Newsletter 16 – Sabbath

I recommended this book  numerous times since studying with Wayne Muller and his organization Bread for the Journey back in the 90’s.

I am  recommending it again because the #1 problem with most every single one of my patients is STRESS!  

Americans do not value stess reduction and pay a huge price for not doing so!

It has been said it takes 12 years to recover from just 1 year of stress.

I am sincerely asking you to read this book and to begin taking one full day off per week and make that day about you.  Learn the sacred rythym of rest and understand why Sabbath has existed for millenia. Initially this may be painful – after a few weeks,you will never want to go back.

You may think you know what Sabbath means but you really don’t.  Read the book!

Furthermore, even though you are taking a full day off; you wind up getting more done in the remaining six days; and done with less stress.

This is the best advise I can give you to begin this Healthy New Year

To your health,
Dr. Philip Princetta