Newsletter 25 – Microbiome Bacteria in the Small Intestine

Dr. Philip Princetta

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Atlanta Dates:  Tuesday, October 29th through Friday, November 8th

Please take a look at this short video from CBS NEWS This Morning

It is about Microbiome Bacteria in the Small Intestine.

Earlier this year I introduced a product called MBC (Microbiome Colonizer)

Attached is the pdf on this product.

When you watch the CBS short video you will see that diminished Microbiome Bacteria is directly related to the causes of inflammation.

I am not writing this to sell a product but rather to remind you of the fact that this practice of which you are a part of is ahead of the game.

With the exception of MBC and perhaps a few other brands–most probiotic formulas on the market are useless.

Atlanta Dates:  Tuesday, October 29th through Friday, November 8th

To your health,
Dr. Philip Princetta

It is more important to know what sort

of person has a disease than to know what

sort of disease a person has.

Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)