Eliminate Toxicity

Eliminate Toxicity

 Eliminate Toxicity

Every healing arts practitioner should grow their practice by researching and introducing new formats and protocols that are proven to work.  The 60 day cellular detoxification program is one of those.

Years ago, I was able to recommend a bottle of enzymes or a bottle of adrenal and the problem would be solved.  However in this day and age these items are not as effective as they used to be because the human body is not the same as it was 40 years ago.  Today, Umbilical Cord blood contains 287 toxins and the number is rising.  We are indeed a toxic society with the problems seemingly beginning before we are even born.

As with the PXP I introduced in February of this year, I researched this 6o day program for just under a year before feeling comfortable enough to release it to the ‘general public. Both PXP and the 60 day cellular detoxification program are tools necessary for what is called “a new millennium in healing”.

Here is the most safe and effective regimen for a 60-day detoxification program that works sequentially, deeper and deeper in the body while providing smooth removal of toxins, chemicals, and metabolic wastes though the body’s innate processes.

This program addresses the liver first, then the extra-cellular matrix, and then the cells.

It features:

  • Liver Support – When the liver’s vitality is improved, it can better detoxify the body.
  • Neuroendocrine Support – Helps protect the pituitary and hypothalamus during detoxification and helps avoid further hormone-receptor resistanceand confusion.
  • Drainage Support – Additional support for the organs that serve asdetox pathways-the liver, gall bladder, and kidneys
  • Extra-cellular Matrix Support – Sequential focus on toxins that are stored in the adipose tissues and extra-cellular matrix. Byfirst supporting the liver, then addressing the extra-cellular matrix, herx reactions are avoided.
  • Cell Membrane Support – Antioxidants help protect the cell membranes from inflammatory toxins.
  • Inner Cell Methylation Support – Nutrition for the cell’s innate detoxification and repair mechanisms.
  • Inner Cell Free Radical Protection – Nutrition to protect the mitochondrial and cellular DNA from damage including intermediate metabolites.
  • Inner Cell Intermediate Metabolite Support – Nutritional protection from ammonia and sulfur metabolites

The cost of this program is $575- .  The long term results are worth the investment for if not, I would never recommend it.



  • Treat both cellular membranes and the cellular mitochondria (energy engines )
  • Get to the bottom line of illness by removing the root cause which is cellular toxicity
  • Lose weight by restoring hormonal imbalance damaged by cellular toxicity.
  • Eliminate all sweets and grains to lose weight
  • Get your energy from fats instead of from sugars.
  • Restore DNA and RNA
  • Eliminate the need to continually use supplementation to treat symptoms instead of getting to the true cause.

Edgar Cayce’s Karma Cleanse

Edgar Cayce’s Karma Cleanse

On the 6th day of September, in the year 1924, while living in Dayton Ohio, Edgar Cayce gave a reading for a male adult (4695-1) who was dealing with an advanced sarcoma, which the reading classified as a bacilli in the blood. Along with recommending the Abrams machine to produce the resonant bacilli frequency, or counter frequency if you will, Mr. Cayce suggested the use of an herbal tincture blend as a blood cleanser consisting of 1/2 ounce each of wild cherry bark, stillingia, yellow dock root, poke root, and burdock root, along with 3/4 ounce of potassium iodine, and enough simple syrup (heated water with beet sugar) to make a total of six ounces of this tonic. Now, take an 80 year pause, a deep breath, and relax. Most people reading this are saying; “So?” For the small percentage of people who understand the implications of what this reading suggests, which hopefully will eventually widen out into the rest of my reading audience, let’s go back and quietly review what happened next.

Not far from Dayton, across the Indiana state line, lived a boisterous young man by the name of Harry Hoxsey. When Harry heard about this herbal blend he decided that someone should secure these ingredients and test out the concoction to see just how good of a blood cleanser it was. After all, if it worked for 4695, then it only stood to reason that it should work for others. As this was Harry’s idea, he decided that he would be that person, and that is what he did. Keep in mind back then the term cancer was rarely mentioned, not because cellular malignancy had a different label, but rather because cancer was not that common. Anyway, Harry’s motivation was two-fold. He would heal the sick of this devastating and incurable disease, and along with that become rich and famous.

For the next 25 years Harry would travel the countryside touting his miraculous blood cleanser which imparted unparalleled success. As the global incidence of cancer continued to rise, so did Harry’s notoriety. Ultimately Harry drew unto him a number of detractors. Some were envious of his astounding cure rate while others simply ‘wanted a piece of the action. But Harry’s secret formula was closely guarded and he cleverly masked it’s original inception with an elaborate story of how the ingredients “were originally passed down to him by his grandfather. The story went something to the effect that his grandfather, who was a veterinarian, observed one of his horses, which happened to have a cancerous condition, and what the horse happened to be eating in the pasture. Notes were taken, and when the horse cured itself, the formula was derived. Of course logically, there’s no way all of these herbs would have been growing in a single pasture, not to mention the illusive iodine herb, but most people, on up to today, believed Harry’s story. It was something about an animal’s intuitive ability for self-preservation that really stuck.

Despite numerous attempts by the government and individuals to stop him, Harry Hoxsey eventually realized his dream of a cancer treatment facility which he located in Dallas, beginning in the early 50′s. For approximately 12 years the Hoxsey hospital was the largest, and by far and away, the most successful cancer treatment institution on the planet. Records show that literally thousands of people were treated and recovered from a wide assortment of cellular malignancy with this simple tonic (who’s ingredients were modified slightly from time to time with a given situation).

Unfortunately for Harry his corrosive nature along with his tendency to flaunt his fiscal success left him vulnerable to legal affronts from the ever-growing medical cartel, and during a court case in me early 60′s he was blindsided by a stacked jury and was forced into submission. He considered moving his hospital to another state as the charges brought against him were of a regional manner, but soon opted to relocate the facility outside the U.S. when he realized the magnitude of his opposition.

The Hoxsey clinic in Tijuana was the first American cancer treatment center in Mexico. Forty years later it remains it’s most successful. Thousands of people recovered from cancer during Harry’s stint in Dallas, and tens of thousands more have sought refuge from the standard medical paradigm since that time by crossing over the border. Considering the present scope of the problem this is a mere drop in the bucket.

The Abrams machine has long gone out of production, but as Harry Hoxsey continues to demonstrate from his grave, the Cayce blood cleanser is, and can continue to be and effective tonic for alleviating the root cause of malignant cellular activity: blood toxicity. Individuals could start percolating this relatively simple herbal blend which could then be dispensed to those in either a predisposition (marker) state, or a cancerous state. If enough people benefited from it a homegrown industry could eventually replace the allopathic model. Conceivably this single idea could derail the trillion dollar cancer treatment industry, not only salvaging the health and well being of millions of people but potentially avoiding an almost certain economic collapse which will likely precipitate from the present belief system. Perhaps even more important, if a grass roots movement of this kind actually did demonstrate it’s viability, no doubt it would become a model for addressing other health/ illness issues, as well as pave the way for future political, economic, and social reform. As I see it we’re at the crossroads. We can either get our butts off the couch and into the lab, or we can have them handed to us in a sling. Of course there’s always the option of the gazillionaire who is going to finance a facility to put this idea back in motion, but I don’t think I want to wait around for that to happen. What’s say we move this party forward and get on with the process of evolution.

** Although this product is called “Karma Cleanse”, the herbal ingredients it contains are specific for cleansing both the liver and the kidneys.  Edgar Cayce stated that the liver is the magnetic north pole of the body and the kidney’s are the magnetic south pole

** This is a lovely product that does its job slowly but surely over a 2-3 month period of time.

INGREDIENTS: Please read the entire ingredient description so as to provide you with a clear and accurate understanding of  the scholarship behind the product.

Wild cherry bark, stillingia, yellow dock root, poke root, and burdock root, along with 3/4 ounce of detoxified iodine, and enough simple syrup (heated water with beet sugar)

Wild Cherry Bark – Prunus serotina (Ehrh.)

Synonyms: Virginian prune, black cherry, black choke, choke cherry, rum cherry

Prunus is a large tree, up to 30m tall, and is widely distributed in woods throughout North America, especially in the Northern and Central states. It produces alternate stiff oblong or ovate leaves with serrated margins and small white flowers growing in lateral racemes. The bark is rough and nearly black on older trunks, but that used is younger, smooth, glossy and reddish brown with white lenticels and underlying greenish-brown cortex. The fruit is a nearly spherical, purple-black drupe, around 1.5cm in diameter, ripening in late summer and autumn.

Parts used: dried bark

Constituents: cyanogenic glycosides including prunasin; volatile oil, benzaldehyde, coumarins, benzoic acid, gallitannins, resin, an enzyme (prunase).

Actions: antitussive, expectorant, mild sedative, astringent, digestive bitter, tonic, pectoral, stomachic

Indications: irritable and persistent cough of bronchitis, pertussis, cough due to increased irritability of respiratory mucosa. Nervous dyspepsia.

Therapeutics and Pharmacology: Prunus is an important cough remedy. The cyanogenic glycosides are hydrolysed in the body to glucose, benzaldehyde and hyanocyanic acid, otherwise known as prussic acid. Prussic acid is rapidly excreted via the lungs where it first increases respiration and then sedates the sensory nerves which provoke the cough reflex. Due to its powerful sedative action, it is used primarily in the treatment of irritating and persistent coughs when increasing expectoration is inappropriate, and thus has a role in the treatment of bronchitis and whooping cough and in the racking cough of debility or convalescence. It can be combined with other herbs to control asthma. Both the cyanogenic glycosides and volatile oil help to improve the digestion, and Prunus may be used as a bitter where digestion is sluggish. The cold infusion of the bark may be used as a wash in eye inflammation and as an astringent in diarrhea.

Edgar Cayce recommended wild cherry bark for pulmonary conditions and as an aid to digestion. It was also noted for its role in cleansing and building blood.
Wild cherry bark was mentioned in 312 readings between 1921 and 1944.

Cayce Quotes on Wild Cherry Bark

1012-1 . . . The first ingredient, the Wild Cherry Bark, is a direct activative force upon the pneumogastrics and the pulmonary system.
643-1 . . . Wild cherry bark is an expectorant and a purifier as combined especially with other ingredients for the blood supply.
808-3 . . . The taking of those properties indicated for the allaying of cold and congestion – as in the cherry, the horehound – will not only aid digestion but stimulate the circulation for the upper portion of the head and through the bronchial area, thus giving a better flow of circulation for the throat and the gums…
2790-1 . . . The active principle from the wild cherry bark, with the other ingredients, is a stimulation to the lungs, throat and bronchials, and those organs above the diaphragm.
5653-1 . . . To this we would add Wild Cherry Bark (this is to act as an active force with the gastric juices of the stomach, as well as a carrier for the rest of the system, acting with the respiratory system)
457-3 . . . The Wild Cherry Bark is for cleansing the blood supply.
3724-1 . . . The action of these properties combined within the system are to act on the effects acquired in the lung forces within clarifying blood. The action of certain properties is to rebuild the Hemoglobin within the blood to give more Leukocytes to the blood, as we find in the bark of Wild Cherry and Sarsaparilla.
5681-1 . . . Wild Cherry Bark (Preferable that taken from the North side of the tree) … 4 ounces

Stillingia – (Stillingia sylvatica)

Common Names and Synonyms: Queen’s Delight, Queen’s Root, Silver Leaf, Yaw Root

Background:This plant grows in sandy soil from Maryland to Florida; along the Gulf of Mexico, and westward toward Colorado. The leaves are elliptical and leathery, having almost no base where attached to the stem. Yellow florets appear on the spiked stems from March to August, or longer where the weather is warm. The plant must be fresh to be effective. The resinous, milky juice in the yellow-brown root stalk has an unpleasant smell and bitter taste. Native to North America, stillingia has been used extensively to treat syphilis. Herbalists also use this herb as a blood purifier, digestive aid and immune enhancer.

Stillingia in the Cayce Readings

Edgar Cayce recommended Stillingia as a blood purifier and digestive aid, especially with reference to stimulating the liver, kidneys and spleen.
Stillingia was mentioned in 201 readings between 1924-1941. Stillingia utilization peaked in 1928 with another notable increase in 1935.

Cayce Quotes on Stillingia

4742-1 . . . In Stillingia, we will find as a diarrheic [diuretic?] for the digestive forces of the body (in a quantity which will be told you is very little, or not much dose but this we want as the IMPULSE, NOT an active force; for the active FORCES will be created by the manipulations and the adjustments!).
5664-1 . . . aided by those of the Stillingia and Sassafras as the CLARIFIER of the blood stream and the tendency of the allaying of nerve pressure.
1019-1 . . . the Stillingia, which in this combination makes for an activity to the kidneys for purifying or cleansing same, thus building or purifying the blood supply and adding to the gastric flow.
839-1 . . . the Stillingia as an emit and an active force with the gastric flow …
404-4 . . . Other properties, as in the Stillingia, make for that activity with the pulsations between the liver, the heart, the kidneys, in such a manner as to STILL the circulatory forces there.
5522-1 . . . This to aid the respiratory system, also sarsaparilla as a cleanser diathetic, and a purifier, as is also the stillingia and the properties as are in the other carriers.
5509-1 . . . Stillingia – an active force in the functioning of the liver, as related to the pancreas, and IS a stimuli TO same … 5683-1 . . . The Stillingia is as a sedentary action for the glands of digestion, or the lacteals, WITH those that will make for a better coordination of the muco-membranes in the intestines, that will clarify poisons from the body. (That’s in the Syrup of Rhubarb, see?)
5559-1 . . . the stimuli – both in the Stillingia and in the alcohol content, WITH the Ambergris – for the gastric forces of the intestines and stomach.
4721-2 . . . (Question) What is the condition of the spleen? (Answer) Taxed through the strain mentally and through the nerve system general. Stillingia and Calisaya, especially, for the liver and spleen.
816-2 . . . The active forces of these ingredients are as these: The Sage or Senna is as an emit activity upon the organs of the digestive system, and toning with the Stillingia, the Gin, the Ambergris, the active forces in the pancreas; especially; as well as a stimulation for the cleansing through the alimentary canal; cleansing also through the active forces upon the hepatic circulation.

Yellow Dock Root – (Rumex crispus)

Common Names and Synonyms: Curled Dock, Narrow-leafed Dock

Background: Native to Europe and now widely distributed in North American, yellow dock has traditionally been used as a mild laxative and liver cleanser. It was also used externally to relieve insect stings. Today, herbalists use yellow dock as a blood cleanser, tonic and builder. It is also used to stimulate the liver and gallbladder and aid in digestion. The characteristic of this plant is the light green narrow leaves, curled at the long edges, a stem 2 or 3 feet high, and a deep root which is bright yellow when the outer bark is scraped away. The roots are gathered in the fall, thoroughly cleaned, split lengthwise, and dried. A tea made from yellow dock root is mildly cathartic and promotes the flow of bile.

Yellow Dock in the Cayce Readings

Edgar Cayce recommended yellow dock root as a digestive aid and blood purifier, working especially with the liver and pancreas.
Yellow dock root was mentioned in 265 readings between 1911 and 1944. Yellow dock root utilization peaked in 1924 and decreased markedly with only a slight increase between 1932-1935.

Cayce Quotes on Yellow Dock

1012-1 . . . The Yellow Dock acts with the DIGESTIVE fluids themselves.
643-1 . . . The yellow dock root is an emit and blood purifier, an active principle with the secretions of the liver.
4650-1 . . . We find these conditions, for the condition to produce the proper secretions to the pancreas and to give the correct functioning of the liver these elements are added in those of the Burdock and Yellow Dock root, you see; for that of the liver and to reduce the high hepatic condition is given the Black root and Yellow root . . .

Poke Root – (Phytolacca decandra)

Synonyms: Pokeweed, Pigeon Berry, Poke Root, Coakum, Pocan

Background:Poke is a toxic herb which may be eaten after long boiling. Medicinally, poke is used as purgative and anti-inflammatory. Poke grows in shady soil across eastern North America. The green or purple stems bearing simple leaves and white flowers that give way to purple staining berries, was used in small doses by the Indians as a blood purifier. The roots were crushed and roasted. This plant must be properly cooked or it can be toxic.

Constituents: Poke root’s main constituents include triterpenoid saponins, alkaloid, resins, phytolacic acid, tannin, formic acid, fatty oil and sugar.

Medicinal Action and Uses: A slow emetic and purgative with narcotic properties. As an alterative it is used in chronic rheumatism and granular conjunctivitis. As an ointment, in the proportion of a drachm to the ounce, it is used in psora, tinea capitis, favus and sycosis, and other skin diseases, causing at first smarting and heat.

The slowness of action and the narcotic effects that accompany it render its use as an emetic inadvisable. It is used as a cathartic in paralysis of the bowels. Headaches of many sources are benefited by it, and both lotion and tincture are used in leucorrhoea.

As a poultice it causes rapid suppuration in felons. The extract is said to have been used in chronic rheumatism and hemorrhoids. Authorities differ as to its value in cancer.

Poke in the Cayce Readings

Edgar Cayce did not describe a specific action for poke.
Poke is mentioned in 49 readings between 1922-1943 with peak utilization between 1924-1926.
Poke was recommended as a food (poke greens in 8 reading during the later years) or as an ingredient in a complex compound. When prescribed in a compound, the most frequent form was prepared (tincture, extract, essence or fusion
Although a wide diversity of formulas were given that contained poke, the most common substances mentioned in the same readings with poke were as follows: Yellow Dock, Wild Cherry, Sarsaparilla, Stillingia, Tolu, Calisaya, Burdock Root, Mandrake, Potassium Iodide

Cayce Quotes on Poke

3741-1 . . . Then to bring the better results to the body, and to correct these conditions, we would first give that in the system that would give the correct incentives to the organs of elimination to function properly; that is, prepare the system first for the corrections in the dorsal region, and then stimulate all excretory system, and the nerve centers that are released, and we will bring the better conditions to the body. Taking, then, this first: Syrup Sarsaparilla, Syrup or Fluid Extract Wild Cherry Bark, Fluid Extract Stillingia, Fluid Extract Yellow Dock Root, Fluid Extract Poke Root.

Add to this sufficient simple syrup to make 12 ounces. The dose would be teaspoonful three times each day, until the greater, or until three-fourths of this has been taken. Then, through deep manipulations, osteopathically, reduce the condition in the dorsal region, 6th and 7th, 8th and 9th, reflexly. This will stimulate also the whole excretory system. At the same time taking those vibrations of the violet ray, using the heavier applicator, for three minutes each evening. Do not take this while medicinal properties are being taken, but after all of this has been taken. Begin with osteopathic treatments before the whole quantity is taken.
4818-1 . . . Then, to reduce the condition and to bring the normal forces to the body, we would first take those properties in the system that will give the correct incentives for the eliminations, then correct the condition in the cerebro-spinal nervous system, giving the correct functioning of the body and the correct vibrations through the adjustment of these conditions and bring about the normal forces.

Taking, then, this: To 4 ounces of simple syrup, add Syrup of Sarsaparilla, Elixia Calisaya. Fluid Extract Stillingia, Fluid Extract Yellow Dock Root, Fluid Extract Poke Root, Fluid Extract Capsici.

Shake solution well together before the dosage is taken. The dose would be half a teaspoonful taken three times each day. When two-thirds of quantity has been taken (and at the same time keeping the intestinal tract open, full, free, that we may reduce the eliminations and the excretory forces may be functioning nearer the normal), begin with the deep manipulations in the whole cerebro-spinal system, adding the light rays to the lower dorsal and the lumbar and sacral region, of the Alpine Rays. These we find will give the correct vibrations and the eliminations necessary to produce the adjustment and coordination through the body here, [4818].

Burdock Root (Arctium lappa)

Common Names and Synonyms: Beggar’s Buttons, Thorny Burr, Gypsy’s Rhubarb, Fox’s Clote, Cockle Buttons

Background: Burdock grows wild throughout much Europe and the northern United States. Traditionally, burdock was used as a blood purifier and to treat skin sores. Today burdock is also used as a systemic cleanser and is particularly noted as a liver purifier and hormone balancer, especially in cases of skin, arthritic and glandular problems. The large-leafed plant bears thistle-like red or purple flowers set in a round, fruiting head, covered with burrs. Burdock grows wild along field borders from July to September and the burrs cling to the fur of any passing animal or to a person’s clothing. The idea for the product known as Velcro came from the sticking quality of the burrs.

Active Ingredients: Burdock root contains: Approximately 27-45% inulin, mucilage (up to 75% of the root is carbohydrate in the form of fructo-oligo-saccharides (FOS) including inulin); 0.06-0.18% essential oil with so far 66 identified components; antibacterial polyacetylenes; bitter substances (i.e. lactones); 1.9-3.65% polyphenols including caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid and other powerful flavonoid-type antioxidants; sitosterol and stigmasterol.

Burdock in the Cayce Readings

According to the Cayce readings, the intended action of burdock was as a digestive stimulant to the stomach, intestines, pancreas and liver.
Burdock was mentioned in 160 readings between 1911 and 1944.
Burdock was always recommended with other substances in a compound, never by itself.

Cayce Quotes on Burdock

1012-1 . . . The Burdock is an activative force with or in the juices through the hydrochloric area, or in the pylorus.
4650-1 . . . We find these conditions, for the condition to produce the proper secretions to the pancreas and to give the correct functioning of the liver these elements are added in those of the Burdock and Yellow Dock root

Karma Cleanse comes in an 8-ounce bottle, which provides you with 48 servings, an approximate 6-week supply.


1/2 teaspoon twice a day is  the “recommended” and safe dosage.  My patients have test for dosages ranging from 1/2 teaspoon once, twice or three times daily to a full teaspoon once, twice or three times daily.  Again, as with any de-tox product, I highly recommend you work with a physician or other knowledgable health care provider who is able to advise, counsel and guide you through the process

NOTE: If you’re taking Detoxified Iodine and/ or Karma Cleanse (because the Karma Cleanse has Iodine in it), they should be taken at least two hours before the Probiotic or one hour after.
At issue is that there are living flora (or good bacteria) in the Probiotic that will killed by the Iodine if they are in the system at the same time. After 30 to 60 minutes, the Probiotic has been processed by the body, and there is no longer an issue.
Also, if you are taking both Karma Cleanse and Detoxified Iodine, be aware that Karma Cleanse contains the equivalent of 4 drops of Detoxified Iodine per teaspoon. You will want to adjust your dosage of Detoxified Iodine.



Karma Cleanse – $50 each
Shipping $4.50 per bottle

3-pack Karma Cleanse – $100 ($33 each)
Shipping $10.00 per 3-pack

Karma Cleanse – $50 each
Shipping $10.00 per bottle

3-pack Karma Cleanse – $100 ($33 each)
Shipping $20.00 per 3-pack

Price includes basic product information.

Contact Dr. P at [email protected]

Eating/Living According to the Season (Spring)

Eating/Living According to the Season (Spring)

•Both spring and autumn are seasons of transition.

• In spring we are transitioning from winter and preparing for summer as opposed to autumn where we are transitioning from summer to winter.

• Spring is a time of detoxification of the organs, especially the Liver and Intestines, getting them ready for lighter, watery, summer foods.

• Spring is a time of inspiration—wanting to get out and do things • Everyone has heard of spring cleaning. The same theory applies to the human body. • In spring we need to eat foods that have an “upward” movement—foods that reawaken the yang energy as that energy has been hibernating throughout the winter.

• Foods that can either be pungent or sweet are the rule of thumb for the spring.

• The liver is the ruler over the spring. It is the root of life’s ultimate action; its condition is revealed in the fingernails and toenails as well as in the muscles.

• The liver has the functions of strategic planning; the gallbladder has the function of decisions and judgments—Indecisiveness is always a gallbladder symptom.

• The morning time of day is governed by Spring; afternoon by Summer; evening by Autumn and night by Winter.

Spring Balance Spring Imbalance

Beginnings                                                             Still the same old stuff

Cleaning body, home                                        Excess

Elimination, exercise                                       Congestion, laziness

Garden, greens, sprouts                                  Weeds, “lifeless” foods, drugs

Creativity, enthusiasm                                    Overeating

Suggestions for Springtime Eating and Lifestyle:

• All green leafy chlorophyll laden vegetables including, but not limited, to sprouts, cabbage, collard greens, dandelion greens, turnip greens, mustard greens, watercress, kale, spring spinach, chicory, malvas’ and a host of other green vegetables deliberately given to humankind at this time of year to help us “clean up” our bodies.

• Dr.P’s Magic Green Drink is absolutely recommended at this time of year more than other time.

• The sweetness of spring applies by eating fruits such as strawberries other types of fruit in season and natural raw honey.

• Sassafras, peppermint, nettles and comfrey are all excellent herbs used for tea. It has been said that drinking one cup of sassafras tea a day for two weeks can help clean the entire body.

• Introducing more water, into the system but not as much water as is required in summer.

• Detoxification Programs such as the Gallbladder Flush, Stanley Burroughs’s The Master Cleanse and the VE Iron 7 day Intestinal Putrefaction Flush- the purpose of which is to eliminate toxins created by eating heavier winter foods and preparing the body for lighter summer foods.

• Fasting one day a week • Salt scrubs, hot baths, saunas and steam baths.

• Transitioning from meats to vegetables as spring gets closer and closer to summer.

• More and more outdoor activity which helps heal “spring fever”.

The long and the short of all this is that for centuries humankind has lived according to the seasons. In theory, we should only eat foods that grow 500-700 miles around us. The foods in this area are specific to the environment. We cannot do  this 100%. After all, many of us drink coffee and it does not grow in any region of the US. However, we can do the best we know how by putting our best foot forward and paying attention.

The Universe makes no mistakes—Humankind is another story!!

Best Cellular Detoxification Ever

Best Cellular Detoxification Ever

A New Model For Detoxification Best Cellular Detoxification Ever

This year I introduced what I believe to be  the most safe and effective regimen for a 60-day CELLULAR detoxification program that works sequentially, deeper and deeper in the body while providing smooth removal of toxins, chemicals, and metabolic wastes though the body’s innate processes.

Years ago I was able to recommend a bottle of Vitamin C or some type of Gallbladder or Adrenal support and the patients got better.  For whatever reasons (and there are many) this no longer works today–hence called A New Model for Detoxification because it is A New Model for a NEW MILLENIUM.

Until now there were no programs able to penetrate a cell’s dual membranes to gain entry into the cell; tweak the mitochondria and repair DNA. Repairing and stabilizing the dual cellular membrane and the Mitochondria (the DNA carrying energy engines of the cell) are the primary GOAL of the entire program. This is the new science of “Epigenetics”.  Some cells may contain up to 300 Mitochondria depending on the exact job the cell is programmed for.

Hormone imbalance which may very well be the root cause of weight gain are corrected through this program because hormones become imbalanced due to Cellular Toxixity.  Please see my post Weight Loss-Not Your Fault for details regarding weight loss and the 60 day cellular detoxification program.

Keeping in mind there are over 100 trillion cells in the body–a detox program such as this will initiate the process of cellular detoxification.  Science has known for years a cell in the big toe knows how to communicate with a cell in the kidney–they just do not understand HOW.  Point being, once the process is established the body recognizes the change and creates the same process everywhere it can.

This program is nothing akin to a Gallbladder Flush or Master Cleanse both of which I often recommend.  These types of flushes are specific for an organ or an area but are not designed to get into the cell itself.

The products used in were developed by Systemic Formulas.   The scholarship and science behind these product formulations is brilliant. The ingredients themselves are the best quality in the world and the combination of ingredients is impeccably standardized.

This program is divided into three 20 day phases. It addresses the Liver throughout all three phases, the extra-cellular matrix, and  the cell membranes/mitochondria. 

The 5 R’s of Cellular Healing!

  1. Remove the Source (eg. mercury fillings/beauty products)
  2. Regenerate Cell Membranes (Inner and Outer)
  3. Restore Cellular Energy (Mitochondrial ATP)
  4. Reduce Inflammation (Oxidative Free Radical Damage)
  5. Re-Establish Methylation (Cellular DNA Repair)

To accomplish the above a cellular detox program must provide the following:

  • Liver Support – When the liver’s vitality is improved, it can better detoxify the body.
  • Neuroendocrine Support – Helps protect the pituitary and hypothalamus during detoxification and helps avoid further hormone-receptor resistance and confusion.
  • Drainage Support – Additional support for the organs that serve asdetox pathways-the liver, gall bladder, and kidneys
  • Extra-cellular Matrix Support – Sequential focus on toxins that are stored in the adipose tissues and extra-cellular matrix. By first supporting the liver, then addressing the extra-cellular matrix, herxheimer reactions are avoided.
  • Cell Membrane Support – Antioxidants help protect the cell membranes from inflammatory toxins.
  • Inner Cell Methylation Support – Nutrition for the cell’s innate detoxification and repair mechanisms.
  • Inner Cell Free Radical Protection – Nutrition to protect the mitochondrial and cellular DNA from damage including intermediate metabolites.
  • Inner Cell Intermediate Metabolite Support – Nutritional protection from ammonia and sulfur metabolites.

**This regimen may at times be tailored to the individual taking the program based on a health professional’s assessment.

General Rules:

Use your head!! You have just invested in a state of the art cellular detox program.  Therefore for the 60 day program do your best to stay as “clean” as you can.

  • Increase water intake towards at least 96 ounces (3 quarts)
  • If a person feels like she/he is detoxifying too rapidly, contact me directly and we will walk through it
  • It would be enormously beneficial to avoid all sugar including Agave, Honey, Maple Syrup, High Fructose Corn Syrup etc.
  • It would also be enormously beneficial to avoid grains the reason being that grains contain “AMYLOSE” and amylose is a sugar.

Dietary Suggestions:

  1. No Dairy (Inflammation)     2. No Grains (inflammation)   3. No Sugar(inflammation)


Additional Suggestion: Castor Oil Pack over Liver 2-3 x weekly