Sweet Fennel

Essential Oil Allies: Sweet Fennel

Fennel essential oil is obtained by steam distilling the seeds of Foeniculum vulgare var. dulce. It is mainly grown and distilled in France, Spain, Germany, Hungary and India for its essential oil.

Originating around the Mediterranean basin, this hardy perennial has been introduced to and naturalized across Eur-Asia, India and North America—adapting to most temperate climates. An ancient plant, the Ancient Chinese, Indian, Egyptian and Roman cultures employed this herb for medicine and culinary uses. According to Grieve: “It has followed civilization, especially where Italians have colonized.

The Birth of Venus, c. 1485. Uffizi, Florence by Sandro Botticelli

Like many plants from the Apiaceae family, fennel’s seeds have been used for centuries to address digestive complaints (mainly through chewing the seeds, infusions and tinctures). Sweet fennel has also been used to promote lactation, to aide in eyesight, ward off hexes and evil spirits and as a detoxifier/slimming agent (according to Grieve, it was originally called “marathon” by the ancient Greeks, derived from maraino, to grow thin).

Hildegarde von Bingen realized both physical and emotional benefits of fennel: “A person whom melancholy is harming should pound fennel to a liquid and rub it often on his forehead, temples, chest and stomach. His melancholy will stop.” This statement made hundreds of years ago still holds true—fennel essential oil is quite an uplifting and clearing agent. Its volatile oils ease into the mind-body, clearing away the cobwebs so thoughts and creativity may be freely and playfully expressed.

Sweet fennel essential oil shines in the realm of woman’s health, supporting breathing space, spastic pain and uplifting the mood. Fennel is widely used to support digestion but an herbal tincture, infusion of the seeds or chewing the seeds is best used for this versus the essential oil. However there are always exceptions: check out this online French Aromatherapy course to explore the internal use of essential oils, a great way to support digestive issues once you have solid guidelines.

Following are core applications for the essential oil:

System Core Applications
Reproductive Balancing to hormones, PMS, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, lack of or reduced sexual drive, lack of or reduced milk flow in lactating woman (fennel tea is indicated or inhalation of fennel e/o), cramps, menopause, perimenopause
Respiration Anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator, spastic coughing
Musculoskeletal & Circulatory Muscle spasms or cramps, general muscular aches and pains, detoxifier
Nervous/ Psyche/ Emotion Inflamed mind, difficulty communicating, mental fatigue, expressive, creativity, light-hearted, throat & sacral chakras
Digestion Massaged onto the abdomen for gaseous cramping, inhaled to promote digestive fire, and quell nausea

Chemistry Highlights: Sweet Fennel essential oil is rich in phenylpropanoids, specifically trans-anethole, which lends to its “anise-like” aroma, and methyl chavicol.

Of note: sweet (dolce) fennel of is not to be confused with the bitter (amara) variety, which is not used in aromatherapy due to its relatively higher content of fenchone and its more “harsh” nature.

Is Sweet Fennel Essential Oil Safe?

Due to its trans-anethole content, fennel essential oil should be avoided by any route (method of application, especially oral) in pregnancy, breastfeeding, endometriosis, and estrogen dependent cancers. Trans-anethole exhibits estrogenic actions. Essential oils with estragole (Methyl chavicol) should also be used carefully (especially internally) for its effect on the blood.

Blending with Sweet Fennel Essential Oil

Fennel stands well on its own and may over-take a blend (depending on country of origin)—start with fewer drops and add more as your blend matures and your olfactory sense sees fit. When blending with fennel, think about the core issue you are trying to address AND how you cook using fennel as it gets along quite well with many other culinary herbs and citrus.

Fennel essential oil swiftly, but sweetly, announces itself: bringing gifts of honey, clear blue skies, open meadows and pollinating insects. It exudes a slightly sweet-floral note, reminiscent of almond and anise confectionary. A bright, clean smell is apparent: memories of seafoam and clean blue water. The dry-down brings an expressive honey-hay aroma that playfully communicates fennel’s memory of its nectar-giving umbels that elegantly looked up at the same sky as you.

Fennel essential oil blends well with: other members of the Apiaceae family (Angelica archangelica, Coriandrum sativum), friends from the Lamiaceae family (Clary sage (Salvia sclarea), Sweet marjoram (Origanum majorana), Rosemary ct. cineole (Rosmarinus officinalis ct. cineole), Peppermint (Mentha x piperita), the Zingiberaceae family (Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum), Ginger (Zingiber officinale)), Citrus oils (Grapefruit (Citrus x paradisi), Mandarin (Citrus reticulata)) and florals (Cananga odorata Complete, Pelargonium graveolens, Rosa spp.)

Creating Wellness Products with Sweet Fennel

Supporting Feminine Power

This hormone-balancing massage oil is intended to support women of all ages (except during pregnancy and breast feeding). It features plants from the Apiaceae family and is supported by plants from the Lamiaceae family—these plant families have many powerful feminine allies.

What you need:

  • 1 ounce bottle (I prefer glass, pump-tops)
  • 1 ounce fixed oil of your choice: choose penetrating oils like Sesame (Sesamum indicum), Tamanu (Calophyllum inophyllum) or Hemp (Cannabis sativa) for pain.
  • Label
  • 5 drops Fennel seed (Foeniculum vulgare)
  • 5 drops Clary sage (Salvia sclarea)
  • 5 drops Angelica root* (Angelica archangelica)
  • 8 drops Coriander seed (Coriandrum sativum)
  • 12 drops Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

How to make:

  • Combine the essential oils in the glass bottle, affix the cap and shake to combine.
  • Allow the essential oils to mingle for at least a few hours
  • Add the fixed oil(s) of your choice to the bottle
  • Affix the bottle dispenser and label the bottle

How to use:

  • A best practice to use powerful oils like these on a protocol: use one week before menses to work with PMS symptoms and during menses for cramping and mood balancing. Then take a break from this blend, until 7 days before menses starts.
  • Use up to 3 times per day, especially when experiencing cramping.
  • Apply a small amount of oil to the lower abdomen and pelvic joint-creases.
  • Massage the oil over your lymph nodes and utilize the hair follicles to help the oils absorb into the body.
  • *Safety note: Angelica archangelica root has photo-toxic properties. Keep the treated area out of UV/sunlight (and tanning beds) for at least 12, if not 24 hours.

Brighten Your Day with this Mind and Lung Opening Blend

My experiences with this synergy have been absolutely joyous and bright, always quite expansive and dare I say bubbly. Use this synergy of allies for a pick-me-up during any time of the day. Consider using it during meditation and breathing exercises to harness the benefits of these cephalic oils.

Create the synergy in a standard 5 ml bottle equipped with a cap and orifice reducer. Combine the essential oils and let them sit for at least one day. Use as needed for your preferred method of application. I suggest using it in a nebulizing diffuser, an aromatic inhaler or with direct palm inhalation.

  • 10 drops Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare var. dulce)
  • 8 drops Rosemary ct. cineole (Rosmarinus officinalis ct. cineole)
  • 14 drops Black pepper (Piger nigrum)
  • 12 drops Frankincense (Boswellia carteri)
  • 16 drops Lemon (Citrus limon)

Foaming Soap for Spring Cleaning the Soul and Hands

Bring the uplifting, cleansing qualities of fennel to a nourishing and gentle foaming soap base. Create the following synergy of essential oils and add to this recipe.

  • 15 drops Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare var. dulce)
  • 15 drops Rose geranium (Pelargonium graveolens)
  • 25 drops Lemon (Citrus limon)

Be with the plants in their many forms, take their messages and let them guide you. I bid you much joy in blending and creating.

Clary Sage Oil -Benefits Are Priceless

Clary Sage Oil -Benefits Are Priceless

A close relative of the common garden sage, the Clary Sage is a perennial herb that grows from May to September.

When converted into an essential oil, Clary Sage provides outstanding benefits for your eyes, nervous system, digestion and kidneys. Although it doesn’t come cheap, it’s still worth using due to its many positive health effects.

What Is Clary Sage Oil?

Clary Sagel Oil is extracted by steam distillation from the buds and leaves of the Clary Sage plant whose scientific name is Salvia Sclarea. In the past was found in Southern France, Italy and Syria, but today is cultivated worldwide — mostly within European regions, including Central Europe, as well as England, Morocco, Russia and the United States.

Clary sage gets its name from the Latin word “clarus,” which means “clear.” It was referred to as “clear eyes” during the Middle Ages.

Clary sage oil is often used to help improve vision and to address related conditions, such as tired or strained eyes. The Clary Sage seeds are known among Germans as “muscatel sage,” due to their use as a flavor enhancer for muscatel wine.

Uses of Clary Sage Oil

Clary oil essential oil is added to soaps, detergents, creams, lotions and perfumes. In fact, it is the main component of Eau de Cologne, a simple perfume that originated in Cologne, Germany.

Apart from potentially treating eye health-related problems, Clary Sage oil is also used to help calm the nervous system, especially during times of stress, depression and insomnia. If you’re new to aromatherapy, I suggest trying out Clary Sage oil to experience its anxiety-fighting effects.

Clary sage oil also can help address menstrual issues (cramps and hot flashes), promote relaxation during childbirth and ease menopause symptoms. Other functions of Clary Sage oil include:

  • Aphrodisiac — While there are no prominent studies confirming it as an aphrodisiac, this is another well-known use of Clary Sage oil.
  • Painkiller — Clary sage essential oil can help relieve headaches, back pain, muscle stiffness and cramps.
  • Antiseptic — Oil of clary sage can be used to potentially cleanse wounds and may help protect the body during surgery and against other infections
  • Blood pressure regulator — It can help reduce blood pressure by relaxing the arteries, and may help decrease your risk of heart problems.
  • Hair treatment — Clary sage is believed to help stimulate hair growth. The essential oil can also help in limiting the sebum produced in scalp and aid in treating dandruff.
  • Skin health promoter — Clary sage oil can help regulate oil production and reduce inflammation that contributes to dermatitis
  • Ingredient in herbal products — It is found in many herbal personal care products like facial cleansers.
  • Ingredient in liqueur and food products — Clary sage oil is added to  muscatel wine and wine essences. It is also used as a natural additive in food products like frozen dairy desserts, baked goods, condiments and non-alcoholic beverages.

Composition of Clary Sage Oil

The chief components of Clary Sage Essential Oil are Sclareol, Alpha Terpineol, Geraniol, Linalyl Acetate, Linalool, Caryophyllene, Neryl Acetate and Germacrene-D. As the name suggests, Clary Sage oil was and still is primarily used as a cleanser for the eyes. It is supposed to brighten eyes, improve vision and protect loss of vision due to premature or normal aging. However, that is not where the health benefits stop; there are many other health benefits that aren’t as well known.

Benefits of Clary Sage Oil

Regular sage oil (Salvia officinalis) and Clary Sage oil possess similar therapeutic properties, but the former is often associated with adverse reactions.

Aroma therapists prefer Clary Sage oil, and consider it safer. Clary sage essential oil can help fight bacteria that may thrive in your digestive system, urinary tract and excretory system.

It exhibits moderate antibacterial activity against various strains of bacteria like Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella and Proteus mirabilis species,11 and potent anti fungal activity against strains of Candida, Aspergillus, Penicillium and Fusarium species

This essential oil can be particularly helpful for women because of its hormone-like components. In Europe, Clary Sage oil is employed to help ease menopausal discomfort, menstrual pain and regulate menstrual cycles.

Due to its esters, it can help relax muscular spasms and pains that may arise from stress and nervous tension.The oil from the Clary Sage plant may also provide the following benefits to your health:

  • Rubbed on the bottom of the feet for menopause/menstrual cramps **
  • Helps treat symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Assists in regulating blood pressure
  • Helps relax the bronchial tubes of asthma sufferers
  • Helps treat respiratory ailments like colds, bronchitis and sore throat
  • Works to support healthy digestion
  • Helps address acne and oily skin
  • Reduces your risk of inflammation and certain types of dermatitis
  • Improves memory and helps stimulate mental activity

How to Make Clary Sage Oil

In the production of the essential oil, Clary Sage herbs undergo steam distillation, and this process yields a colorless or pale yellowish-green oil, with a sweet, nutty and balsamic aroma. The composition of the oil may differ depending on what species of Salvia is used for the extraction.

How Does Clary Sage Oil Work?

Clary sage oil can be used topically and inhaled. It can also be ingested, as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies it as generally safe for human consumption (GRAS) and approves it as an additive for foods. Below are some specific ways to enjoy Clary Sage oil benefits:

  • To soothe eye problems, soak a clean cloth in a mixture of warm water and a few drops of Clary Sage oil. Afterward, press over both eyes for 10 minutes.
  • Relieve anxiety and emotional tension by inhaling Clary Sage oil. Add a few drops to diffusers and burners.
  • Use the oil as a massage oil and rub on painful areas. This can also be used on women suffering from menstrual pains.
  • Add a few drops to your bath water to address pain and stress.
  • Apply topically as a moisturizer to regulate the production of sebum on your skin.

 Is Clary Sage Oil Safe?

As with other essential oils, Clary Sage oil should be diluted with a carrier oil like coconut oil and olive oil. Always make sure that you only use therapeutic grade essential oils, and consult a physician or an experienced aromatherapist before using the product internally.

In spite of Clary Sage’s benefits, it should never be used if you’re consuming alcohol or taking any narcotics. People with low blood pressure should also avoid using this herbal oil because of its hypotensive effects.

With its powerful sedative properties,Clary Sage oil can enhance the intoxicating and narcotic effects of alcohol and drugs.

Due to its estrogenic nature, Clary Sage essential oil may have a negative impact on people who need to regulate their estrogen levels. It is important for people with estrogen-induced conditions to avoid using it, and seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

While Clary Sage may have a beneficial effect for childbirth, it should be avoided by women during pregnancy because it stimulates menstrual flow. Infants and young children should also be kept away from essential oils due to their highly sensitive skin.

Clary Sage Oil Side Effects

To test if you have any sensitization to oil of Clary Sage, I suggest applying a drop of it on a small portion of your skin and observe for any adverse reactions for 24 hours. You may also do a skin patch test.

If you’re fit for use, control use of the oil, as large quantities can cause headaches and drowsiness. Some people experience euphoria upon use, which hinder their concentration. In some individuals, the effects of Clary Sage oil are comparable to those of cannabis. According to them, they end up feeling drugged when used in aromatherapy massage.

Never use Clary Sage oil directly on your eyes. Avoid ingesting or applying undiluted oils on your skin without the supervision of a qualified aromatherapist. Apart from consulting a knowledgeable professional, do your research prior to using Clary Sage oil as well as other essential oils.

Other Benefits: Clary Sage essential oil can be used to battle addiction (particularly drugs) and can stimulate a change in mentality towards a positive way of approaching life. Furthermore, it is anti-inflammatory in nature and can treat back aches and joint pain. In terms of skin care, it can help to regulate excess sebum production and prevent acne from forming. It also eases labor and reduces labor pains.

A Few Words of Caution: It can enhance the intoxicating effects of alcohol and other narcotics, since it is a relaxant and a sedative by nature. Heavy dosage can also cause headaches. Pregnant or nursing women should avoid using it, since there has not been enough research done on the transference of effects through breast milk to children.