​​I have been researching Cyplexinol for a while and now with additional research I am comfortable mentioning it to you.

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy  stimulates Growth Factors in high concentrations.  it triggers a recruits stem cell activation.

4-12 months is the recommended time to accrue bone rebuilding results

  • Some Bone Facts:
  • Bones loss is primarily caused by decrease in Estrogen
  • It takes years  / lifetime to develop
  • It has nothing to do with what you eat and all to do with what we ABSORB
  • Bone health has little to do with Bone Density

I still have faith in Magnifical ; Vit. D;  Magnesium (Re-Mag) and a touch of Calcium (Calphonite) ; Plant based Xylitol used in Europe;as well as Progesterone or DHEA to help regulate Estrogen.

Overall and in general I am not a fan of  Bisphosphonates  with exception to  HR positive HER 2 negative individuals using estrogen blockers as part of their treatment protocol.

And I must admit, none of my patients have ever had an outright bone fracture as  result of Osteoporosis.However, Platelet Rich Plasma, Stem Cell Growth and what triggers stem cell growth may be the next frontier in keeping bones healthy.. 

Please read a little bit on Cyplexinol and as always know that any product I recommend is the best on the planet. This applies to Cyplexinol and everything else originating from this office.

AND please pass this info onto others who are experiencing either Osteopenia and or Osteoporosis.For those who cannot make it in to  see me or  live in “my neighborhood”, I offer Zoom consultations


Stem Cell and Research Therapy—-Cyplexinol

Cyplexinol® is an all-natural stem cell signaling protein complex[,] which uniquely stimulates key pathways to help support your body’s ability to create new bone and cartilage tissue!

Cyplexinol®  is a natural BMP complex, which consists of a collagen fragment matrix with the BMPs and endogenous growth factors bound within and to the matrix.

Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), originally identified as osteoinductive components in extracts derived from bone, are now known to play important roles in a wide array of processes during formation and maintenance of various organs including bone, cartilage, muscle, kidney, and blood vessels.

Contact me for further information!

To your health,

The Real Truth about Osteoporosis

The real truth about Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis literally means porous bone. The word refers to a horrible disease in which bones become fragile and much more likely to break, and the skeleton looses its integrity and turns into a terrifying time bomb inside of you. Osteoporosis makes an everyday act, like going to the mailbox, fraught with the danger of a hipbone snapping simply from the act of walking. Osteoporosis is seen much more often in women than in men, and it can begin when you least expect it.

Though osteoporosis is generally considered an old woman’s disease, this is not actually the case. The most recent data from the National Osteoporosis Foundation shows that about 12 million people in the U.S., age 50 or over, already have full blown osteoporosis, and another 40 million are on the doorstep of the disease because they have low bone density, a condition known as osteopenia. Unless proper intervention is taken, women with osteopenia almost always slide into osteoporosis.

Although the common wisdom says those younger than 50 only rarely exhibit symptoms of osteoporosis, a study from the University of Arkansas found the disease to be a greater risk than most women suspect. Researchers collected information on 164 women of typical collage age, and found that 2 percent of them had bone densities low enough for them to qualify for a diagnosis of osteoporosis, and 15 percent had bone densities low enough for a diagnosis of osteopenia.

There are no symptoms when osteopenia begins. There is no pain or change as bones becomes thin, brittle and less dense. As you progress to osteoporosis, the first signal of disease is often a bone breaking from only minor injury and in some cases, from no injury at all. Other symptoms include:

  • Back pain caused by a fractured or collapsed vertebra
  • Loss of height over time as vertebra deteriorate and compress
  • Stooped posture and distended abdomen (the body takes on the shape of an S)

Mainstream media and the medical establishment perpetuate the myth that osteoporosis is caused by a deficiency of calcium, and support the notion that calcium supplements are the answer. But this fails to explain why Americans, who have the highest rates of calcium consumption in the world, also have the highest rates of osteoporosis.

There is a psycho-social component to osteoporosis, as the disease is usually seen as a woman’s own fault. (She has osteoporosis because she doesn’t eat right, doesn’t take enough calcium pills, doesn’t exercise enough etc.) And nothing herald’s aging more than a stoop.

Factors that speed the way to a diagnosis of osteoporosis include:

  • Poor diet during formative years
  • Being athletically active as a young woman (results in low estrogen levels)
  • Radiation (including mammograms)
  • Use of synthetic corticosteroids such as prednisone
  • Being a thin white woman
  • Having Celiac, Crohn’s or any other disease that blocks nutrient absorption
  • Smoking
  • Eating disorders
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Prolonged use of birth control pills
  • Chemotherapy

The truth about osteoporosis is that bone is an endocrine tissue. In both women and men, bone expresses receptors for the steroid hormones estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. This is undeniable full faced evidence that optimal and balanced levels of these hormones is essential for healthy bones, and it is the reason that osteoporosis, like all the degenerative diseases, does not show up until hormones have diminished.

Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone directly power the two essential components for the production of healthy bone. They are:

  • Osteoblasts–new bone cells
  • Osteoclasts–old bone cells

It is important at this point to realize that bone is not static. It is instead a dynamic process in which new bone is constantly being made, and old bone removed in a process known as resorption. When steroid hormones are at optimal levels and in balance, bone is healthy and strong. And when hormone levels decline and become unbalanced, the disease process begins.

In both women and men, osteoblasts are powered by estrogen and testosterone. Osteoclasts are powered by progesterone.

Osteoblasts are in charge of producing bone matrix and mineral. Ideally, they work as a team with components of bone marrow and osteoclasts for optimal bone formation.

The function of osteoclasts is critical in the maintenance and repair of bone. Bones are stronger than aluminum on a weight basis, and are a composite material of approximately equal amounts of hydrated protein and mineralization.   Osteoclasts disassemble this hardy composite at the molecular level by producing collagenase, an enzyme that destroys collagen.

Osteoblasts and osteoclasts together control the amount and quality of bone tissue you have in your body. This means that when you have optimal levels of balanced steroid hormones, osteoblasts and osteoclasts will work in harmony to produce healthy bones, and not a sign of osteoporosis will be seen, no matter what your age.

Hormones are essential to total body health and well being

There’s more to hormones than high quality bones. Hormones are of supreme importance to your overall health and well being. They are the great communicators of the body, by sending chemical messengers that transfer signals and instructions from one set of cells to another. When all hormones are present at optimal levels, not only is harmony restored to your osteoblasts and osteoclasts, but to your body as a whole. Developing osteopenia or osteoporosis is a signal that your hormones need attention.

Don’t discount hormones. They are so important that they have a branch of biological science devoted to them, known as endocrinology. Even the medical establishment grudgingly recognizes the tremendous importance of hormones, and labels doctors who specialize in them as endocrinologists.

Hormones influence and regulate almost every cell, tissue, organ, and function of the human body, including growth, development, metabolism, and sexual and reproductive function. Hormones orchestrate the maintenance and balance of our internal terrain, through a process known as homeostasis.

Yes, there has been much bad press about negative effects of hormones. This has been done intentionally to scare you away from hormone replacement. Selling drugs to the hormonally deprived is big business at its worst. However, more and more women are getting the message that optimal balanced hormones are key to wellness at all levels and the absence of osteoporosis.

This is what’s behind the new breed of physicians who are trained in anti-aging medicine. These doctors specialize in bioidentical hormone replacement, not the hormone substitution drugs we heard so much about a decade ago. Bio identical hormones are exact replicas of the hormones humans make naturally when they are young. Bio-identical hormones can be replaced at levels you had in your prime. The result is not only freedom from osteoporosis and other degenerative diseases. It is the only way to recapture some of yourself as you used to be.

NOTE: For decades I have recommended the DPD Urine Pyrlinks Test which measures the amount of Osteoclasts vs. Osteoclasts.  As long as there are more Osteoblasts then Osteoclasts, you are in good shape. This test is considered the Gold Standard because its accuracy far outweighs the standard Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptionmetry  most doctors use for osteoporosis determination.

NOTE: Osteoporosis has nothing to do with calcium.  One of the best products I have ever recommended for Osteoporosis is Magnifical and although the last three letters are “cal” there is no calcium in this product.

NOTE: As written above, hormones play a vital role in the prevention of Osteoporosis. Women past menopause or heading into menopause usually display a very weak Progesterone signal and men usually have no signal at all.  For this I recommend the Saliva Test for Hormones because it measures both RNA and DNA and as such is a more accurate marker than conventional blood test which can only measure one point in time.

NOTE: Drugs like Fosamax and Prolia interfere with the breakdown of dead cells (Osteoclast) and as such, dead bone cells are not being eliminated to make room for new fresh bone cells ((Osteoblasts)) to replace them. This causes “spontaneous fractures” which is when you are sitting down watching TV and your arm or leg suddenly breaks.  This has been well documented and was shown in a i hour piece on ABC News a while back.

NOTE: You do not fall and break your hip–your hip broke and you fall as a result!!

For more information:


Menstrual Cramps

 Menstrual Cramps 

 Ever think that menstrual cramps are just a fact of life?  That every woman has them?  And even if they don’t, that you are just one of the unlucky ones?   I call BS!  Cramps are actually a symptom of an underlying problem.  They can be cured.  The only thing that is required for that is to look at the underlying causes.  Once those are taken care of, the cramps almost always go away, or at least are eased considerably.

An important side note before getting started is that the same problems that cause cramping are the ones that cause a heavy menstrual flow.  Managing to cure one almost definitely cures the other (presuming that what is being handled is primary dysmenorrhea, not a form of  secondary dysmenorrhea caused by an underlying physiological abnormality).  This would be helpful for a lot of women.  Heavy blood flow reduces iron levels and can make women weak, woozy, and anemic.   What’s worse, a heavy period is arguably the biggest pain in the ass on the planet.

There are three respects in which a natural, paleo approach can ease the pain of and even cure menstrual cramps.  They are curing micronutrient deficiencies, cooling inflammation, and restoring hormonal balance.

Micronutrient deficiencies, cramping, and a Paleo diet

Micronutrient deficiencies are a problem for menstrual cramping because micronutrients are key components in the contraction and relaxation of muscle tissue.  Electrolytes in particular, which would be potassium, calcium, sodium, and magnesium, all have well known muscle-relaxing effects.  In fact, deficiencies in any of these nutrients is the primary cause of muscle cramping elsewhere in the body.   Magnesium especially.   With adequate intake of each of these nutrients, as well as the whole slew of micronutrients and vitamins that are enriched on a paleo diet, the intense pain of abdominal muscle cramping can be eased.

A paleo diet maximizes micronutrient intake by the simple fact of keeping a woman’s diet within the range of whole foods.   This helps first by eliminating sources of empty calories.  Empty calories include all desserts, breads, baked goods, sodas, and wheat products.  They contain almost nothing of nutritional value, except for perhaps some B vitamins and a bit of these micronutrients, but all of these nutrients can be obtained from animal and other plant products in much higher quantities.

Moreover, empty calories, particularly wheat-based calories, have downright negative effects on nutrient absorption.  Wheat foods contain proteins called lectins, which bind with micronutrients strongly enough that they prevent normal digestive chemicals from being able to absorb the micronutrients themselves.   For this reason, empty calorie foods such as bread can actually make an individual’s micronutrients pass right through her.  When a woman replaces these empty, or even micronutrient-stealing calories with vegetables and animal products, she naturally increases her intake of just about every vitamin and mineral.  Foods that are particularly rich in magnesium include nuts, cruciferous vegetables, and halibut.  Foods rich in calcium include sardines, dairy products, cruciferous vegetables, and meats.  Foods richest in potassium are bananas, avocadoes, tomatoes, cruciferous greens, and salmon.    Organic vegetables have higher proportions of nutrients than inorganic ones.

Vitamin E has been shown by itself to reduce the pain of menstrual crampingGood sources of vitamin E are cruciferous vegetables such as spinach, turnip greens, broccoli, and chard, almonds, peppers, asparagus, tomatoes, and carrots.  Vitamin E is also available in high amounts in meat products.  Most importantly for paleo dieters, vitamin E is four times as concentrated in grass fed meats than feed lot meat.

Inflammation, cramping, and a paleo diet

A paleo diet is inherently anti-inflammatory.  Inflammatory agents include gluten, other wheat proteins, sugar, particularly fructose, and omega-6 PUFAs which are found in almost all vegetable oils.   A paleo diet is absent of these.  As a matter of fact, calling a paleo diet an “anti-inflammatory” diet is spot on.  The whole point of adopting a paleo diet is to reduce the inflammation that comes from eating toxins.  Yet the benefit of a paleo diet is not just in toxin removal; it is also in the addition of helpful molecules.  Paleo diets active include anti-inflammatory foods such as grass-fed ruminants, seafood, and vitamin- and anti-oxidant- rich plant products.

Reducing inflammation reduces the body’s hyper-reactivity to uterine physiology.   With a calmed immune system, a woman’s body will not leap into inflammatory hyper-drive.

The most important molecule to focus on in a discussion of muscle contractions and menstruation is prostaglandin.  Prostaglandin is an inflammatory eicosanoid, and it’s responsible for the contraction of muscles around the uterus at the time of menstruation.

The precursor to prostaglandin is arachidonic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid.   Arachidonic acid has positive effects in the body, since the inflammatory process is necessary for homeostasis and maintaining optimal health, but when consumed in excess, it provides ample material for the body to mount inflammatory processes.  Arachidonic acid is found naturally in animal products, particularly meat and egg yolks.  This has caused many conventional nutritionists to demonize meat and egg yolks.  Yet AA is also derived from the consumption of linoleic acid, another fatty acid, and linoleic acid is found in great amounts in soy, corn, and vegetable oils.   A natural level of consumption of AA is optimal, and should be ingested in the natural, animal forms.   With this kind of diet, the ratio of omega 6 fats to omega 3 fats is ~ 3:1 or 2:1, which is considered by most researchers today to be the optimal ratio.   When vegetable oils are regularly consumed, the ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 fats can spike to average American levels, ~ 20:1.  That incites the painful, inflammatory response.  No questions about it.

Hormone balance, estrogen dominance, stress, and a paleo diet

The final and most important piece of the puzzle is hormone balance.  When hormones get out of balance, which is really easy for women today, many things can go wrong.  A woman’s reproductive system is not to be messed with.

What goes wrong with menstrual cramping is that the uterine lining becomes too thick.  With a larger lining, more tissue exists to produce prostaglandin.  Moreover, more tissue needs to be shed, so more and more material needs to be squeezed through a smaller space (women with narrow cervixes are more prone to menstrual cramping).   This also, as I hinted at above, means that the exorcised material will be heavier, and the period will last longer.

Estrogen is responsible for the thickening uterus.  Therefore, estrogen dominance is the primary problem that most women with menstrual cramps suffer from.  Estrogen causes their reproductive organs to go into productive hyper-drive, and their abdominal muscles suffer the results.  If estrogen can be brought back down, a woman’s menstrual problems often cease.

Estrogen dominance is caused primarily by two factors: it is caused 1) by the consumption of phytoestrogens, and 2) it is caused by stress.

Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring plant chemicals that resemble, but are not identical to, a woman’s natural estrogen.  What this means is that phytoestrogens enter a woman’s body through her diet and act as estrogen in her body.  In some ways this phenomenon enhances normal estrogen functioning, and in other ways it inhibits the activity and signalling of true estrogen, since it confuses the body’s normal accounting mechanisms.  With both phytoestrogens and true estrogens in the blood, the reproductive organs and hypothalamic receptors do not know how much estrogen to produce.  Sometimes the pituitary will detect the phytoestrogens in the blood and go ahead and decrease it’s production of estrogen, such that a relative balance between estrogen-like chemicals and the rest of a female’s hormones is maintained in the bloodstream, yet other times the pituitary does not detect the phytoestrogens, and it goes on pumping out as much estrogen as it had previously.  In this case, way too much estrogen is floating around in a woman’s bloodstream, and it’s causing all sort of reproductive havoc.  This results in menstrual cramping.  It is also a factor in PMS, PMDD, mood disorders, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and breast cancer.

Foods that contain phytoestrogens are legumes, nuts, and seeds.  These should be avoided by all women.   The worst of all of them, however, is soy, and is should be avoided at all costs by all women.  Sometimes soy and other phytoestrogens are recommended to women during menopause to mitigate their symptoms, and this does sometimes help with hot flashes and the like.  However, almost always soy leads to decreased ovulation, irregular menstruation, and impaired fertility.   Phytoestrogens may resemble estrogen, but they are not estrogen, and that confusion has plagued the medical establishment and struggling women alike for decades.

A paleo diet eschews soy, legumes, and goes light on nuts and seeds.  For this reason, it is helpful in restoring hormonal imbalance.  A paleo diet also eliminates the toxins I mentioned above which contribute to systemic inflammation, which in turn can incite estrogen production, so in this way it helps restores balance.  And finally, a paleo diet emphasizes natural, grass-fed animal consumption against feed-lot consumption, which minimizes the amount of foreign hormones and foreign hormone disruptors that are often injected into or fed to feed-lot livestock.

A paleo diet also emphasizes organic vegetables, or at the very least washing and peeling vegetables.  Conventionally-grown vegetables are often coated in fertilizers and such that contain potent endocrine disruptors.  It is important, especially during a person’s developmental years, to be as removed from these toxins as possible.

A second cause of estrogen dominance is stress.  Physiological stress from consumption of modern toxins as well as emotional stress from modern living results in a decrease in progesterone production and an increase in estrogen production.  The term “estrogen dominance” was first coined by Dr. Lee , and what it means is that estrogen is higher than the other hormones in the body.  In his book, he talks mostly about how much faster progesterone production falls off in menopause than estrogen production does (by 120 times!).   Estrogen levels may rise in response to stress, but it’s also important to note that estrogen dominance can also mean that estrogen levels stay the same while progesterone and testosterone levels fall.   The only way to insure that progesterone secretion does not stop is to have the healthiest possible functioning HPA axis.  This means reducing stress, both of the emotional kind and the physiological kind.

This being the case, a paleo diet is the optimal course of action.  It markedly reduces all kinds of stress: it eliminates toxins, for example, but it also restores blood sugar balance by eliminating sugar from the diet, which improves mood, and it optimizes dopamine, serotonin, and GABA functioning, all of which are necessary for being in a good mood and having a healthy HPA axis, too.

A caveat: the female response to stress is complicated, and it does not always result in estrogen dominance.  It can, for example, result instead in adrenal fatigue, or in stress-induced hypothalamic amenorrhea.   In both of these cases, hormonal disruption does not lead to estrogen dominance.  Yet in women with menstrual cramps, it is almost certain that this is the case, since excess estrogen is what causes uterine excess.

As a final note on hormone balance, being overweight contributes to estrogen dominance.    Almost all human cells carry an enzyme called aromatase.  What aromatase does is convert testosterone into estrogen.   This means that if aromatase activity has increased in a woman, her estrogen levels will spike, but her progesterone levels will remain the same.   The reason this happens in overweight women is because aromatase is highly active in fat cells.  Worse than that, however, is the fact that aromatase activity begets more aromatase activity, such that being overweight can create a vicious cycle of fat gain and estrogen production.  Many overweight women exist in a state of constant aromatization and estrogen production.  One way to mitigate this problem is to stop consuming aromatase-exciting foods such as soy, and to instead eat foods such as cruciferous vegetables which activate enzymes in the liver responsible for clearing excess estrogen out of a woman’s body.   Another way to mitigate this problem is with natural, non-restrictive weight loss.  A paleo diet provides just such a template.


One final way to restore hormonal balance and alleviate menstrual pain is with exercise.  Exercise boosts serotonin levels, and serotonin helps with the pain response.  Moreover, moderate exercise improves mood and mental clarity, improves glucose sensitivity, and better prepares the body to handle other stressors that come its way.

All that said…

hormone balance takes time.   Sometimes results can be seen immediately, but sometimes the body needs months to heal and to readjust the sensitivity of its hormone receptors.  For this reason, all of these steps help with menstrual pain, but patience and stress-reduction are possibly the most crucial steps of all.

Betadine Douche


George J. Goodheart, D.C., DIBAK
Excerpted in part form Metabolic Aspects of Health, Discovery Press 1978

“Atherosclerosis is the result of cholesterol being deposited in the lining of the arteries, particularly the coronary arteries. This condition is more prevalent in men than in women to a ratio of approximately 6 to 1. It is an established fact that the average age of women is greater that of men, as can be seen by the number of men and women in retirement homes. The reason for this difference has been ascribed to estrogen, and sporadic attempts have been made to give estrogen to men is an effort to correct this difference. Stambul, chief cardiologist at the department of medicine of the Albert Einstein Medical Center, however, has shown that it is more likely due to the presence of another hormone-like substance produced in the ovary. This material is the protein-bound iodine in the blood,which was later identified as “di-iodotyrosine”.

The breasts are produced from fifteen sweat glands in the skin which form the nipple and grow backward toward the chest wall. What were embyrologically tortuous sweat glands, develop into the globules of the breast. The globules of the breast are like a bunch of grapes and each grape-like structure is called an alveolus. The alveolae secrete the cholesterol-type materials that contribute to the formation of the milk. It appears the di-iodotyrosine is a special hormone secreted by the ovary for the purpose of keeping the cholesterol substance in liquid form. In the female this is nature’s method of keeping the wax-like cholesterol in solution.

It is well known that the breasts are prone to develop cysts and abscesses, which are due to the improper functioning of this softening and Iiquefying mechanism. “Caked” breast is a very common problem in nursing mothers. It is not unusual, however, for
a woman to have a caked breast with abscess formation even when she is not nursing.

Long before he learned the thesis of Stambul’s work ,John Meyers, author of Metabolic Aspects of Health, 1971 used di2 iodotyrosine to soften breasts for nursing- especially in hypothyroid women. In one patient where the left breast was involved with severe pain and in duration, it required 200 grams of di-iodotyrosine to bring the breast to normal in two days. In another case the mother was nursing the baby with only fair results. The breasts were hard and very painful so that the baby was having great difficulty getting sufficient milk to satisfy its hunger. The mother was given 10 grams of di-iodotyrosine powder on her tongue in the course of several hours, and after allowing it to dissolve in’ the mouth prompt softening of the breasts occurred. The milk came out of the breast within minutes under pressure and could be seen to spurt from the nipple for a distance of about 2 centimeters. This of course subsided after pressure in the breast was released. The patient had no further difficulty nursing her baby after this initial help.

The experience of female patients with breast soreness and heaviness has been repeated innumerable times. There is a condition called “Schirnmelbusch’s disease” which iri his description, the breast feels like ‘a bag of worms’. The ducts more often feel like strands of spaghetti with nodules along them, rather than worms. They are hard and sometimes form masses which are described as “cystic fibrosis” and are quite easily visualized by xerography. The use of diiodotyrosine,along with the trace elements of magnesium, copper, cobalt, manganese and silver ions, has a remarkable effect on this syndrome in relieving the condition so that the breasts feel almost like liquid. Traditional treatment of the fascia lata by AK technique is also of great value here.

It gradually became evident that many of these women were suffering from a hypothyroid condition. Treatment for the hypothyroidism with thyroid and iodine, and particularly iodine intra-vaginally, produced a remarkable improvement in these women. Not only did they have an improvement in their systemic hypothyroid condition, but a remarkable change in the consistency of the vaginal mucous occurred. In the beginning the mucous was thick,white flour-paste like in consistency. Sometimes this paste would look like cottage cheese. As the iodine intake was increased, the mucous changed to a clear, limpid fluid flowing from the cervix. At the time of the spraying of iodine on the vaginal lining, a strand of clear mucous would flow from the cervix to a length of 4 centimeters in about 15 minutes. This strand of mucous was present normally in women who had sufficient iodine in their body. This secretion of mucous served to lubricate the vaginal lining. In time this mucous would flow sufficiently that a woman could expel it when voiding.

Along with the remarkable improvement in the flow of mucous, was a complete disappearance of all infective organisms in the vagina. It was never necessary to use any kind of antiseptic to free the woman of trichomonas or other infection thereafter. It seemed that she no longer could become infected with these organisms when she excreted sufficient iodine in the mucous. The carrier of this iodine seems to be the unsa tura ted fatty acid linoleic acid. In the case of severe vaginitis, large doses of
unsaturated fatty acid in the form of sesame oil(up to l0 capsules daily) are required with the iodine to bring the mucous membrane back to normal.

Several women who had Bartholin gland cysts were also relieved by this iodine application. Here again the iodine made the secretions of these glands fluid so that the material could flow out of the small orifices of the glands. Without the liquification of this secretion the orifice was blocked and large painful cysts appeared. These cysts were nearly always present in hypothyroid individuals– several of whom had the cysts incised on previous occasions.

Two other remarkable things occurred following the application of iodine to the vaginal lining. The first was a remarkable softening of the breasts. They lost their tension and became light and soft, or fluid-like. Patients were aware of this change within several minutes after the application of the iodine.

The second change was in the abdomen. Many of these patients complained of abdominal distress and a general feeling of soreness in the abdomen. Several patients had had laparotomies to search for the cause of this discomfort. After the application of the iodine they commented how comfortable they felt in their abdomen. One of them could not be touched for palpation, but after several months of treatment this distress and sensitivity completely disappeared. It was noted that several of these women had their gallbladders removed in an effort to relieve their abdominal distress.

Some of them had stones at the time of this surgery. However, the removal of the gallbladder had not eliminated the discomfort for which the operation was performed. This discomfort disappeared only after the vaginal applications of the iodine for about a year. Stambul’s research brings together a tremendous amount of endocrine physiology and teaches us how iodine and its products diiodotyrosine and thyroxin, function in the body with cholesterol. He cites a paper by Perkin and Brown of the Lahey Clinic in Boston,
Massachusetts, which is so remarkable that it is appended to his original paper.

This work was done in 1938 and apparently its significance has been lost sight of. It gives a remarkable insight into the functional difference between the male and the female, and a probable reason why the female lives so much longer that the male, and without coronary artery disease from atherosclerosis. Perkin and Brown in their experiments on dogs show that when the thyroid is removed from a male dog its protein-bound iodine drops to about 1/10th of its normal value by the next day. When the thyroid is removed from ~he female, nothing happens until the ovary is removed also- at which time her blood iodine falls to the same as the male after thyroidectomy.

It is interesting to note that at the estrous period of the female dog, which occurs twice a year, in March and October, her protein bound iodine doubled for the few days of her “heat” period. When she became pregnant the protein-bound iodine in her blood dropped to a very low value, a little higher than it was after the removal of her thyroid and ovary. It is important to remember that all of these changes occurred while both the male and female were being given an adequate intake of iodine every day – 72 milligrams of iodine daily in the form of Lugols solution and administered by stomach tube to be sure that it was completely ingested.

From these data and the proof by Stambul that the ovary manufactured di-iodotyrosine, it can be inferred that the female is endowed with this ovarian function to make is possible for her to feed her offspring. In softening the cholesterol material in the glands of her breast, she also keeps the cholesterol in other parts of her body in solution– thereby preventing it form precipitating in the arteries of her heart, brain and elsewhere.

When one views the remarkable improvement in a woman from the higher intake of iodine in protecting her against vaginal infection, cystic fibrosis of the breast, and breast pain, one has to realize that she needs much more iodine that she is getting from her present dietary intake, even when supplemented with iodized salt. There are two other symptoms that appear both in the male and in the female from an additional supply of iodine. One is a loss of the stiffness of the neck. Many patients complain that they cannot turn their heads freely, and there is a constant soreness and stiffness in the muscles of the neck. Frequently, even in young women., the muscles feel more like steel guy wires than flexible muscles that should be very pliable and soft to the touch. For some reason the left side of the neck is more involved than then the right side both in the male and the female. Although iodine plays a large role in relieving this stiffness, it is not sufficient in itself. Trace elements must be added to effect a complete relief of this muscle soreness and stiffness.

This is also true of pain in the breast and soreness in the abdomen. The trace elements which are required in ion form are magnesium, copper, cobalt, silver, zinc and molybdenum. Copper is the ion that has the most to do with the thyroid and catalyzes the manufacture of di-iodotyrosine. As in nature, copper is almost always associated with silver. It requires silver ions to relieve completely the pain inthe left side of the neck and back. Much of the pain in the left side and the shoulder-arm syndrome is relieved by silver, copper and iodine. It is very difficult to say how much one must give to perform these changes. One must feel their way along with these exchange resins but the relief comes within a few minutes and one can palpate the neck muscles and feel the tension and knots in the muscles disappear. Silver seems to have the most effect on the stomach and esophagus which produces pain in the left back at about the level of the fifth interspace next to the spine. Pain in this area sometimes is so severe that a patient cannot press his back against a chair. Pain in this area is such a common occurrence that it is difficult to find a patient completely free of it.

When we place these ions on the tongue of a patient within a few seconds to minutes, changes occur in the breast, in the neck, in the back and, remarkably, also in the vision. The patient will frequently remark that the lights have become brighter in the room.
Tyrosine plays a great role in the sympathetic nervous system and in the visual apparatus, as is shown by the work of Dr. John G.Nicholls. Apparently the activation of the tyrosine by copper produces a higher sensitivity of the retina to light. It also improves color sensitivity. Red color especially is made more vivid and more brilliant. There is hardly a patient seen by the author who has normal red sensitivity and it is always improved by the addition of
tyrosine, iodine and the trace elements.”

NOTE: I have been recommending this douche to certain patients ever since I achieved  the Diplomate in Applied Kinesiology back in 1978. One of the unique aspects of this douche is that the breast decongest even though the patient did not realize her breast were congested to begin with.  They suddenly become lighter–“fluffier”

NOTE: Depending on the situation, I sometimes recommend this particular Douche on a weekly basis for 4 weeks and then once monthly.

NOTE: Every one of my patients knows that I am always “pushing” Iodine for Breast and Ovary Health. Visit after visit, time and time again, e-mails and posts–whatever it takes!