you go to sleep around the same time every night. When the timing of your sleep is shifted even if the duration of sleep is the same, it’s not going to be as restorative. In addition, avoid watching TV or using your computer before bed. Computer screens (smartphones and laptops) emit light in the blue part of the spectrum. This doesn’t cause a problem during the daytime, but at night, this blue light limits the production of melatonin. As a result, it disturbs your sleep-wake cycle. There are free apps you can install on your computer if you absolutely need to be on your computer at night that adjusts colors in a way that reduces the stimulating effects of blue light at night.

Caffeine and other stimulants can also keep you up and interfere with sleep. It is best to avoid these four to six hours before bedtime. Finally, try to workout earlier in the day. Exercise increases cortisol and can make falling asleep very difficult.

If behavior and lifestyle modifications are not enough, there are nutrients and botanical agents that can significantly promote restful sleep. Melatonin is a hormone whose primary role is in controlling the body’s circadian rhythm. While adequate levels of melatonin are essential for quality sleep, its production declines significantly as we get older, often causing sleep difficulties associated with aging. Thus, supplementing with melatonin has been shown improve sleep quality. In addition, 5-HTP can further support endogenous melatonin production during the night to help with staying asleep.  Inositol is a member of the B vitamin family that promotes relaxation and helps maintain the proper metabolism of serotonin. In addition, L-theanine provides calming neurotransmitter production clinically proven to reduce stress and improve the quality of sleep.

Valerian root, German chamomile, passion flower, and lemon balm are all calming botanicals used for centuries to help with insomnia. They have all been shown to decrease the amount of time it takes to fall asleep as well as improve sleep quality.

However, although taking herbs to aid in sleep is far better than toxic pharmaceuticals, the bottom line is to find out why we are not sleeping well to begin with.

In addition to eliminating sugar and foods that break down into sugar, I highly recommend Meditation twice daily, Qigong and the powerful Mindfulness Technique.  Doing the above is almost a sure shot of getting a good nights sleep.  So take one of these up, practice makes perfect and before a year is out, if not sooner, you will be sleeping beautifully and as such re-setting our brains circuitry.

Sleep Study Questionnaire

 Sleep Study Questionnaire

The purpose of this brief questionnaire is to accrue information now that may prevent us getting Alzheimer’s/Dementia in the future.

Alzheimer’s is now being referred as Type 3 Diabetes!!

Through the use of MRI’s andf other state of the art diagnostics, the above problems actually begin to show up in our 30s.

All of the questions below are approximates—please answer as such

  1. What time do you go to sleep at night  ____________
  2. Do you wake up during the night  ___________
  3. If so how many times do you wake up during the night  ______________
  4. Do you take Ambien, Xanax, Diazepam’s, Melatonin etc. to help provoke sleep  ______________
  5. If yes to the above, do you use every night or just some nights _____________
  6. Have you ever been officially diagnosed having sleep apnea  _______________
  7. Would you say that overall and in general, you get a good night’s sleep  ______________
  8. On a level of 1-10 how would you honestly rate your stress levels  ___________