Heart issues being the # 1 cause of death forces me to continue pushing forward info needed to prevent heart issue. My policy is preventing heart problems is easier than treating heart problems. I recently had the Omega 3 Test for myself and for two other patients. I recommend the test because it provides a baseline as to where you are at with Omega 3 vs Omega 6. Once a baseline is determined, you treat appropriately and 6-12 months later re-test to see if what you did worked or did not work. I feel the same way about Vitamin D—test then treat if needed. This is not about tests it is about reading the information below–If you want to do the test, call me and I will set it up for you. Thank You
NIX6 and EAT3
Research Stories of Omega 3-6 Balance
Omega 3-6 Apps use Balance Scores