Belief System
Looking back at 30 years as a natural health care facilitator, it has occurred to me that the real issue when addressing the health/illness question isn’t can it be approached in a comprehensive manner, but rather if I as the facilitator, can assist someone in changing their belief system.
After all, we are all stuck in old and destructive patterns. The question is how we get to the place where we can truly understand that there is a viable reason for wanting to help ourselves. Without understanding the reason why, we will never get to that place in our lives where there is hope and without hope we are all destined to repeat the same destructive patterning both as individuals and as a whole.
Granted, many people are resistant to the idea of relinquishing ingrained thought patterns which hold steadfastly to the conquest of the senses world. However, there is none the less, an ever growing movement pushing back to our connection with the Creative Force. It is this attunement which affords meaning to a meaningless world. This is the attunement we each seek while approaching the center within. What’s more, when the physical body resonates with the Creative Force it returns to the equalizing and/or expression of the soul along with the soul potential.