New Liver/Gallbladder Info.

Throughout the entire 40 years of practice my patients continually hear me say “drain the liver/ clear the gallbladder”  This piece from New Human not only speaks to one of the best products for this BUT adds excellent educational material on both these organs. I really want you to understand the importance of these two organs.

Ultra GL is guaranteed to be the most potent Gallbladder/Liver conditioner and detoxifier available in the world. Ultra GL is especially useful for conditions where the liver gets stressed due to the toxicity of certain chemicals. Ultra GL also assists in normal functioning liver cells in that it has antioxidant properties that support liver cell integrity as well as assists in preserving existing liver strength when dealing with many overwhelming challenges. We must keep in mind; the liver is the largest internal organ and it is important the liver is functioning on a normal level when it is responsible for performing more than 500 different functions. Various nutrients are required in order for the liver detoxification to be carried out successfully. An adequate supply of key antioxidants is essential to prevent further liver damage. Milk thistle, vitamin C, selenium, beta carotene, vitamin E, and N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) are all powerful antioxidants which are helpful in liver detoxification. Amino acids such as, SAM-E, Arginine HCL, and many others play an important role in liver health. The B vitamins, including riboflavin and niacin, also aid in liver detoxification. Ultra GL contains these and much more in its “Multi-Dimensional” form guaranteeing it to be the most potent formula available on the market today!


  • Glucose Regulation
  • Immune System Health
  • Enzyme Production And Storage (Improved Digestion)
  • Glycogen Production And Storage
  • Improved Filtration (For Nutrients and Your Blood)
  • Increased Energy Levels


  • Nausea
  • Malaise
  • Vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Itching
  • Yellow Coloring Of The Skin Or Eyes
  • Pain In The Top Right Of The Stomach
  • Dark Urine

Importance of The Gallbladder

Another important part of our body is the gallbladder. We have to recognize that the gallbladder detox system is closely related to our liver. It is a small pear-shaped sac that is on the lower side of the liver. Its main function is storing and concentrating bile. So what does bile do? It is made by the liver and used in the small intestine. It helps to emulsify fats, lubricate the intestines, and made our stool a brownish color. Water and minerals are absorbed from the bile and so it becomes darker in color. The preferable color of bile is walnut brown and therefore, stool should not be too light in color which indicates the lack of bile in our body. Toxins are eliminated by the liver and passed through the bile. Then it is concentrated within the gallbladder where the toxins entrapped in the bile are later excreted from the body through the stool. Therefore, the gallbladder’s importance is very much correlated with the function of the liver in its cleansing of toxins. However, the gallbladder detox system can be congested if we do not maintain proper diet or keep it healthy. Firstly, we have to know that the gallbladder has always been an easy target for the development of gallstones. With this in mind we have formulated Ultra GL to detoxify both the liver and the Gallbladder on “Multi-Dimensional” levels for maximized healing on every level possible.


The liver is considered by most naturopathic doctors to be the definitive organ in the human body that, based on its health and overall functioning, determines how healthy a person FEELS. This connection between the health of the liver and a person’s general feeling of well-being is why so many naturopathic doctors usually begin a diagnosis of a patient with liver testing. Located just under the rib cage on the right side of the abdomen, the liver is the largest and one of the most important organs in the human body. It performs hundreds of tasks in every minute of everyday, more than any other organ, including the brain. It is constantly filtering, detoxifying, synthesizing, and processing a wide variety of physiological substances. Without a healthy, well-functioning liver, it is easy to become overly-toxic, which can lead to chronic fatigue, a general feeling of sickness and often times depression. The liver is so vital of an organ that a human being cannot survive more than 24 hours without its proper functioning. The liver is involved in all of the most critical systems in the body, including the nervous, immune, endocrine, digestive and circulatory systems and any weakness or debility in the liver impacts every other organ system. In addition to its endless detoxification work, the liver is also the main organ that produces energy to our bodies. It does so by regulating carbohydrate and protein metabolism, hormonal activity, fat burning, and blood sugar. Because of the liver’s role in your body’s metabolism, flushing it out periodically, not only helps you feel much healthier but it also makes it easier for you to maintain an optimal weight.

NOTE: :Recommendations are 1 teaspoon 1-2 x daily allowing one 8 ounce bottle to last anywhere from 24-48 days. My professional opinion–, this is a life saving product worth looking into.

There are two additional Gallbladder posts on this website

Gallbladder Flush



Betadine Douche


George J. Goodheart, D.C., DIBAK
Excerpted in part form Metabolic Aspects of Health, Discovery Press 1978

“Atherosclerosis is the result of cholesterol being deposited in the lining of the arteries, particularly the coronary arteries. This condition is more prevalent in men than in women to a ratio of approximately 6 to 1. It is an established fact that the average age of women is greater that of men, as can be seen by the number of men and women in retirement homes. The reason for this difference has been ascribed to estrogen, and sporadic attempts have been made to give estrogen to men is an effort to correct this difference. Stambul, chief cardiologist at the department of medicine of the Albert Einstein Medical Center, however, has shown that it is more likely due to the presence of another hormone-like substance produced in the ovary. This material is the protein-bound iodine in the blood,which was later identified as “di-iodotyrosine”.

The breasts are produced from fifteen sweat glands in the skin which form the nipple and grow backward toward the chest wall. What were embyrologically tortuous sweat glands, develop into the globules of the breast. The globules of the breast are like a bunch of grapes and each grape-like structure is called an alveolus. The alveolae secrete the cholesterol-type materials that contribute to the formation of the milk. It appears the di-iodotyrosine is a special hormone secreted by the ovary for the purpose of keeping the cholesterol substance in liquid form. In the female this is nature’s method of keeping the wax-like cholesterol in solution.

It is well known that the breasts are prone to develop cysts and abscesses, which are due to the improper functioning of this softening and Iiquefying mechanism. “Caked” breast is a very common problem in nursing mothers. It is not unusual, however, for
a woman to have a caked breast with abscess formation even when she is not nursing.

Long before he learned the thesis of Stambul’s work ,John Meyers, author of Metabolic Aspects of Health, 1971 used di2 iodotyrosine to soften breasts for nursing- especially in hypothyroid women. In one patient where the left breast was involved with severe pain and in duration, it required 200 grams of di-iodotyrosine to bring the breast to normal in two days. In another case the mother was nursing the baby with only fair results. The breasts were hard and very painful so that the baby was having great difficulty getting sufficient milk to satisfy its hunger. The mother was given 10 grams of di-iodotyrosine powder on her tongue in the course of several hours, and after allowing it to dissolve in’ the mouth prompt softening of the breasts occurred. The milk came out of the breast within minutes under pressure and could be seen to spurt from the nipple for a distance of about 2 centimeters. This of course subsided after pressure in the breast was released. The patient had no further difficulty nursing her baby after this initial help.

The experience of female patients with breast soreness and heaviness has been repeated innumerable times. There is a condition called “Schirnmelbusch’s disease” which iri his description, the breast feels like ‘a bag of worms’. The ducts more often feel like strands of spaghetti with nodules along them, rather than worms. They are hard and sometimes form masses which are described as “cystic fibrosis” and are quite easily visualized by xerography. The use of diiodotyrosine,along with the trace elements of magnesium, copper, cobalt, manganese and silver ions, has a remarkable effect on this syndrome in relieving the condition so that the breasts feel almost like liquid. Traditional treatment of the fascia lata by AK technique is also of great value here.

It gradually became evident that many of these women were suffering from a hypothyroid condition. Treatment for the hypothyroidism with thyroid and iodine, and particularly iodine intra-vaginally, produced a remarkable improvement in these women. Not only did they have an improvement in their systemic hypothyroid condition, but a remarkable change in the consistency of the vaginal mucous occurred. In the beginning the mucous was thick,white flour-paste like in consistency. Sometimes this paste would look like cottage cheese. As the iodine intake was increased, the mucous changed to a clear, limpid fluid flowing from the cervix. At the time of the spraying of iodine on the vaginal lining, a strand of clear mucous would flow from the cervix to a length of 4 centimeters in about 15 minutes. This strand of mucous was present normally in women who had sufficient iodine in their body. This secretion of mucous served to lubricate the vaginal lining. In time this mucous would flow sufficiently that a woman could expel it when voiding.

Along with the remarkable improvement in the flow of mucous, was a complete disappearance of all infective organisms in the vagina. It was never necessary to use any kind of antiseptic to free the woman of trichomonas or other infection thereafter. It seemed that she no longer could become infected with these organisms when she excreted sufficient iodine in the mucous. The carrier of this iodine seems to be the unsa tura ted fatty acid linoleic acid. In the case of severe vaginitis, large doses of
unsaturated fatty acid in the form of sesame oil(up to l0 capsules daily) are required with the iodine to bring the mucous membrane back to normal.

Several women who had Bartholin gland cysts were also relieved by this iodine application. Here again the iodine made the secretions of these glands fluid so that the material could flow out of the small orifices of the glands. Without the liquification of this secretion the orifice was blocked and large painful cysts appeared. These cysts were nearly always present in hypothyroid individuals– several of whom had the cysts incised on previous occasions.

Two other remarkable things occurred following the application of iodine to the vaginal lining. The first was a remarkable softening of the breasts. They lost their tension and became light and soft, or fluid-like. Patients were aware of this change within several minutes after the application of the iodine.

The second change was in the abdomen. Many of these patients complained of abdominal distress and a general feeling of soreness in the abdomen. Several patients had had laparotomies to search for the cause of this discomfort. After the application of the iodine they commented how comfortable they felt in their abdomen. One of them could not be touched for palpation, but after several months of treatment this distress and sensitivity completely disappeared. It was noted that several of these women had their gallbladders removed in an effort to relieve their abdominal distress.

Some of them had stones at the time of this surgery. However, the removal of the gallbladder had not eliminated the discomfort for which the operation was performed. This discomfort disappeared only after the vaginal applications of the iodine for about a year. Stambul’s research brings together a tremendous amount of endocrine physiology and teaches us how iodine and its products diiodotyrosine and thyroxin, function in the body with cholesterol. He cites a paper by Perkin and Brown of the Lahey Clinic in Boston,
Massachusetts, which is so remarkable that it is appended to his original paper.

This work was done in 1938 and apparently its significance has been lost sight of. It gives a remarkable insight into the functional difference between the male and the female, and a probable reason why the female lives so much longer that the male, and without coronary artery disease from atherosclerosis. Perkin and Brown in their experiments on dogs show that when the thyroid is removed from a male dog its protein-bound iodine drops to about 1/10th of its normal value by the next day. When the thyroid is removed from ~he female, nothing happens until the ovary is removed also- at which time her blood iodine falls to the same as the male after thyroidectomy.

It is interesting to note that at the estrous period of the female dog, which occurs twice a year, in March and October, her protein bound iodine doubled for the few days of her “heat” period. When she became pregnant the protein-bound iodine in her blood dropped to a very low value, a little higher than it was after the removal of her thyroid and ovary. It is important to remember that all of these changes occurred while both the male and female were being given an adequate intake of iodine every day – 72 milligrams of iodine daily in the form of Lugols solution and administered by stomach tube to be sure that it was completely ingested.

From these data and the proof by Stambul that the ovary manufactured di-iodotyrosine, it can be inferred that the female is endowed with this ovarian function to make is possible for her to feed her offspring. In softening the cholesterol material in the glands of her breast, she also keeps the cholesterol in other parts of her body in solution– thereby preventing it form precipitating in the arteries of her heart, brain and elsewhere.

When one views the remarkable improvement in a woman from the higher intake of iodine in protecting her against vaginal infection, cystic fibrosis of the breast, and breast pain, one has to realize that she needs much more iodine that she is getting from her present dietary intake, even when supplemented with iodized salt. There are two other symptoms that appear both in the male and in the female from an additional supply of iodine. One is a loss of the stiffness of the neck. Many patients complain that they cannot turn their heads freely, and there is a constant soreness and stiffness in the muscles of the neck. Frequently, even in young women., the muscles feel more like steel guy wires than flexible muscles that should be very pliable and soft to the touch. For some reason the left side of the neck is more involved than then the right side both in the male and the female. Although iodine plays a large role in relieving this stiffness, it is not sufficient in itself. Trace elements must be added to effect a complete relief of this muscle soreness and stiffness.

This is also true of pain in the breast and soreness in the abdomen. The trace elements which are required in ion form are magnesium, copper, cobalt, silver, zinc and molybdenum. Copper is the ion that has the most to do with the thyroid and catalyzes the manufacture of di-iodotyrosine. As in nature, copper is almost always associated with silver. It requires silver ions to relieve completely the pain inthe left side of the neck and back. Much of the pain in the left side and the shoulder-arm syndrome is relieved by silver, copper and iodine. It is very difficult to say how much one must give to perform these changes. One must feel their way along with these exchange resins but the relief comes within a few minutes and one can palpate the neck muscles and feel the tension and knots in the muscles disappear. Silver seems to have the most effect on the stomach and esophagus which produces pain in the left back at about the level of the fifth interspace next to the spine. Pain in this area sometimes is so severe that a patient cannot press his back against a chair. Pain in this area is such a common occurrence that it is difficult to find a patient completely free of it.

When we place these ions on the tongue of a patient within a few seconds to minutes, changes occur in the breast, in the neck, in the back and, remarkably, also in the vision. The patient will frequently remark that the lights have become brighter in the room.
Tyrosine plays a great role in the sympathetic nervous system and in the visual apparatus, as is shown by the work of Dr. John G.Nicholls. Apparently the activation of the tyrosine by copper produces a higher sensitivity of the retina to light. It also improves color sensitivity. Red color especially is made more vivid and more brilliant. There is hardly a patient seen by the author who has normal red sensitivity and it is always improved by the addition of
tyrosine, iodine and the trace elements.”

NOTE: I have been recommending this douche to certain patients ever since I achieved  the Diplomate in Applied Kinesiology back in 1978. One of the unique aspects of this douche is that the breast decongest even though the patient did not realize her breast were congested to begin with.  They suddenly become lighter–“fluffier”

NOTE: Depending on the situation, I sometimes recommend this particular Douche on a weekly basis for 4 weeks and then once monthly.

NOTE: Every one of my patients knows that I am always “pushing” Iodine for Breast and Ovary Health. Visit after visit, time and time again, e-mails and posts–whatever it takes!

Lemon Hot Water Tea

My grandmother treated numerous “patients” with lemons.  We grew up watching people come over to her house and she would make “necklaces” using lemons and garlic.

Most everyone in my family began their day with lemon tea first thing in the morning followed by breakfast.

The purpose being to “wash out” excessive bile and liver toxins accumulated throughout the night. It cleans the bile duct and heals to eliminate stomach ulcers.

I have turned my patients onto this and many to this day still do the lemon water tea

The instructions are simple:

  1. Cut a slice of lemon
  2. Put it into a teacup
  3. Pour hot water over it
  4. Drink

This post is about Lemon Tea, however, Lemon juice is a powerful antimicrobial agent, which accounts for the use of lemon essential oil in many household cleaning products, particularly those used to clean kitchen counters and cutting boards. Lemon juice has demonstrated antibacterial effects against E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and strains of Salmonella, as well as antifungal effects against Candida albicans. Another helpful thing lemons do in the kitchen is keep apples, bananas, pears, and avocados from turning brown when they’re cut prior to adding to a recipe. (Other citrus juice will do this as well, such as orange and lime.)

Here is a great article on Lemon Slice Tea from David Wolf

20 Incredible Things That Happen When Adding Warm Lemon Water to Your Morning Routine

[email protected] or 619-231-1778