I have a few articles just posted to the website that I would like for you to “check out”
I am excited to bring forward information that is guaranteed to produce results as well as provoke you to think about healthcare for a new era in healing, but most importantly preventing illness.
Dr. P’s Goals:
To your health,
Dr. Philip Princetta
I came across this vido link which fascinated me for more than one reason and it provoked me to want to send this message.
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Freedom Riders. A group of individuals both black and white who in May of 1961 boarded buses in Washington D.C and in Nashville with the intention of bringing segregration, particularly in the Deep South, to an end.
These people had an amazingly enormous amount of courage and chutzpah to take this challenge; and were met with hatred the likes never seen before here in these United States. They put their lives on the line for a cause they knew was a God given right for everyone on this planet.
This video link has a piece on the Police Commissioner of Birmingham, Alabama “Bull” Connor. He is considered to be one of the greatest BIGOTS of all time. It was he who made the decisions to use fire hoses, attack dogs, bombs etc. on innocent people including children in the hope of reigning them in.
However by doing so, “Bull” brought more attention to the Civil Rights Movement than was ever imaginable. Bull Connor’s hate of the Negro race was seen worldwide and it was the perception of how the world viewed the United States that ultimately led to the collapse of segregration.
In my opinion, to this day, people of color, women and LGBT individuals are still not treated as equals.
As an advocate of Human Rights for ALL, it is my hope and prayer more groups such ast the 1961 Freedom Riders come forward to take a stand with the intention of creating dialogue and solution.
“Evil Flourishes When Good Men Do Nothing”
To your health,
Dr. Philip Princetta
Happy Summer to all!! The summer season signifies letting go of tension and stress by having fun, enjoying family and friends, reading good books and simple relaxation. My article Good Ole’Summertime will hopefully set the tone for a great season.
For those who have not been to the website lately, I have added a few new links that may be of interest. One is for the Vita-Mix Blender which in my opinion is worth every penny of its cost. The other is for NeuroGenesis, whose products are world renowned for restoring the almighty neurotransmitters of the brain such as dopamine, serotonin, acetycholine etc. Aside from using these product to handle stress in an organic natural way, I also use this product line to assist patients in getting off of psychotropic medications such as Zoloft, Paxil, Prozac, Lexapro, Welbuytrin etc. and to rebuild neurotransmitters damaged from alcohol, marijuana and other recreational drug use.
The “Lord’s Prayer” translated into Aramaic is also a new addition. Aramaic was the language spoken during the time of Jesus.
I also have some excellent information on the History and Philosophy of Castor Oil. A lengthy article worth the read includes links to 3 other excellent bites of information on the health benefits of castor oil.
I also have had more patients than I remember doing either Stanley Burroughs The Master Cleanse or the VE Irons intestinal Flush this season. And as with any flush or de-tox, once the person passes a key critical day or two, they really begin to feel extraordinarily better. For those who would like to lose weight and de-tox at the same time, either of the flushes will do the trick. It is not uncommon to lose anywhere from 12-25 lbs.(5-12kgs) of unnecessary garbage just with these flushes.
Last but always foremost for me is Dr. P’s Magic Green Drink. A soothing beverage for summertime which will cleanse the liver, provide key nutrients and give the intestinal tract a reprieve from having to constantly digest solid food.
Once again, Happy Summer and please to your best to incorporate the tools of LOVE, PEACE and JOY into your life!!
To your health,
Dr. Philip Princetta
Special Bulletin
All About PXP Royal and HFI
I am writing this “SPECIAL BULLETIN” newsletter to introduce two products that may very well change your life as far as health and well-being are concerned.The first is called PXP Royal and this product as you will read in the post
below directly affects the mitochondria of the cell. The mitochondria control the body’s energy which is called ATP (Adenosine Tri-Phosphate)-the mitochondria being the cell’s energy powerhouse.
Simply put, if you fix the energy you cure/prevent the illness. Mitochondrial intervention is going to be the medicine of the future. Just recently, insulin resisitance has been re-classified as a mitichondrial illness. There is more to come. The second product is called HFI and it is a humus/fulvic acid product which contains most all of the trace minerals known to man. Humus has the ability/ propensity to suffocate viruses. Fulvic acid has the ability/propensity to convert homocysteine (which is a marker for heart disease) into methionine. Alcoholics for instance, either genetically, or caused by the alcohol, are not able to make this necessary conversion. Please take a good hard look at this link which includes a video by Dr. Jack Tips. No one can explain mitochondria like he does. https://drprincetta.com/all-about-pxp-and-hfi/ My recommendation is to use these 2 products for a minimum of 90 days. It takes 90 days for any product to make significant changes. For those folks whom are elderly, I cannot think of a better product to use not only because it is highly effective, but because it does not involve taking a bunch of pills. Those of you who know me know that I am 100% committed to the health and well-being of all and it is for this very reason I bring these two magnificent products to your attention. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
To your health, Dr. Philip Peter Princetta (619)231-1778 |